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The Forum > Article Comments > Here’s to a politics that faces up to the facts > Comments

Here’s to a politics that faces up to the facts : Comments

By Brendon O'Connor, published 25/1/2021

In Joe Biden’s inaugural address a central aspiration was for the re-establishment of

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Here's a curly one of JANUARY 21, 2021

"(Reuters) - Anti-government and anti-fascist protesters in Portland and Seattle vandalized a Democratic Party office and other buildings and scuffled with police on Wednesday, protesting against President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

People dressed in black and with their faces covered broke windows and the glass door at the Democratic Party of Oregon business office in Portland, spray-painting an anarchist symbol over the party sign, video posted on social media showed.

“We don’t want Biden. We want revenge for police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres,” read a banner they marched under."
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 25 January 2021 9:22:24 AM
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Spare me the BS!

Yes, Trump was defeated in a free and fair election!

But the corporations remain as does their control of most political outcomes and representation! And Joe is going to jump whenever these puppet masters jerk his string! And allow just enough superficial change to keep the natives from getting too restless?

The filibuster will remain as will voter suppression and republican gerrymanders?

Yes, Joe will get a few dollars out the door? But bold reform and an energy superpower? Seems as if Joe has borrowed the ideas of others who will not even get the credit, let alone deserved financial reward!

But then the robber baron is not a new concept in the USA! Nor purloining the intellectual acumen/ideas of others?

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Sure thing Joe, say ten hail marys and one Our Father and it's all history?

I'm sure the corporations are looking forward to working with you and seeing how much the market will bear? Yes sure, a little sugar now will help make our hugely overpriced medicine, etc-etc, go down!

Politics facing up to facts!? Ho, ho, ha, ha, he, he, oh my aching ribs! It's clinically incapable!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 25 January 2021 11:05:59 AM
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"One of the clichés of the American-Australian relationship is that it has bi-partisan support no matter what party is in power in America or Australia".
Yes. It's not just a cliche, it is naive, and PM Morrison has has naively parrotted it off several times since the US election. The relationship will be the same with Beijing Biden? Pull the other one AdMan. If we concentrate just on the change in leadership, Morrison and Biden have nothing in common. For all his faults, Morrison is not a left-wing crank or away with the fairies like the other bloke is.

"These are commitments that are strongly in Australia’s national interest to be in unison with". No. Can't agree with that one. And, as soon as Harris takes over, it will be good night America.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 25 January 2021 11:14:30 AM
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Sadly in Biden gaining the Presidency they have a politician whose abilities and loyalties are not sufficient for the task He immediately signed 72 executive orders completely overturning many policies that were for the good of the USA He cancelled Trump's efforts to root out Chinese investors from being able to buy into American power companies He has not shown the ability to face up to the facts that left wing activists and Antifa were serious domestic threats Alas for poor America it is in for a hard 4 years
Posted by Truth Seeker, Monday, 25 January 2021 2:32:30 PM
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PeterC What a rubbish article. God help America and the rest of the world because facts were not faced while the fraudsters, socialists, marxists, communists, main stream media and Democrats were very wrongly awarded the Presidency with Biden and Harris both - amongst others - already in China’s pocket
Posted by PeterC, Monday, 25 January 2021 4:44:02 PM
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It is good to see the good ole Trump supporters come out into the open, pushing the same ole lies that Donald did for 4 years.

Fabrication of the truth really does not change the FACTS.

Whatever side of the fence you sit on, the reality is that the change in America can only be good for the world in changing the tack on climate change policies. The world now has a chance of clearing the air and seas of pollution; by doing something positive, rather than continuing to the reverse, which was killing this planet, Earth
Posted by Cyclone, Monday, 25 January 2021 5:06:35 PM
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