The Forum > Article Comments > Australia cannot afford a failed state on our border > Comments
Australia cannot afford a failed state on our border : Comments
By Jeffrey Wall, published 23/3/2021The last thing we need to see in our northern neighbour is more meddling in the PNG health system by the Chinese government and its apologists within the PNG government.
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Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 8:15:47 AM
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PNG has always been a failed state. Is this bloke still in their pay?
We now find that it's not our fault: the PNG government has itself "long …. neglected and tolerated" the problems of health in this country that thought it could manage itself. Among the arsenal that our own government 'must' acquire to protect us from China should be some shorter range equipment to deal with PNG's dealings with China. We do have "a failed state on our border" now; and our government needs to pull out its finger and realise that things aren't the way they used to be before Whitlam committed one of his most stupid acts, cutting PNG adrift. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 8:16:54 AM
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Australia has no chance in the world of competing with China in maintaining a foothold in PNG.
The Chinese will poor massive amounts of money and goods into PNG and buy the loyalty of all the traditional Big Men who now control the Parliament. Goodbye Australia! Hello China! And remember I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN. But no you dummies wanted to bring all the Chinese into Australia to get your hands on their money. And now you've got a problem that is only going to get worse. Ha ha ha ha LOSERS. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 8:36:09 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Couldn't agree more ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 9:55:32 AM
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The wankerati thought that trade with China would make China become more like the West; instead, the West has become more like China. Australians are meekly accepting the change, just like the Chinese citizens.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 10:28:30 AM
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How about we cancel all the visas and citizenships given to Chinese and send them packing to China. Send a message that we won't kowtow to the Chinese. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 11:11:08 AM
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Mr Opinion
(no more "Mopi") Your last statement "How about we cancel all the visas and citizenships given to Chinese and send them packing to China." seems to place you into OLO's well known band of racists. Many Chinese Australian's are 5th generation born here. They're good Australians who were here before most 10 Pound Poms-Scots-Irish. Even before my Scottish great-great-grandfather (here 1865). If you read a bit of history Many Chinese Australians were beaten up or killed by mobs on the early goldfields - just for being Chinese and also harder "workers"/fossickers. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 1:12:27 PM
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It is obvious that my reference is to migrants from China who have been granted visas and citizenship. You are trying to twist my statement. I assume because you belong to the pro-China camp. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 1:30:19 PM
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Ms Opinion
I belong to the non-Racist camp. You Are one (a Racist). Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 2:52:03 PM
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Jeffrey, please stop this panic talk.
When we, the Australian God Father of the South Pacific, show by example, our own health system is a two strata catastrophe, how are we to assist PNG with any example of how to do it, to them? If anything needs money thrown at it, it’s our own Public Health system. The Australian Government is as decrepit as its health system. It is shot through with inconsistencies and plain old fashioned policies of expedience, through their obsession with privatising everything that moves. How’s that mentality to help PNG? And a vaccine shipment destined for Australia, diverted to PNG as a PR stunt, will no doubt cost Australian lives, which London to a Brick on, won’t be the lives of a Politician or their family. Mr O. Right on as usual. Dan Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 3:07:44 PM
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Send a message that we won't kowtow to the Chinese.
Mr Opinion, No point in that until we stop kowtowing to PC ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 3:26:11 PM
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I am a nationalist who has always seen the rise of China as a threat to our democracy, independence and freedom and I hold that we should never have engaged with the Chinese that you and the rest of your pro-Chinese camp have done, which was driven simply by the smell of their money. You, like all the other pro-Chinas in Australia, have been drawn into their trap and now we will all pay the price. Thanks for that. But at least you're man enough to accept the blame for bringing the Chinese Trojan horse into our gates. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 3:29:24 PM
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Dear Mopi, Indi and Dan. 1. Many ex-PRC Chinese move to Australia to escape the Chinese communist government, fearing it and its agents as much as Anglo-Australians do. 2. Many others gain Australian citizenship as they fear the Chinese Government when the axe falls and want a safe democratic country to escape to. 3. They come legally, passing Australian immigration criteria/laws. 4. It would be racist and illegal under Aus laws to send back PRC Chinese who have come and gained Aus citizenship legally. ________________________________ MY OLO ARTICLES I've written several OLO article warning Australian to be wary of the Chinese Government and about certain pro-PRC Chinese in Australia and about Labor politicians conned by some pro-PRC Chinese in Australia. See: A. Australia: the future junior ally of Japan eg. "Now it needs to be explained that the Survey, Australian Attitudes on ANZUS and the East China Sea, was commissioned by the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI). ACRI was established in December 2013 with a grant of $1.8 million from a citizen of China. Bob Carr is the Director of ACRI." B. Tiananmen Square C. The fall of Fitzgibbon? D. China could well be a problem for Australia and E. Embracing China involves risks for Australia ________________________ MY ARTICLES FOR ANTI-COMMUNIST CHINA, RIGHTWING, NCC See my China articles published by the anti-Communist China, rightwing, National Civic Council (NCC) here ____________________________ See my website article "CHINESE INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES IN AUSTRALIA" at Regards Pete Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 5:48:34 PM
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It would be racist and illegal under Aus laws to send back PRC Chinese who have come and gained Aus citizenship legally.
