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Mail-in ballots have corrupted the electoral process : Comments
By David Singer, published 20/11/2020The last thing America needed to see were legal actions by teams representing the Republicans challenging the election results on November 3, 2020.
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Posted by diver dan, Friday, 20 November 2020 8:38:59 AM
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postal voting is legal.
Get over it. Trump lost. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 20 November 2020 9:00:23 AM
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I don't think that postal voting had anything to do with the US election result. If there was anything shonky, it was the result of traditional, always happening, US system faults and corruption. Postal voting is a damn good idea, especially in jurisdictions where there is no compulsory voting.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 20 November 2020 9:33:34 AM
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Trump is trumped.........
Wonderful........ Posted by ateday, Friday, 20 November 2020 9:59:17 AM
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Depravity of some has no limit. Posted by jamo, Friday, 20 November 2020 10:07:48 AM
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"The best - and safest - way to have stopped these emerging court battles was by encouraging voting in person - not by mail."
Wow, the delusions of Trump supporters are amazing! The election resulted in a huge surge in Covid cases as it was. It would have been far worse if everyone had voted in person. Certainly not safe by any stretch of the imagination. Posted by Aidan, Friday, 20 November 2020 10:29:58 AM
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There was a report that someone in Georgia was charged with voting fraud.
It does seem looking from here that with a mesh of different rules it is wide open for fraud. Somethings we have seen on tv would mean recalling the voters and voting again here. There was scrutineer being physically refused entry. He had a document authorising him but they refused to look at it. Only one occasion but--- Posted by Bazz, Friday, 20 November 2020 1:21:18 PM
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"The best - and safest - way to have stopped these emerging court battles was by encouraging voting in person - not by mail." In other words, unless America did as the Republicans said, they would be punished.
It is the Republicans who have engaged in wholesale (Democrat) voter suppression, closing ballot centres and imposing Dixie-style voter qualification hurdles. Of course they didn't want people voting by mail. The fake hair dye running down Rudy's face at his last presser says it all. Posted by Steve S, Friday, 20 November 2020 1:51:00 PM
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Here's the thing. Had that senior trump supporter tried to sabotage the US mail and had Mr Trump not insisted his support go vote in person and just extolled them to vote, with mail-ins included! He would have won Georgia by around 24,000 votes. And other critical states he just lost in!
This man has been the master of his own demise and now looks down the barrel of a defeat that will remove the protection of the robes of office from him and his grifter family? Suck it up! All the allegations are proving unfounded, given the tabulation of allegedly contested votes? My prediction is DT will fly to Florida and from there to Mexico with all the donated funds? For any foreign country that is not able to prevent a departure for foreign shores further afield? Sobbing as he goes, we was robbed? Even in the face of conclusive evidence, there was no such thing but plenty, I believe, for collusion and Russia interference! Names, ranks and serial numbers! This man and his activities need sunlight and full exposure so his numbskull supporters can see who and what he really was and not the legend he created with his use of the media and useful idiots! And I'm not casting aspersions, David. Really and truly I'm not. LOL! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 20 November 2020 4:50:42 PM
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Why is Netanyahu's propaganda network siding with Trump's campaign against America voting?
Yes Trump looks up to Putin's authoritarian one Party model and Trump is one heavily indebted idiot in search of a Russian village. But should we care? Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 20 November 2020 5:36:17 PM
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Once the republican Vox Populi realise there's no chance of overturning the election? They will no longer send in the daily millions in grifted money to ay these patently bogus, frivolous and vexatious lawsuits!
