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The Forum > Article Comments > Queenslanders vote for safe pair of hands > Comments

Queenslanders vote for safe pair of hands : Comments

By Graham Young, published 4/11/2020

Presented with two parties offering no clear vision of the future, voters opted for certainty by voting for incumbents and voting for border closures.

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Virtually no opposition, of course, but 'fear is the key' these days. I think "Fear Is The Key" was the title of s novel I read many years ago; but it is certainly a truism in politics today, and not just in the PRC.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 4 November 2020 8:13:25 AM
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If Anastasia ever opens the 'border', will she then close it whenever there's a new outbreak down south?
Posted by Raycom, Wednesday, 4 November 2020 8:19:47 AM
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<< Queenslanders ... were confronted with two parties, neither of whom had a clear vision for the future ... >>
Agreed, neither of the two main parties had a vision for the future, but voters did have a third choice. There is a third party in Queensland and it's the only party that understands the urgency of transitioning away from carbon-emitting fossil fuel-dependency and availing ourselves of the advantages and opportunities of an economy based on renewable sources of power. The Greens have been right on this for decades now, while the two majors cling hopelessly to the past. Queenslanders must vote for this visionary force and allow it to exert real and positive influence within parliament. The shift is happening slowly and will hopefully continue to gather pace.
Posted by Bronwyn, Wednesday, 4 November 2020 10:22:18 AM
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Who knows? Could the result have been affected by the Newman factor? And or the ultra-conservative views of some who traditionally, want to turn the clock back to outlaw abortion, euthanasia. And wanted the borders reopened long ago?

A safe pair of hands could have been LNP hands if they coalesced behind a more moderate, less hard-right position! And not a time for traditional austerity! Which is the traditional view of the thinkers in the LNP?

That labor improved its position and held key states like Townsville, demonstrates just how divorced some LNP candidates are from the view of many voters? Think that all they need is a good salesperson? And are not seen as listening to those who employ them to serve.

Interestingly is the language. For example, the leader wanted to lead us out of the pandemic, where she may have garnered more support by saying, we will do what is needed to LIFT Queensland out of the pandemic?

The optics are important!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 4 November 2020 10:51:58 AM
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I can only agree. It's why at age 53 for the first time ever I voted for the Greens in the QLD election. More of the same stupidity with a little rearranging at the edges to differentiate wasn't an appealing message from the ALP and LNP.
Posted by Valley Guy, Wednesday, 4 November 2020 8:03:52 PM
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I think people are looking and learning from America's Trump experience. I can see the appeal of an outsider and why people treat politics as a joke, but Trump has shown us that we need to take politics a bit more seriously. We need leaders who are competent and experienced, even if they are seen as part of the system.

When I look at the serious problems we are facing, I'm glad Hanson has no real power.
Posted by benk, Wednesday, 4 November 2020 8:22:44 PM
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