plantagenet, Why even bring that up ? That goes without saying ! Many Chinese migrant families have been here longer than some New Indigenous ! Mr Opinion I believe, is merely against the money-flashing takeover merchants since the disastrous Whitlam years & subsequent legacy ! They got into PNG when Australian Labor Politicians reckoned it'd be less bother to give them independence & just pay them off at $1.2 million/day since. As Mr Opinion rightly stated, it's back-firing now ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 6:11:19 PM
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plantagenet, like so many in the pro-China camp, has his money sniffing nose stuck so far up China's backside he has become blind to China's imperial and predatory expansion. It's people like him that is making life difficult for the rest of us. Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 9:40:04 AM
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Australia's Left will have to pull up their socks if we are to prevent this Nation from becoming a failed state south of PNG also.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 1:31:06 PM
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I think it'd be in all our best interest if we focussed more on decent people vs greedy people instead of Nationality !
Greed is a product of stupidity so, let's work on getting away from indoctrination & concentrate on education ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 1:35:38 PM
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Mr Opinion
You can write insults but you seem to lack the literacy to write "Beware of China" articles. ______________________ I'VE AUTHORED "BEWARE OF CHINA" ARTICLES IN 3 JOURNALS: 1. On ON LINE OPIONION A. Australia: the future junior ally of Japan eg. "Now it needs to be explained that the Survey, Australian Attitudes on ANZUS and the East China Sea, was commissioned by the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI). ACRI was established in December 2013 with a grant of $1.8 million from a citizen of China. Bob Carr is the Director of ACRI." B. Tiananmen Square C. The fall of Fitzgibbon? D. China could well be a problem for Australia and E. Embracing China involves risks for Australia 2. MY ARTICLES FOR ANTI-COMMUNIST CHINA, RIGHTWING, NCC See my China articles published by the anti-Communist China, rightwing, National Civic Council (NCC) here AND 3. See my website article "CHINESE INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES IN AUSTRALIA" at _____________________________ Mr Opinion We commenters and authors at OLO are still waiting for you to write an OLO ARTICLE ABOUT CHINA rather than just squealing "I told you so!" Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 3:37:50 PM
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I TOLD YOU SO. Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 4:11:00 PM
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Hi Mopi
In response for your "I told you so" cry for help (above) I'll show you part of one of my "Beware of China" articles. ________________ This is: "Embracing China involves risks for Australia" at 0f 5 May 2008: "The short occupation of Canberra’s Federal Triangle by 10,000 Chinese students on April 24, 2008, probably has security services and Australians generally wondering what it all means. Canberra is normally a quiet and highly regulated place. Most of the protest action occurred in an area of the city between the headquarters of three security bodies, that is the AFP, ASIO and the Attorney-General’s Department. Australia’s federal agents, domestic spooks and legal facilitators would have well and truly witnessed hordes of Chinese chanting pro China slogans while drowning out and physically intimidating the minorty of Tibetan and Falun Gong supporters. Chinese marshals wearing colour coded uniforms co-ordinated their student volunteers using walkie talkies. The Age, Apri 16, 2008 reported that a student spokesman Zhang Rongan “said the Chinese embassy in Canberra ‘is organising buses, food and places to stay’ for protesters”. Does the importance of China’s trade to Australia, and the sheer weight of Chinese numbers, allow the Chinese Embassy and Chinese students to intimidate those few in Canberra willing to stand up to China? The answer appears to be “Yes”. Due to China’s economic importance, and rising might generally, the Government has given China a broad degree of latitude outside normal diplomatic behaviour. China’s diplomats and non diplomatic agents appear to have pushed around Tibetan and Falun Gong supporters over the past few years without being expelled. The policy rationalisation might be that as long as it is only happening to mainly Chinese minorities it is a low counter espionage, or minor law and order, priority - basically not a Federal Government concern. But when Chinese Embassy representatives can mobilise thousands of students to saturate the streets of our capital city that Embassy should at least be seen as a problem." _____________________________________ MORE FOR YOU TO LEARN TOMORROW Mopi Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 11:53:14 PM