When that flow of massive money rumbles to a stop! That's when defeated candidate will make tracks taking millions in pledges with him! About then some of the smarter Republicans will realise that all the stage-managed BS, was just that and done exclusively to part fatuous fools (airheads) from their money! And as woody woodpecker would have chortled, THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Simply put, folk that dumb and stupidly partisan, deserve to be duped/fleeced! If some of them lose the family farm because they used it as security to fund their desperate donating? Ha, ha, ha, ha! Suck it up stupid! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 20 November 2020 8:10:18 PM
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Dear David (the author), . You wrote : « Mail-in ballots have corrupted the electoral process » . I’m surprised that you should write that, David. It’s not the mail-in ballots that have corrupted the electoral process. “Donald the dictator” did that. As president of the United States, he deliberately misinformed his compatriots by announcing that mail-in ballots were illegal – knowing full well that they were not. He instructed his republican supporters to go to the polling booths early and vote in-person to avoid their ballots being invalidated. That tactic allowed him to falsely declare that he had won the election as soon as the “in-person” ballots at the polling booths had been counted because it was completed before the counting of the (mainly democrats') mail-in ballots. Out of the multiple lawsuits filed by “Donald the dictator’s” armada of lawyers, most have since been withdrawn or denounced by judges. Legal experts say his chances of meaningfully challenging the election results are virtually nil. The few lawsuits that have gained some traction are unlikely to change the overall outcome. His latest manoeuvre is to block certification of the results of the votes, particularly in Michigan where he is trying to by-pass the popular vote of 3 November and have himself designated by the local congress which has a Republican majority. So, you see, David, mail-in voting is not the problem. “Donald the dictator” is the problem. He is trying desperately to maintain himself in office, despite having lost the election. He is doing everything he can to undermine American democracy. Contrary to what he proclaims, it’s not “America First”. It’s “Donald the dictator First”. That said, you are quite right in pointing out the vulnerability to fraud of mail-in ballots, David, but the nationwide magnitude of “Sleepy old joe’s” winning margin of 6 million popular votes and 306 electoral college votes (compared to “Donald the dictator’s” 232 electoral college votes) is such, that it simply cannot be put down to fraud alone. “Donald the dictator’s” armada of lawyers have proven there is no trace of massive fraud. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 21 November 2020 1:44:15 AM
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I think where the Americans went wrong was they didn't allow Donald's good buddy President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus in to run Donald's re-election. Alexa did do an unofficial count from the Whitehouse in Kiev, as best he could from that faraway and the result was 475,362,863 Donald votes, other guy zilch.
One of the funniest stories I read this week was; When Donald went to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Donald was talking with SD governor Kristi Noem, who is a Republican and a mini Donald. Looking at the four faces of the monument, Donald said to Kristi; "One day a fifth face will be added....ME!" With that Kristi started laughing, thinking Donald was joking, then she realised Donald was not laughing and was SERIOUS! One commentator said, there's another Donald more likely to get his face on Mt Rushmore than Donald Trump...and that's DONALD DUCK!. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 21 November 2020 7:22:54 AM
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Postal votes are and always have been, legal absentee votes! And if posted on or before the legal deadline have to be counted, even weeks later! With a December the fourteenth deadline? And given all these absentee votes have been tabulated have already met that deadline officially and legally!
Simply put these legal challenges are a fraud, perpetrated to extract mucho plenty cash from the most gullible folk in the world, Trump supporters!? And the only reason for all the bogus BS lawsuits, and attempts to illegally replace elector college officials with a new cohort of republicans who will ignore the expressed will of the people and reinstate Mr Trump? What then an alteration of the constitution to make him President for life? Not possible in the land of the free? OK, but take a look at what is happening right now and ask yourself, would anyone in their right mind conceive this could happen here!? Something voters in Georgia should consider as they cast their ballots in upcoming Senate runoffs! And elect Democrats, to ensure that the constitution cannot be amended to possibly allow this outcome or allow legally cast absentee votes to be tossed out! The electoral college is already a huge gerrymander that regularly defeats, defies and casts aside the expressed will of the people! And perhaps that anachronism ought to be tossed out in favour of being decided by the popular vote to prevent this debacle from ever reoccurring!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:47:05 AM
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GOOD NEWS David, diver dan, ttbn and bazz:
