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How to bring in more migrants : Comments

By David Hale, published 4/5/2022

If we can issue 160,000 skilled migrant and family visas a year, in addition to temporary visas, we can take in more refugees.

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There is an opening for a bright young man with an entrepreneurial bent to manufacturing violins, as accompaniment to the slide of this Country with an increasing volume of it living in tents on the footpath.

Get ready for this to actually happen. It would be a hard guess from which side of politics these idiot self destructive schemes will originate.
Blind Freddy can see scams written all over this, as those with a blinkered view of reality on the ground, make decisions based on emotional self destruction, in total ignorance of them that will pay that “real cost” in homelessness and suppressed wages and living conditions, of those still left standing.

Shut the borders mate, that’s the way to go!

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 8:01:13 AM
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Nonsense. Being charitable has nothing to do with migrants. We definitely do not need more migrants. For heaven's sake. We have just got the unemployment rate down to 4% because lazy politicians haven't been able to import hordes of people to keep wages down and house prices up.

"What should immigration overhaul then look like in Australia?"

Answer: no immigration, apart from that which can be demonstrated to be absolutely vital to Australia. And NO 'refugees', ever.

International students? Tax payer funded universities are not industries. They should educate locals, the children of the people paying for them.

Working visas? Back door immigration. There are still 4% of Australians not working. Plus, it seems, some retirees who would like to do some work without losing too many benefits.

This piece is typical of Hale's airy-fairy, all silly ideas and no responsibility claptrap.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 10:10:51 AM
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This is lazy economics to create demand. Demand that results in gridlock, unaffordable housing and pockets of poverty! As for education? We need to stop leaving Aussies behind just to create space for well heeled foreigners!

The only suggestion with merit is the idea of guest labour to overcome temporary skill shortages, and could be used to also upskill our own. Labour shortages can be overcome to a degree by allowing pensioners to work and indeed add their experience and skill sets to the labour market.

Apart from that, we need to lower our energy costs substantially, so as to aid increased automation and value adding. (MSR thorium) Other factors we might consider are remote applications that allow us to access missing skills via online systems. And video conferencing as a substitute for travel/business/management upskilling?

And we need to end endemic poverty right here so as to increase flow on economic activity. And more so than we could with migration!

That said, we could increase our refugee intake and allow them to earn a living here as farm workers, so as to end the free rides many get courtesy of our hard pressed taxpayer, whose funds should be used to increase public housing and the infrastructure deficit instead! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 4 May 2022 11:05:52 AM
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ttbn and Dan, here, here and well said!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 4 May 2022 11:09:07 AM
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More migrants= more demand for housing we don't have! Some of which could become both available and more affordable if we outlawed foreign investment in the real estate residential market. And demanded those that had holdings here release them to the housing market or have them confiscated?

We don't need empty apartments etc., and our own reduced to living in roadside tents or their cars etc. We also need negative gearing reduced to five houses max per individual and exclusive to new houses only! This would release significant taxpayer funds for more public housing and infrastructure projects, like say new MSR thorium power station and rapid rail to reduce the commute to work and study!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 4 May 2022 11:21:28 AM
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- Housing, that's what I was going to comment

How about this moron start paying everyones rent?
A lot of people cant afford to buy anymore, we can't even afford to rent where we live anymore since all southerners moved up to QLD and double the cost of rent everywhere.
People up here now have the same stuff Victoria had down there, people offer 20% above whats asked just to secure what they want, and everyone else can go get stuffed, apparently.

- I had an answer for this, it was to build relocatable homes straight off production lines.
Elon Musk apparently lives in one.
It's not like we have a shortage of land.

He wants everyone else to have less and pay more for his feel-good ideas.

I also told you all how to fix things

Non-obligation - Double dole for full time work helping the government save money.
Why pay someone $600 a fortnight to do nothing
when you can pay $600 a week and get a full time worker

I also told you about having a full school curriculum online
1 - so any kid in the nation has access to the best education
2 - and it completely reduces the cost of such
- Think about how this would've helped during the pandemic.
they don't want this
Because the system works from kids in public schools growing up to be employees and kids in private schools growing up to be employers and academics and thats how the system works for the rich.
They need others to empty their bins.

