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Mail-in ballots have corrupted the electoral process : Comments

By David Singer, published 20/11/2020

The last thing America needed to see were legal actions by teams representing the Republicans challenging the election results on November 3, 2020.

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Been a long time away from olo - the faux climate skeptics and conspiracy theorists got a bit too thick. Not much changed I think?

So, does even David Singer take what he has written here seriously? If so it has to be a post modernist truth-is-whatever-I-believe thing because the conspiracy theories actually aren't very convincing.

Then there is that notable lack of evidence of systematic voter fraud.
Posted by Ken Fabian, Saturday, 21 November 2020 5:46:27 PM
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Well said Ken Fabian

The author may be under the control of the Israeli PM's pro-Trump foreign propaganda machine.

But is Israel sufficiently anticipating the inevitable Rule of Biden, from 20th January, 2020?
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 21 November 2020 10:21:27 PM
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Banjo Paterson.

Mail in votes are NOT absentee votes. They are not soliticited by the person voting, like absentee votes. The person sends a signed form requesting an absentee vote. It goes to an official office,where the name is checked and registered.
A ballot paper is then sent out with the requesting voters name on it, the person ticks their chosen candidate, signs again & sends the ballot form back and the vote signature is checked against, the original request form signature and registered again.

That didn’t happen with the Mickey Mouse voting scheme, run by the Democrats. They printed 80 million ballots and shoved them in letterboxes sometime in piles of 6 or more in every letterbox they could find. No checking of The names of the people in those houses and how many people in the house.

As you say the absentee ballots must be posted before or on the Election Day, they can’t count votes posted with the 4th of Nov on them, when the election was held on the 3rd of Nov. One witness who signed an affidavit said, she was told by a supervisor to count ballots that came in after voting day, just to backdate the date on them.

The Dem supervisors also said there was no need to worry if signatures didn’t look the same.
Florida also a Dem State, but with a Republican govenor, had just as many mail- in votes but had them all delivered and counted on Election Day, Nov 3rd.
Why did the Dems want extra counting time? Because they had to know what numbers Pres Trump was winning by, so they could bring in extra ballots if needed……..continued
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 November 2020 10:25:17 PM
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They also used the dodgy DOMINION computers to count the election. They are known to have been,had made, by Venezuelan dictator Maduro,who was angry at a referendum he had lost. The software contains a way to dump votes into a folder and then delete the folder. It’s in the manual, Pres Trumps lawyer says.

Anyway, one observer, spotted the computer suddenly dumping 12,000 votes from Pres Trump over to Biden. When he asked about it, He was told, “Oh! that’s just a “glitch”, we can fix it” And they did in a matter of minutes. It then took the 12,000 votes from Biden and put them back in Trumps count.
Obviously, if they knew how to fix this “ glitch” they also knew how to change it back to favour Biden again. Funny how the glitches and mistakes always favour Biden.

The polls & then the voting on voting day, were NEVER! close like the media was saying.That was to cover how many votes they might have to add in,It had to look close to not look suspicious. He was winning in a landslide, in all the states even Dem ones.
That’s what alerted the Trump team to the vote rigging, Sidney Powel, Trumps lawyer said.Pres Trumps lead was so massive, the computer “glitches”and 135,000 million dead people voting&instructions to counters, to scan one vote, four times to be counted like four votes couldn’t make up the lead Trump had.

I suppose you know the story of how they stopped all counting late on election night, to the surprise of the Trump team and people watching the TV. The strange thing was the TV channels all stopped at the same time, like somebody had blown a whistle.
When somebody rang to ask them what was happening. They Said, “ oh they’ve stopped counting for the night”.

So all the observers went home. At 4.00am in the morning the Dems have suddenly found 187,000 votes for Biden. Not one single vote for Trump amongst them after Pres Trump was winning all day
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:10:56 PM
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Sidney Powell the first class lawyer representing Pres Trump in this, knows she is risking her life, and career exposing this.Plus her family will be threatened as well.
That’s why small court judges are not game to make a stand on this. There are big powerful people involved that don’t wish to be revealed

Lawyers working on these vote rigging cases have resigned because, their children’s names, and schools have been posted on the net, by the ever violent threatening left extremists. There are global players involved in these election fraud computers,I suspect, quite a few governors and mayors have been using them to remain in office for quite awhile even Republicans. The election in America was being counted by the same computers in foreign countries with shadowy moneyed figures involved.
The businesses that sell these computers have quietly shut up shop and gone over seas. George Sorros name came up in the money behind these computers as well.

If you want real interference in American elections by foreign actors, this Dominion Computer racket is where you’ll find it. The ability to influence who gets elected.
Not just Biden but possibly there are some powerful politicians involved paying big money for these computer dealers to keep them in power.

Why don’t you know any of this. Because you trust the Australian TV news channels.
You have to go and listen to the honest people on Utube, trying to get the truth out there past the lying media,

HANNITY, SYDNEY POWELL.Trey Gowdie ex DA, Judge Jeanine Pirro. There are dozens of people out there, trying to get the truth out.

At least look at different opinions on the stories and then make up your mind.
Genuine honesty does come across in people’s personalities even on the internet.
You figure out who the honest, straight shooters are.

Biden never once looked concerned about winning the election, as if he knew he didn’t have to do much because he knew he would win no matter what.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:57:12 PM
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Thank you for the post that you addressed to me, but I think you’ve got the wrong person. I did not “say” any of the things you “said” I did. It must have been meant for somebody else.

If you want to know what I wrote, you will find my post on the bottom of page 2 of this thread.

Apart from that, I read your long post and understand that you believe there has been mass fraud during the US 2020 presidential election in favour of “Sleepy old Joe” – supposedly due to back-dating of ballots, an inexplicable influx of mail-in ballots, roque computer programs, and other devious methods.

If there is any evidence of this, and if it can be proven in court, you can rest assured “Donald the dictator’s” armada of lawyers will have no problem obtaining a court order to rectify the voting results in the states concerned and put things in order.

The objective of democracy is justice, and the American judiciary system is very professional and perfectly capable of handling this type of situation – even though it is unique – without ceding to pressure of any sort, from whatever source.

I understand the courts have already thrown out more than 20 of the 30 odd cases filed by “Donald the dictator’s” armada of lawyers, to date.

Time is running out. In the US presidential election, under 3 U.S.C. § 5, a state must settle any presidential election disputes and determine its electors six days before the Electoral College meets. This safe harbor provision deadline falls on December 8 in 2020. The Electoral College will then cast its votes for president and vice president on December 14, 2020 :,_2020

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 22 November 2020 11:03:43 AM
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