Reported 20 November 2020: "Joe Biden wins GEORGIA ahead of Donald Trump after RECOUNT flipping the state for Democrats at the US election" "Joe Biden has won Georgia and its 16 electoral votes, an extraordinary victory for Democrats who pushed to expand their electoral map through the Sun Belt. Key points: - The Associated Press called the win for Biden in Georgia after a HAND-TALLIED audit of ballots - The audit confirmed a winning margin of roughly 12,000 votes for Biden, having led by 14,000 before the hand tally - The president-elect has called Donald Trump's refusal to concede an act of "incredible irresponsibility" The win by Mr Biden pads his electoral college margin of victory over President Donald Trump. Mr Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election on November 7 after flipping Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to the Democrats’ column. Mr Biden now has 306 electoral votes to Mr Trump’s 232. ...Mr Biden said on Thursday (local time) that Mr Trump's refusal to accept the election results has left Americans "witnessing incredible irresponsibility". ...WHAT HAPPENS after the RECOUNT? The states have until December 8 to settle any disputes over the election result, including recounts and court contests. Once that deadline has passed, each state's [ELECTORAL COLLEGE] electors have until December 14 to vote by paper ballot. These are then counted and the electors sign six Certificates of the Vote. Those certificates, along with other official papers, are sent by registered mail to various officials, including the president of the Senate by December 23. The Lower House and the Senate will hold a joint session to count those electoral votes on January 6. When a candidate receives 270 or more electoral votes, the President of the Senate will announce the results. Inauguration day is on January 20, when the winning candidate will be officially sworn in as president." via Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 21 November 2020 2:10:10 PM
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But Planty, Donald don't like that system, its open to fraud. Donald thinks it would be much better, and fairer, if at the end of election day, he, Donald, made the decision as to who won, and who lost. Simpler for everyone that way, and none of this confusion.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 21 November 2020 2:29:35 PM
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REPUBLICAN Michigan State Leaders won't change results that indicate Biden Won in MICHIGAN
Australia's 7News reports half an hour ago: "Michigan's Republican state leaders have said after meeting President Donald Trump they have NO INFORMATION THAT WOULD CHANGE THE OUTCOME of the presidential election in the state, and will follow the "normal" electoral process. The Republican Trump summoned the lawmakers to the White House on Friday in an extraordinary effort to try to set aside Democrat Joe Biden's 154,000-vote victory in the state. Michigan is one of several states where the campaign of Trump is seeking to challenge Biden's victory in the November 3 election, based on unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. "We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan's electors," Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House of Representatives Speaker Lee Chatfield said in a statement on Friday. Having been stung by a series of court defeats, the Trump team is resting its hopes on getting Republican-controlled legislatures in battleground states to set aside the results and declare Trump the winner, according to three people familiar with the plan. The two lawmakers said they also pressed for more funds for Michigan to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Their visit came as Michigan's election agency recommended the election results be certified next week by state canvassers. On Tuesday, GOP canvassers in Michigan's largest county, Wayne, refused to certify local results but then changed their position after intense public criticism. Then after talking to Trump, they said a day later they were rescinding their previous vote but it was too late. The state Bureau of Elections said all Michigan's 83 counties had sent their certified results to Lansing." Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 21 November 2020 4:27:49 PM
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Hi Paulo
Yes. After the above news from Georgia and Michigan, the law is triumphing over Donald's ego. But I'm sure Donald will fix the system to stay out of what Trump really fears from electoral loss - many charges against him, including unpaid tax charges pending, in New York State. Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 21 November 2020 4:46:26 PM
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Been a long time away from olo - the faux climate skeptics and conspiracy theorists got a bit too thick. Not much changed I think?
So, does even David Singer take what he has written here seriously? If so it has to be a post modernist truth-is-whatever-I-believe thing because the conspiracy theories actually aren't very convincing. Then there is that notable lack of evidence of systematic voter fraud. Posted by Ken Fabian, Saturday, 21 November 2020 5:46:27 PM
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Well said Ken Fabian
The author may be under the control of the Israeli PM's pro-Trump foreign propaganda machine. But is Israel sufficiently anticipating the inevitable Rule of Biden, from 20th January, 2020? Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 21 November 2020 10:21:27 PM
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Banjo Paterson.
