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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia cannot afford a failed state on our border > Comments

Australia cannot afford a failed state on our border : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 23/3/2021

The last thing we need to see in our northern neighbour is more meddling in the PNG health system by the Chinese government and its apologists within the PNG government.

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Easy for the author to say "The way to fund a takeover of part of the health system (such as major hospitals) is to suspend most of the aid spending on non-health areas and divert it to health care and administration."


see Overview of Australia's aid program to Papua New Guinea at

"Pillar 1 – health security:"

Our focus [is] on:

(i) the prevention, detection and response to COVID-19, while also continuing our work in other communicable diseases, including malaria, HIV, and TB; and

(ii) support to Provincial Health Authorities to improve delivery of primary health care services, including immunisation coverage, maternal and child health, access to family planning and other services.


"Pillar 2 - stability:" ie. The Defence Cooperation Program

[COMMENT: Careful what you wish for author. This defence aid/cooperation is mainly to avoid new military coup attempts and more regions of PNG threatening secession like . Also reducing chance of PNG Army and Police mutiny/strike action concerns.

See "The Sandline affair was a political scandal that became one of the defining moments in the history of Papua New Guinea, and particularly the conflict in Bougainville. It brought down the government of Sir Julius Chan, and took Papua New Guinea to the verge of a military revolt."

"Pillar 3 – economic recovery:"

[Is author suggesting increasing the risk of greater PNG Economic Instability while China enforces a greater Debt Trap burden on PNG?]
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 8:15:47 AM
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PNG has always been a failed state. Is this bloke still in their pay?

We now find that it's not our fault: the PNG government has itself "long …. neglected and tolerated" the problems of health in this country that thought it could manage itself.

Among the arsenal that our own government 'must' acquire to protect us from China should be some shorter range equipment to deal with PNG's dealings with China. We do have "a failed state on our border" now; and our government needs to pull out its finger and realise that things aren't the way they used to be before Whitlam committed one of his most stupid acts, cutting PNG adrift.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 8:16:54 AM
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Australia has no chance in the world of competing with China in maintaining a foothold in PNG.

The Chinese will poor massive amounts of money and goods into PNG and buy the loyalty of all the traditional Big Men who now control the Parliament.

Goodbye Australia! Hello China!


But no you dummies wanted to bring all the Chinese into Australia to get your hands on their money. And now you've got a problem that is only going to get worse. Ha ha ha ha LOSERS.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 8:36:09 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Couldn't agree more !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 9:55:32 AM
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The wankerati thought that trade with China would make China become more like the West; instead, the West has become more like China. Australians are meekly accepting the change, just like the Chinese citizens.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 10:28:30 AM
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How about we cancel all the visas and citizenships given to Chinese and send them packing to China.

Send a message that we won't kowtow to the Chinese.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 11:11:08 AM
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