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As Australia appears set to waste some $225 billion on procurement of new, but obsolete-technology, submarines that will not be delivered until about 2035, and as it has been asserted that Minister Reynolds is to be replaced as Defence Minister, an update of your OLO article, 'Future submarine choices: more than a one horse race' would appear very useful. Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 25 March 2021 2:57:59 PM
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Hi Raycom Indeed you're right. But I'd start by saying: 1. nuclear propelled attack submarines (SSNs), US Virginias, UK Astutes class and French Suffren-Barracudas, would cost 3 to 4 times as much to purchase, train nuclear engineers for, build land based nuclear reactors and enrichment facilities for, and then to operate those subs. Also the US won't release any Virginia's to Australia because: - the US Navy(USN) needs every Virginia for the USN to cover all the roles required - to face increasing current/projected Chinese and Russian SSN production. Virginia's and Astutes couldn't be built in Australia because of their extreme nuclear proliferation sensitivity. That is their 95+%NuclearWeaponsGradeU235 fuel reactors cannot be exported or built in Australia. - also Virginia's are high not-for-export tech, like the F-22 fighters. If Australia's wanted nuclear propelled subs we could only afford 4. UK and France, with their much larger economies, can only afford 6-7. And their cost is mainly justified in defending the UK's and France's nuclear propelled ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) ie. nuclear weapons deterrent. ___________________ 2. So the Attack-class conventional(diesel-electric) subs French Naval Group is helping build in Adelaide - for expected delivery in 2035 are current technology rather than "obsolete" at present. But to avoid making them obsolete by 2035 they need 2 mature technologies Naval Group doesn't yet have: - that is Second or Third generation Air Independent Propulsion - permitting about 20 days fully submerged operation in places like the South China Sea and - Batteries more advanced than Naval Group's lead-acid batteries. Mature advanced Batteries can be charged more quickly than lead-acid and last longer. Advanced would probably mean - Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs). 3 Japanese submarines already have LIBs. - or Nickel-Zinc Batteries. Which no submarine yet has. But such batteries just happen to be under development by Australia's current battery supplier, PMB Defence, see So Aussies saying "What about nuclear subs for Australia!" react poorly to "We then need to spend twice 60$Billion/year as much on defence" and "what would Australia use nuclear subs for anyway?". Regards Pete Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 25 March 2021 3:54:41 PM
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Australia would be wiser to invest in satellite warfare. A single Laser zap from space could take out any crap-head on Earth !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 25 March 2021 5:12:32 PM
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You've been watching too much Star Trek. BEAM UP ME SCOTTY. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 25 March 2021 5:28:01 PM
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What happened to Japan's Soryu submarine -- your Plan A in 2014? Did it sink without trace? Posted by Raycom, Friday, 26 March 2021 11:03:04 AM
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Hi Raycom
On 26 April 2016 the Turnbull Government selected Naval Group (was called DCNS) of France as the winning bid for the Future Submarine Competition. Thus France beat Japan and Germany (TKMS). See Here's Turnbull's main reason a (to win the 2016 Federal Election because France actually put in the highest bid – meaning more money for South Australia!) see specifically the paragraph starting, "Back in 2016,..." mAll of this is common knowledge among submarine watchedrs in Aus and overseas. Cheers Pete Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 26 March 2021 3:40:43 PM
see Overview of Australia's aid program to Papua New Guinea at
"Pillar 1 – health security:"
Our focus [is] on:
(i) the prevention, detection and response to COVID-19, while also continuing our work in other communicable diseases, including malaria, HIV, and TB; and
(ii) support to Provincial Health Authorities to improve delivery of primary health care services, including immunisation coverage, maternal and child health, access to family planning and other services.
"Pillar 2 - stability:" ie. The Defence Cooperation Program
[COMMENT: Careful what you wish for author. This defence aid/cooperation is mainly to avoid new military coup attempts and more regions of PNG threatening secession like . Also reducing chance of PNG Army and Police mutiny/strike action concerns.
See "The Sandline affair was a political scandal that became one of the defining moments in the history of Papua New Guinea, and particularly the conflict in Bougainville. It brought down the government of Sir Julius Chan, and took Papua New Guinea to the verge of a military revolt."
"Pillar 3 – economic recovery:"
[Is author suggesting increasing the risk of greater PNG Economic Instability while China enforces a greater Debt Trap burden on PNG?]