Mail in votes are NOT absentee votes. They are not soliticited by the person voting, like absentee votes. The person sends a signed form requesting an absentee vote. It goes to an official office,where the name is checked and registered. A ballot paper is then sent out with the requesting voters name on it, the person ticks their chosen candidate, signs again & sends the ballot form back and the vote signature is checked against, the original request form signature and registered again. That didn’t happen with the Mickey Mouse voting scheme, run by the Democrats. They printed 80 million ballots and shoved them in letterboxes sometime in piles of 6 or more in every letterbox they could find. No checking of The names of the people in those houses and how many people in the house. As you say the absentee ballots must be posted before or on the Election Day, they can’t count votes posted with the 4th of Nov on them, when the election was held on the 3rd of Nov. One witness who signed an affidavit said, she was told by a supervisor to count ballots that came in after voting day, just to backdate the date on them. The Dem supervisors also said there was no need to worry if signatures didn’t look the same. Florida also a Dem State, but with a Republican govenor, had just as many mail- in votes but had them all delivered and counted on Election Day, Nov 3rd. Why did the Dems want extra counting time? Because they had to know what numbers Pres Trump was winning by, so they could bring in extra ballots if needed……..continued Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 November 2020 10:25:17 PM
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They also used the dodgy DOMINION computers to count the election. They are known to have been,had made, by Venezuelan dictator Maduro,who was angry at a referendum he had lost. The software contains a way to dump votes into a folder and then delete the folder. It’s in the manual, Pres Trumps lawyer says. Anyway, one observer, spotted the computer suddenly dumping 12,000 votes from Pres Trump over to Biden. When he asked about it, He was told, “Oh! that’s just a “glitch”, we can fix it” And they did in a matter of minutes. It then took the 12,000 votes from Biden and put them back in Trumps count. Obviously, if they knew how to fix this “ glitch” they also knew how to change it back to favour Biden again. Funny how the glitches and mistakes always favour Biden. The polls & then the voting on voting day, were NEVER! close like the media was saying.That was to cover how many votes they might have to add in,It had to look close to not look suspicious. He was winning in a landslide, in all the states even Dem ones. That’s what alerted the Trump team to the vote rigging, Sidney Powel, Trumps lawyer said.Pres Trumps lead was so massive, the computer “glitches”and 135,000 million dead people voting&instructions to counters, to scan one vote, four times to be counted like four votes couldn’t make up the lead Trump had. I suppose you know the story of how they stopped all counting late on election night, to the surprise of the Trump team and people watching the TV. The strange thing was the TV channels all stopped at the same time, like somebody had blown a whistle. When somebody rang to ask them what was happening. They Said, “ oh they’ve stopped counting for the night”. So all the observers went home. At 4.00am in the morning the Dems have suddenly found 187,000 votes for Biden. Not one single vote for Trump amongst them after Pres Trump was winning all day Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:10:56 PM
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Sidney Powell the first class lawyer representing Pres Trump in this, knows she is risking her life, and career exposing this.Plus her family will be threatened as well. That’s why small court judges are not game to make a stand on this. There are big powerful people involved that don’t wish to be revealed Lawyers working on these vote rigging cases have resigned because, their children’s names, and schools have been posted on the net, by the ever violent threatening left extremists. There are global players involved in these election fraud computers,I suspect, quite a few governors and mayors have been using them to remain in office for quite awhile even Republicans. The election in America was being counted by the same computers in foreign countries with shadowy moneyed figures involved. The businesses that sell these computers have quietly shut up shop and gone over seas. George Sorros name came up in the money behind these computers as well. If you want real interference in American elections by foreign actors, this Dominion Computer racket is where you’ll find it. The ability to influence who gets elected. Not just Biden but possibly there are some powerful politicians involved paying big money for these computer dealers to keep them in power. Why don’t you know any of this. Because you trust the Australian TV news channels. You have to go and listen to the honest people on Utube, trying to get the truth out there past the lying media, Look up, STEVE TURLEY .LOU DOBBS, LAURA INGRAHM, TUCKER CARLSON, DAN BONGINO HANNITY, SYDNEY POWELL.Trey Gowdie ex DA, Judge Jeanine Pirro. There are dozens of people out there, trying to get the truth out. At least look at different opinions on the stories and then make up your mind. Genuine honesty does come across in people’s personalities even on the internet. You figure out who the honest, straight shooters are. Biden never once looked concerned about winning the election, as if he knew he didn’t have to do much because he knew he would win no matter what. Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:57:12 PM
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Dear CHERFUL, . Thank you for the post that you addressed to me, but I think you’ve got the wrong person. I did not “say” any of the things you “said” I did. It must have been meant for somebody else. If you want to know what I wrote, you will find my post on the bottom of page 2 of this thread. Apart from that, I read your long post and understand that you believe there has been mass fraud during the US 2020 presidential election in favour of “Sleepy old Joe” – supposedly due to back-dating of ballots, an inexplicable influx of mail-in ballots, roque computer programs, and other devious methods. If there is any evidence of this, and if it can be proven in court, you can rest assured “Donald the dictator’s” armada of lawyers will have no problem obtaining a court order to rectify the voting results in the states concerned and put things in order. The objective of democracy is justice, and the American judiciary system is very professional and perfectly capable of handling this type of situation – even though it is unique – without ceding to pressure of any sort, from whatever source. I understand the courts have already thrown out more than 20 of the 30 odd cases filed by “Donald the dictator’s” armada of lawyers, to date. Time is running out. In the US presidential election, under 3 U.S.C. § 5, a state must settle any presidential election disputes and determine its electors six days before the Electoral College meets. This safe harbor provision deadline falls on December 8 in 2020. The Electoral College will then cast its votes for president and vice president on December 14, 2020 :,_2020 . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 22 November 2020 11:03:43 AM
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Wow, Cherful, so many cunning plans - and all 100 % un-checkable ! So devilishly clever !
