The Forum > Article Comments > Al Jazeera and AP cover up destruction of Hamas media mouthpiece > Comments
Al Jazeera and AP cover up destruction of Hamas media mouthpiece : Comments
By David Singer, published 24/5/2021Al Jazeera and Associated Press (AP) reports on Israel's demolition of the 14 storey building in which their respective offices were located illustrates media anti-Israel bias.
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All the media has misrepresented Israel in the current conflict, now a state of "peace" until the next time Hamas attacks Israel. It is because all the media is anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 24 May 2021 8:26:37 AM
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because all the media is anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.
ttbn. I wasn't around then but from what I was told & have read, the Nazis in 1930's Germany started off like that. PC first, then dob-in, then well, we all know what followed. The Leftists are indeed a treacherous outfit ! They're the most right-wing you can be yet they perpetually bleat "Right Wing Extremism" but not disclosing that they refer to themselves ! Posted by individual, Monday, 24 May 2021 9:21:49 AM
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My goodness what a pile of nauseous trash complete with utterly tenuous links that would make any conspiracy theorist proud.
Singer is trying to make the case that The Middle East Eye represents part of the Hamas intelligence apparatus. What utter hogwash and indicative of the quite distasteful propaganda served up by Israel's shills. He even bloody contradicts himself because he first claimed “Middle East Eye (MEE) - an increasingly prominent web portal - often obscures its finances, but it increasingly fills the gap as Qatar's chief agent of influence.” There is absolutely no way this justified the bringing down of that building. It was purely done so reporting on the slaughter of women and children in Gaza's street would be obscured. It was a venal act from a venal leadership and those attempting to justify it like this are part of the club. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 24 May 2021 9:32:32 AM
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The Socialists are extremely anti-Semitic whether they call themselves Marxists or National Socialists. I'm not sure what "ism" fits Hamas, but they are a murderous, anti-Semitic organisation - a fact never mentioned by any of the media in their fervour to express their own hatred of Jews and Israel. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 24 May 2021 9:38:22 AM
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Good article.
- Not Yours, The Middle East Eye article/s you linked - So the only actual thing you could find to get upset over was, 'conveniently omitting to include MEE's location'. - That's it? You're saying their denigrating and deligitimising the Jewish state - Because they omitted to include MEE's location? What if they had've included it? What would've been your gripe then? That they're somehow now associated or affiliated with MEE? You yourself even linked the article where MEE stated 'Israel bombs Gaza building used by Middle East Eye, Al Jazeera and AP' - What are you accusing MEE of? - Reporting the truth? Are you just angry the MEE reports news at all? - Trying to make sense of this, David - Nothing in any of the MEE articles I just looked at seem to be 'Designed to whip up anti-Israel hatred' - It's just news reporting - And so what because MEE is in the building that's somehow justification for 'Israel's demolition of the 14 storey building'? You acknowledge it but you don't have anything to say about it. Your gripe is Al Jazeera and AP omitting MME's location? Is that right? Do you comprehend the concept that Israel blowing up media buildings might garner criticism? denigrate means 'criticise unfairly' Here's a good MEE article I just read. So the story is basically this: Israel drops a MINI NUKE on a house to kill a guy in a wheelchair, but somehow he gets away and the wife and kid are killed. - Did he somehow speed off on the wheelchair? - How could they miss? It doesn't say. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 24 May 2021 10:28:26 AM
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David, don't look now, but your nose could be a yard longer?
If this was a cover-up!? How come we all know about it!? Hamas will lose all credibility and influence, if we successfully roll out a validated, agreed to, two-state solution and the rollback of most if not all illegally annexed, occupied Palestinian land! And we know and understand it can never ever be perfect, but the product of hard-won compromise. [And I like the assurance that iron dome will continue to be supported by The USA! FOR NOW!] And needs to be conducted in a closed apartment/room none can walk away from, until an agreed and officially validated agreement is signed, sealed and delivered! All that's really missing, is the political will! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 24 May 2021 12:30:35 PM