The whole country's haddit.
Ran by idiots who care more about refugees and people with weird sexual preferences, than the rest of society.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 11:47:45 AM
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Earth To David Hale: If you paid any attention to unwashed voters, instead of gazing at your own navel, they don't want a return to mass immigration.

But no need to fret, chap, your elite team has already won. LibLab and Greens have already signed off on a humungous 235,000 net migration a year. Which is even more extreme than the Big Australia years of 2005-2020. Be happy.
Posted by Steve S, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 1:43:25 PM
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Is this bloke just a dummy, who can't see past the nose on his face, or does he really want to disadvantage all Australian born folk.

We have thousands who not only can't afford to buy a home, but can't even find one to rent at any price, & he wants to flood the housing market with tens of thousands of useless flotsam. He really must hate Ozzies.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 2:20:19 PM
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We need solutions not more problems;
You think we need more immigrants?
That means more problems.

You see this: This is a solution.

Boxabl Castita.
Just the type of idea that I told you we needed years ago.

In the famous words of John McCLean:
(Bruce Willis - Die Hard)

"Now, you listen to me, jerk-off, if you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 3:09:53 PM
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Dave Hale: we can take in more refugees.

No, we can't, because they'll be from the Middle East. A danger to a good Christian country.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 4:11:02 PM
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flood the housing market with tens of thousands of useless flotsam.
Those who want them to come must be made to house & look after them until they can support themselves !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 5:28:41 PM
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We're not a good Christian country.
A good Christian country would always welcome refugees. It really is that simple.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 7:19:03 PM
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Aidan: A good Christian country would always welcome refugees. It really is that simple.

Just as well that Australians are not really good Christians.

As the Ayatollah Khemlani told his Audience in Western Australia before flying back to Iran. "Get all your relatives & friends to immigrate to Australia because Australia is a Religious Desert & ripe for converting to Islam, whether they like it or not." End of Quote.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 4 May 2022 10:34:39 PM
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A good Christian country would always welcome refugees. It really is that simple.
Australia has been taking in more refugees than there should be in the first place. A large number of the people who claim refugee status now aren't refugees in the truth sense of the term. If they didn't divide themselves through religion & other idealism I'm certain they could live better lives in their countries.
It definitely is not Christian to go somewhere else & hold out your hand & then condemn those who feed & house them !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 5 May 2022 7:12:36 AM
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So you think being a religious desert is preferable?


>Australia has been taking in more refugees than there should be in the first place.

Of course! No people should be persecuted in the first place, therefore there should be no refugees. But the world is not as it should be. Millions of people are persecuted, and so there are many refugees.

> If they didn't divide themselves through religion & other idealism
> I'm certain they could live better lives in their countries.

A life denying the truth and sucking up to corrupt leaders is not a better life.

> It definitely is not Christian to go somewhere else & hold out your hand & then condemn those who feed & house them

Don't make the mistake of conflating criticism with condemnation. It is not Christian to keep silent when people are harming others.
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 5 May 2022 10:12:54 AM
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Aidan: So you think being a religious desert is preferable?

Anything would be preferable to Islam. It's the strict adherence to the Dogma that is their undoing.

In this modern world there would be a lot less Wars If there was no Islam. There would still be War but only about 10% of what there is now-a-days.

Mind you, War & Pestilence does serve a purpose. It keeps the World Population down to a manageable level. Unfortunately, like it or not that is a true statement. If there had been no wars, Black Death or Plague the World would have passes 9 Billion somewhere in the late 18th. century. Can you imagine the Chaos they would have been at that time. That means that there would, at a guestimate about 20 Billion people on Earth in the 22nd Century.

Just ponder on that for a moment.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 5 May 2022 11:19:48 AM
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Bringing in immigrants and refugees into Australia probably makes the world safer for the tyrants they are fleeing from- and makes the world less stable by destroying sources of stability like Australia. Doubling down on world chaos.

Strange to see an Anglican Lay Chaplin promoting policies that appear to be diluting British Culture and Ethnicity. We should be helping those wanting immigration and refuge to change their nations into something more like British Culture.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 5 May 2022 4:29:57 PM
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The good samaritan didn't give the traveller his house- the reward for charity can't be more charity- otherwise charity will be lost to the world.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 5 May 2022 4:34:46 PM
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>Bringing in immigrants and refugees into Australia probably makes the
>world safer for the tyrants they are fleeing from
Possibly, but it's not safety that tyrants typically seek - they prefer a bit of chaos so that they can spin their own tyranny as a source of stability.