But thankfully there are people like you who know about these things and can see through the craftiest plot by Democrats and communists and God-knows-who-else. Thank you, Cherful ! Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 22 November 2020 11:05:50 AM
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Cherful and Paulo, How's the weather in St Petersburg this morning?
If mail-in ballots are not absentee votes? WTF are they? Suggest you stop with the oh so cleverly crafted patent BS. The election is over the dye is cast or running down the cheek of a patently terrified lawyer. These lawsuits have no merit whatsoever and are being made to separate fools from their money in the tens of millions! Much of it will disappear with Mr Trump when he runs from justice? This man and his grifter family need to be exposed to the full glare of public scrutiny. And given some highly placed Whitehouse official(s) is/are leaking like (a) sieve(s), this is happening! Even as a dysfunctional Mr Trump screams treason? But is unable to stop the tidal flow of information hitting the printing presses of a nation, including Fox news! Which until very recently was a very ardent supporter of Mr Trump! You don't suppose they have been made privy to info you know nothing about!? To cause such a 180 pivot? For mine, he looks and sounds like someone with advanced Altzemiers and attendant Dementia. Would either of you like a crazy uncle given the power of a president and that box? You know, the one with the nuclear trigger? Particularly if it is flipped, you there in St Petersburg are in the crosshairs! Well, it would be one way of reneging on a huge debt now, wouldn't it? And Donald would say it was retaliation, wouldn't he? Something for you Russian activists to think on as you try to unsuccessfully, keep a dysfunctional dictator in power, with his finger on that trigger? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 22 November 2020 11:55:14 AM
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Well done CHERFUL (almost)
Yours is a herioc quantity of verbiage unsupported by proven facts or links. If you want both see the Trump Campaign's failures in: - GEORGIA and - MICHIGAN and today, in - PENNSYLVANIA But Hey! : Trump is siccing his lawyers onto honest, accurate, legal Vote counts. While 250,000 Americans have died in America's worst HEALTH CRISIS. while TRUMP heroically and SELFLESSLY plays GOLF. Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 22 November 2020 3:11:50 PM
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No need to worry guys. There'll be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.
Posted by jamo, Sunday, 22 November 2020 4:50:12 PM
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Dream on jamo
In the contest of: US Laws at 4 Levels vs Trump's Ego _________________________ and US Law vs Trump's attempt to maintain his Presiential protection from lawsuits (criminal and civil) The Law is already winning. __________________________ Here is a link to inform your good self jamo: "Now, after losing the 2020 presidential election, Mr Trump will soon become a private citizen again. That means he will lose his presidential privileges, putting him in the crosshairs of litigators and prosecutors. "Once he is out of office, the atmosphere will change," Daniel R Alonso, a former US federal and New York state prosecutor, told the BBC. "He will no longer have the reality or the threat of presidential power to thwart investigations." A wide-ranging criminal investigation in New York is the most serious legal concern for Mr Trump and his real-estate company, the Trump Organization. On top of that, there is an array of lawsuits ranging from allegations of fraud by a family member to sexual harassment by an advice columnist..." Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 22 November 2020 5:17:26 PM
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Heard he played golf today. Pretty relaxed.
Posted by jamo, Sunday, 22 November 2020 5:55:22 PM
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And Nero fiddled while Rome burned! Can't get much more relaxed than that or less empathetic? But hey, the millions are still pouring in swelling Mr Trump's coffers/defence fund! While some donations as high as a million are transferred?
