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The Forum > Article Comments > The tomb of the rich > Comments

The tomb of the rich : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 13/10/2021

If modern existential death has a face, that face is clearly outlined in the TV series White Lotus.

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The laconic message in this dark song is the simplicity of the Christian message.
It’s hard to go past it for its simplicity in artistic form.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 10:22:23 AM
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I suggest you get on U tube and the spirituality channel to hear the first-hand account of a Canadian capitalist/merchant who was clinically dead for 11 minutes. And bourne out by hospitable records. He recalls seeing heaven and hell. And a literal conversation with Jesus.

Now I'm hardly a religious man. but as someone who was rushed to hospital and DOA. And revived with the paddles and an injection of adrenalin, his account rings true for me, who saw what he described to some extent. And as a returning eyewitness, can recall in lucid detail.

So, Peter, there is life after death, a soul and heaven and hell!

Moreover being gay is not a sin, given those who are gay (Jesus?) are born with their sexual bias part of their God-given nature.

Simply put, nobody chooses their sexual bias, or to be gay! And given what they have to tolerate, nobody, but nobody, WOULD CHOOSE to be gay or homosexual.

Those that persecute them do so through barbaric, stone-age choice and the only place in this chapter of life that includes choice, sin and the road to hell!

I mean, I might participate in homosexual sex, but only with a gun held to my head! And I dare say that would include every naturally heterosexual person on the planet!

Stop fretting, Peter, what happens in the privacy of your bedroom between consenting adults? Is nobody's business but yours and his! And is not a sin any more than being born left-handed! It's a natural aberration that occurs throughout nature!

One cannot claim the chicken scratchings in a two-thousand-year-old book are all true or divinely inspired! But particularly those chapters that include the inculcated, semi-primitive beliefs and cultural/social mores of illiterate, almost stone age, sheepherders!

Where a woman need only be accused of unproven adultery to be murdered by stone-throwing "cultural warriors"! And the only sinners in such stories!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 13 October 2021 10:51:50 AM
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Funny how people who don't believe in Christianity feel the need to rubbish it all the time.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 10:58:59 AM
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Al B

Inside a church structure you appear to hold contempt for, are mixing of the righteous with the self righteous.
Those two thousand year old scribblings you deride, have clearly identified the difference between the two for your convenience.

Where you find the Angels is in the real world outside.

Your contempt for Christianity gives more away about yourself than I’m sure you realise.

Dive a bit deeper into it.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 11:52:54 AM
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ttbn When one reads of the misdeeds of the ecclesiastical class, often in the name of God, over the centuries is it any wonder.
Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 11:57:19 AM
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Alan. The heart may have stopped beating and the lungs have stopped breathing, but it takes a while for the brain to stop functioning and no doubt it retains the ability to still dream, just as we dream when we are asleep. I often dream, and it is amazing how realistic those dreams generally are, but in truth, when I wake up, I realize that's all they were, dreams.
Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 12:11:34 PM
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