>and makes the world less stable by destroying sources of stability like Australia.
The tyrants often use this kind of slander, but why are you? Where exactly did you get the notion that refugees are destroying us?

>Strange to see an Anglican Lay Chaplin promoting policies that appear to be diluting
>British Culture and Ethnicity.

Australia's ethnicity has always been different from that of Britain, and in both countries the ethnic makeup has changed over the past few decades. Nothing to worry about.

And as (I think) Terry Pratchett once wrote:
England isn't heaven, despite what some poets have said.

>We should be helping those wanting immigration and refuge to change their nations
>into something more like British Culture.

Those who are fleeing are usually powerless to change anything, let alone the culture of the nation they're fleeing from!

Culture is dynamic, constantly changing. British culture has become more like Australian culture. And if you're arguing for more Australian cultural exports, I'm inclined to agree (though I hope Neighbours gets replaced with something better).

Australia is a multicultural nation. That doesn't mean everyone keeps the culture of where they're from; it means that everyone's free to determine their own culture.
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 5 May 2022 6:55:28 PM
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You said
>Just as well that Australians are not really good Christians.

That's what I was asking if you thought being a religeous desert is preferable to. Do you?

As for Islam, there are many interpretations of it, not all of which involve strict adherence to the dogma (which is indeed their undoing). But generally the stricter they are, the more likely they are to be the cause of persecution, and the less likely they are to run away from it.

>Mind you, War & Pestilence does serve a purpose. It keeps the World Population down to a manageable level.
That argument may have had some credibility before the contraceptive pill was available, but now it has none at all. People tend to have enough children to ensure their lineage continues. War and pestilence result in people having many more children then they otherwise would, as they overcompensate for the threats.
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 5 May 2022 6:57:32 PM
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Aiden: War and pestilence result in people having many more children then they otherwise would, as they overcompensate for the threats.

Oh, I agree. Prime examples are the Middle East & most parts of Africa.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 5 May 2022 7:30:20 PM
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You really need to be exposed to working for all you have & receive. Your attitude would change dramatically regarding the definition of refugees & good samaritans.
Canem Malum's description of charity is about the most helpful & thought provoking you could ever expect to be given to think about. Think about it !
Helping someone in need is humane, giving everything to someone pretending to be in need is plain Societal suicide !
The evidence is circling us !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 5 May 2022 7:42:10 PM
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Aiden said- "Australia's ethnicity has always been different from that of Britain, and in both countries the ethnic makeup has changed over the past few decades. Nothing to worry about. Australia is a multicultural nation. That doesn't mean everyone keeps the culture of where they're from; it means that everyone's free to determine their own culture."


If I think there is something to worry about- there's something to worry about- I definitely need to worry about idiots that feel they need to tell me what to believe- and try to deprecate my beliefs- probably because they have alternate foreign interests.

Just because some idiot asserts that Australia "is" or "should be" a multicultural nation doesn't make it so. Many Australian's and the cultural engineers themselves believe that British Australian culture and ethnicity is being undermined. Another example of nefarious people telling others what to believe.

It's sad that many people fall for such simple psychological techniques as telling them what they should believe.

There are laws and departments that seek to prevent everyone from determining their own culture and ethnicity such as the Equal Opportunity Commission- bigotry in the name of objectivity- even if it was objective it wouldn't be valid- defund the EOC.

It's usually about power- social engineers and con artists will try to steal your heritage for their own power. It's often been said that if you're not growing you're dying- perhaps this is why humans always go to war- there are those that talk peace but increase their manuveuring. Rather than seeking to take more of the pie- grow your own pie.

My sense is Aiden is a creepy dangerous nihilistic communist traitor.

The Cato Institute mentioned in David Hale's article says it's Libertarian but says it hails from the Austrian School of Economics apparently a bit of a fringe group.

Thanks Individual for your feedback.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 5 May 2022 10:38:56 PM
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Calem's description is a strawman. Nobody's suggesting we give everything.
But Australia's attitude to refugees has been antichristian. We're not only failing to help many who need it, but also preventing refugees from helping themselves. And when we prevent people from helping themselves, we shouldn't blame them for depending on us.

ISTR Australia is spending far more on deterring refugees than on helping them. We should make better use of that money, and try to make refugee immigration profitable.