Playing Golf eh? Is there no end to calloused indifference? For the hero to zero? Relaxed eh as the ICUs are filled and overflowing? And this, oh so caring empathetic leader takes a turn or two around a golf course? Not the one in Florida? Where he proposes the next G8 summit? Now that would be a nice little cash earner for Mr Trump, eh? And where is his private jet right now fuelled and ready to hurtle south to where his political doppelganger waits with open arms for him and his grifted millions? Even as airforce one returns to Washington, without him or his grifter family? I could be wrong, but nothing I've seen or heard, to date, persuades me thus. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 22 November 2020 10:19:32 PM
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Yes Alan B.
While Putin's donations drop down. Trump is a real bottom \(^O^)/ feeder. Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 22 November 2020 10:46:17 PM
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Banjo Paterson.
you did say the mail-in ballots are not illegal. They should be and they actually have been banned in some countries They were not verified like the Absentee ballots .They were basically blank forms shoved and stuffed into every letterbox across the country. There were piles of them blowing down the streets according to witnesses. Anyone could have picked them up and used them. The Democrats used the Covid virus as an excuse to use mail-in ballots because they were already planning to cheat in the 2020 election. People still go to the supermarkets in America. They social distance & wear masks no different to going to vote in person. We voted in person in Australia even with Covid around. The Dems didn’t want that though they wanted the mail in votes so they could cheat Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 23 November 2020 12:11:41 AM
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Sydney Powell Pres Trump’s Lawyer. Has over 200 signed Affidavits from witnesses who saw all of the things I detailed. A signed Affidavit is a witness report, signed under oath, and if found to be wrong carries a 5 year penalty for perjury. Not many people would take the risk of a 5 year jail sentence if they didn’t need too. An Affidavit is in fact a witness statement which is used as proof in a court of law. The vote should be ruled in favour of Pres Trump for the simple fact that the Democrat officials wouldn’t allow proper scrutiny of the counting. When they did let observers in they made them stand 10 feet across the room. That is illegal in Australia as well as in most Democratic countries. To me that means the votes should go to Trump in those states, because they were obviously up to no good or they would have had no reason to object to independent observers. Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 23 November 2020 12:29:29 AM
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Alan B
MAIL-IN BALLOTS: Was a scheme dreamed up by the Democrats because of the fact they had forced people into lockdown in Democrat cities so they couldn’t go out to vote. They printed 80 million unchecked ballots and shoved them in every letterbox they could find, 6 in some letterboxes without even knowing who lived there. Piles of them dumped blowing down streets according to witnesses. People were still going out to Supermarkets, with masks and distancing. No reason they couldn’t have voted the same way. We voted normally in Australia even with the Covid around. It never led to any mass outbreaks. But the Democrats weaponised Covid to use mail- in ballots to help them swing the election. ABSENTEE VOTES are requested by the voter, and their, name address and signature are checked properly plus their request for the vote is kept on record, and a proper voting form sent back. Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 23 November 2020 12:48:37 AM
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Dear CHERFUL, . You wrote : « Banjo Paterson, you did say the mail-in ballots are not illegal. They should be … » . What you are alluding to CHERFUL, is the following comment I made in my post on the bottom of page 2 of this thread : « As president of the United States, he deliberately misinformed his compatriots by announcing that mail-in ballots were illegal – knowing full well that they were not. » To be quite frank CHERFUL, I consider that many of the problems we observe today are the logical consequences of the way the hybrid political system of representative democracy has been designed to operate. The first to take advantage of it were those who had positioned themselves, right from the beginning, at the very heart of the system: the political parties. The rapacious economic elite and well-organised special interest groups were quick to follow suit. The political parties, economic elites and special interest groups perfectly identified and understood the weakness of the system and learned how to influence and manipulate it to further their own interests, in complete impunity, under the pretext of democracy. The hybrid system of representative democracy has been operating far too long almost exclusively as an oligarchy. In my opinion, the mandate of elected representatives should be limited to the daily run-of-the-mill matters. All major issues should be dealt with by direct democracy, via a dedicated, state-of-the-art, electronic communications network. Modern technology could provide the means to vote safely and securely. It could provide all the necessary information on the issues that are to be voted on, as well as videos of debates on the issues by competent specialists. Voters could also exchange ideas among themselves on appropriate forums and social media. The president would need to oversee this process and ensure that it functions safely and efficiently. Otherwise, the only major change to his role that I consider necessary is that he should no longer be head of any political party once he is elected. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 23 November 2020 8:44:21 AM
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You are backing the wrong horse. An Update - SIDNEY POWELL SACKED Where you write "Sydney Powell Pres Trump’s Lawyer. Has over 200 signed Affidavits from witnesses who saw all of the things I detailed." The latest is: "Trump Campaign Cuts Ties With Lawyer Sidney Powell Who Promoted Wild Election Fraud Conspiracy Theories" "The Trump campaign released a statement on Sunday [24 Nov 2020] seeking to distance itself from lawyer Sidney Powell, who has spun outlandish tales of election fraud to news organizations, three days after the attorney was front and center at a press conference with Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, and Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign legal adviser. " see You Trumpsters are on thin ice! Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 23 November 2020 11:09:44 AM
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Thinking TDS might outlast covid mania.
Posted by jamo, Monday, 23 November 2020 7:58:33 PM
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Planty, Donald has 'Tweeted' YOU'RE SACKED! Donald sacks everyone except Donald.
jamo, you can't see what an idiot Trump is? At the G20 what did the other 19 leaders think of his delusional nonsense? They all know come 20th January 2021, Donald is history. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 6:47:27 AM
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Hi Paulo
What say we establish a sheltered workshop for EX Trumpsters. The poor sods are suffering so. In our concern for their Post Trump's Golf Delusions (PTGD) I hereby praraphrase that famous patriotic American poem about European refugees to America first seeing the Statue of Liberty. That is: "The New Colossus" written in 1883 "Give me your tired, your poor, Your Trumpest masses yearning to breathe free Biden air, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, Trumpet-tost to me, I lift my lamp of Free Medical Care the golden door!" Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 11:17:39 AM
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Hasn't he been a good President. Many positive achievements despite all the hectoring he's endured.
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 1:19:28 PM
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Nope jamo
BEFORE WWII Hilter was good for German economic growth but then his policies destroyed Germany and most of Europe similarly BEFORE Feb 2020 Covid Trump was good for US economic growth before his ignoring Covid helped reverse the US economy while killing 250,000 Americans. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 5:15:51 PM
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I was surprised when I saw the headlines that she wasn’t on Trumps lawyer team, She did appear with Guiliani to brief the press on the court cases, and I read somewhere she was taking up the case for him. My mistake, I stand corrected. Apparently she is in Private Practise and has her own source of monetary income. She is still pursuing an election fraud case, to the Supreme Court maybe a client other than Trump, they haven’t explained that. The way the left comes after you,if you dare to not vote the way they think you should, they might have started shutting down some of her clients and business connections. The need to distance herself from Trumps team may have been necessary. She strikes me as a pretty honest, no nonsense sort of a woman. I don’t think she’d get involved in a case about the election, unless she felt strongly that there was wrong doing. Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 7:18:18 PM
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Also Plantagenet,
Although the media said, she was sacked, the story coming from the Trump side is she was never On a government Team, (as in Trump’s Lawyer)but has her own private Practise. It is so hard to know what the truth is. But the point I find missing from all the info, is why did Sydney say she is taking this to the Supreme Court? Who is she taking it to the Supreme Court for? To my mind, this is a move to take the violent witch hunt off Sydney who is already under tremendous pressure to have a case put together in time for the Supreme Court. I really think the Supreme Court judges might need police protection as well. You can bet they will have threats made against their families. The left have been using this election fraud using those Dominion Computers,in elections for a long time I think. That’s what puts them in league with state governors& mayors who have been voting themselves in, which benefits the Democrats having all these left wing crooks in power in he States. The only reason Trump wont win this in the courts, is threats made to the judges and their families, by the mafioso Left. It won’t worry Trump, he doesn’t need the worry of the Presidency,and the vicious attacks and spite of the left, he will be much happier away from it.He is only hanging in there to try to stop the loss of America to these politicians who can’t be voted out. Sure, the left will run a new candidate to fool the people into to thinking they have Democracy, but after3 or4 elections which will take about 12 years to happen, they will realise, the left never loses power, although the candidates change. The Dem states will become more and more run down as some of them are now because the politicians are simply not accountable, They know they can’t be voted out. Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 8:08:45 PM
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I see Trumps authorized his administration to begin initial protocols for Biden and his transition team. Apparently that releases funds for Biden to get started.