People don't choose their ethnicity. And how Australia treats people certainly shouldn't depend on whether their ancestors came from Britain. Sure, maybe you think it should - but if you do, the vast majority of Aussies abhor your racism!

Culture doesn't depend on ethnicity nor on the EOC - it depends on values, interests and lived experience. But I am rather curious as to why you think the EOC has prevented anyone from determining their own culture?

> My sense is Aiden is a creepy dangerous nihilistic communist traitor.
Creepiness is subjective so I can't refute it, but I'm not a physical danger to anyone - though I suppose I could be a threat to a few of those overreliant on the status quo. I'm a Christian not a nihilist, and I'm pretty sure no self identifying communist would regard me as one of their lot. Maybe you could contrive a definition that includes me, but it would probably include ten million other Aussies too.

And why would you regard me as a traitor when I've broken no agreement and I genuinely want what's best for Australia? Is it because I let what Jesus said and did inform me as to what the best actually is?
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 6 May 2022 2:39:42 AM
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Christianity isn't the be-all end-of of what is good and decent.

I've got a whole family full of them and despite their claimed moral superiority, they are some of the most ignorant, self centred and horrible people you can come across.

On the outside they seem well-meaning, but peel back the covers and look underneath and what you see isn't pretty at all Aiden.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 6 May 2022 3:17:57 AM
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Calem's description is a strawman. Nobody's suggesting we give everything.
No straw men for miles on this subject. Not suggesting we give everything is irrelevant because we've already given too much. Perhaps you don't want to see that but I, as someone who's has worked for 52 years, see our Taxes splurged on people who criticise us whilst they're not moving a finger towards pulling their own weight.
Those who don't belong to that group aren't saying anything & just do their job in appreciation of what Australians have enabled them to live a good life.
They never make the news because they're decent folk !
Posted by individual, Friday, 6 May 2022 7:20:37 PM
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>Christianity isn't the be-all end-of of what is good and decent.
True, and I'd be quite suspicious of anyone who thought it was.


>No straw men for miles on this subject.
Very impressive - you've actually achieved Trumpian levels of preposterousness!

>Not suggesting we give everything is irrelevant because we've already given too much
Calling out lies is never irrelevant, and we give far less than is needed.

>Perhaps you don't want to see that but I, as someone who's has worked for 52 years, see our Taxes
>splurged on people who criticise us whilst they're not moving a finger towards pulling their own weight.

Firstly, CRITICISING US IS NOT A BAD THING! It is important for us to know the truth, and we can't do so when everyone stays silent about the problems.
Secondly, when people aren't pulling their own weight we should find out why, and help them to remedy the problem. But it's hypocritical to complain about people not moving a finger towards pulling their own weight when we've tied their hands!
Posted by Aidan, Saturday, 7 May 2022 1:30:25 AM
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it's hypocritical to complain about people not moving a finger towards pulling their own weight when we've tied their hands!
People like myself haven't tied their hands, people like you have & now you blame us for it & demand that we just keep giving more than is morally good !
My lot aren't dreaming up social engineering & PC which resulted in destroying whole cultures & generations, your lot's doing that !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 7 May 2022 3:23:34 PM
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When I said "we" I meant Australia as a nation. Federal governments have been tying the refugees' hands, and that's been true no matter whether Liberal or Labor are in charge.

If you think we're giving what is more than morally good, you have a very serious moral deficiency! Australia's spending very little on helping refugees, and far more on cruelly deterring them.

And although I've alway been opposed to PC, your claim that it and social engineering have destroyed whole cultures and generations is laughable.
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 8 May 2022 2:28:41 PM
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your claim that it and social engineering have destroyed whole cultures and generations is laughable.
Displaced people aren't laughable in my eyes. What is laughable is people with your mentality constantly excusing perpetrators & blaming people who want to prevent that !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 May 2022 6:12:35 PM
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>Displaced people aren't laughable in my eyes
Nor mine. But imagining PC (insidious though it is) and social engineering to be the cause of people being displaced people is laughable.

> What is laughable is people with your mentality...
What exactly do you imagine my mentality to be?

>...constantly excusing perpetrators & blaming people who want to prevent that !
I'm baffled as to what you're referring to. Can you supply some examples please?
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 9:38:47 AM
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