The administrator wrote to Biden informing him of her decision to grant preliminary access to funds due to the thousands of threats to her and her family she'd received for not approving the release even earlier. Trumps a caring ol' softy isn't he. Must've hated the thought she was being intimidated. Anyway it'll be interesting to see how quick sage ol' Joe and Co get underway now they've got access to government funding and briefs. Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 8:32:49 PM
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Paul 1045
You think the G20 leaders are friends of we the people. They are there to screw the people. If they didn’t agree with Trump. I’d take that to mean Trump is more on the side of the people. Trump was a much better foreign leader than Biden and the Dems ever were. He alone succeeded in getting Kim Jung Un to cease most of his rocket testing. Kim Jung Un also allowed family reunions between families who hadn’t seen each other for years because of the hostilities between North & South. He seemed a lot less hostile after talking to Pres Trump, although he is never going to be a kind, Democratic leader. Pres Trump was drawing as many troops home out of foreign wars as possible. Let some other countries in the UN pull their weight in dealing with these conflicts America has done more than enough. Stupid Dems have signed up to pay Trillions of dollars of American taxpayers money to countries with tinpot warlords and tyrant regimes with no legal contracts as to how they should spend the money. Not that the contracts would matter once the money disappears forever into those countries. The western world actually has the lowest carbon outputs in the world. Just look at the solar panels on houses in the suburbs right across the country. Pres Trump has swiftly converted America over to gas and American pumped oil,so the middle Eastern countries no longer have any leverage over America, American is now self sufficient. Communist China built 25 new coal powered station in the last couple of years, whilst telling the world they’ll be carbon free in 2060. Yeah right! China produces nearly a third of the World’s carbon, 27% while Australia produces only 1.8% . Pres Trump says America’s carbon is much lower than countries in the Paris Agreement. Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 9:09:02 PM
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It not about Trump being Trumped, it’s about America being stuffed by a regime, that can never be voted out of office, because they use Dominion Computers to cheat. And they’ve probably been doing it in past elections. Pres Trump will enjoy not being President. He won’t have to put up with all the crap from the mafioso left. I believe he’s only staying, in an attempt to try and save America for the people, to stop future voting fraud. He has re-energised the Republican Party and they have control of the senate and taken many Seats off Pelosi in the house. It makes no sense that the people would vote so overwhelmingly against the left by putting Republicans in across the country and giving them the senate and half the house, but Voting for Biden and not Trump. They rigged the election against Pres Trump. The figures on voting support for the Republicans by the people doesn’t lie. Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 10:05:00 PM
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I happen to know a couple of pathological cheats and liars who constantly accuse others of cheating and lying, which, of course, is totally unfounded. Just because they, themselves, constantly cheat and lie, they seem to think that everybody else does too. That, to me, explains why “Donald the dictator” accuses “Sleepy old Joe” of trying to steal the election from him. In fact, it is the reverse that is true. “Donald the dictator” is doing everything he can to steal the election from “Sleepy old Joe”. These people seem to see life in a mirror. They see themselves doing something bad and accuse the other person of doing it. They project their own harmful intentions on others. Perhaps it’s their way of exculpating themselves. Not only do they refuse to take responsibility for their own wrongdoings. They accuse somebody else. Strange, isn’t it ? . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 25 November 2020 12:11:51 AM
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Between rounds of golf Trump will be busy in another way: reports 25 November 2020: "...President Trump ALLOWS THE TRANSITION [to Biden] to formally proceed...” Trump, who has kept a low profile over the past three weeks, is scheduled to make a public appearance at the annual presidential TURKEY PARDONING in the Rose Garden." There you have it. Trump will fly back from golf in Florida to execute that vital act. 250,000 US people dying for a Presidential Covid response, but THE TURKEY IS HAPPY! Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 25 November 2020 12:19:48 AM
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Kamala hasn't resigned her Senate seat yet.
Should be a hint. Posted by jamo, Friday, 27 November 2020 5:08:36 PM
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Trump goes off the rails
at Thanksgiving Day press conference accusing turkeys of being ANTIFA Here's proof Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 28 November 2020 1:44:35 PM