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Meanwhile, back at climate change… : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 30/10/2020

I keep seeing suggestions that now we know how to deal with Covid-19 (do we?) it's time to deal with the biggest threat of all, climate change.

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It's likely that Biden doesn't know much about Australia, but if he does, he could learn from another leftist leader, Bill Shorten, who also thought that climate change was the "number one priority". Shorten and Labor, their wacky supporters (even here on OLO) thought the election would be a shoo in for them because of the importance of climate change. The electorate disagreed, and Shorten is history, at a much younger age than Biden.

Don: most of the people dying from the China virus are elderly, not "some". 99.9% of people who catch the China virus do not die, often experiencing mild flu symptoms only. Leave the inaccuracies to people who enjoy scaring others.

Climate change is an event, not a "problem". Lies are told. Power is grabbed. Money is made. A new religion has dawned. End of story.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 30 October 2020 8:54:36 AM
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I detest people who deny that the burning of fossil fuels is behind global warming and its consequential climate change.

They are on the same level as Holocaust deniers.

Holocaust deniers are disgusting and the anthropogenic global warming deniers are a cancer to life on our planet.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 30 October 2020 9:52:13 AM
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Had to happen sooner or later. I (partly) agree with DA.

I agree that "climate change" and "net zero" have become religious manias, with prudent or realistic policy left far behind. If 1.5-2 degrees warming really is the end of the world, then that's what we face.

I don't agree the world is "greening". There's serious and sustained decline, all due to the two-legged lemming. Relentless logging and land clearing, vast habitat and species losses, profligate water guzzling, overpopulation and overconsumption.
Posted by Steve S, Friday, 30 October 2020 11:16:13 AM
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Steve S,

1.5 - 2 degrees warming is only the beginning. (I believe we are at just over 0.8 degrees above pre-industrial level).

It's the 6 degree above pre-industrial level that is the killer. Parts of the planet will actually start to boil when it reaches that point but we will probably all be dead before it does.

Hey, don't stop listening to the deniers. Just keep burning fossil fuels to drive the mean temp of the planet up to the 6 degrees plus point.

The faster the better so that I can witness all the effects predicted by science come true. Might as well go out with a bang!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 30 October 2020 11:41:38 AM
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My, my, Don,

"In the second place, no one has yet died from climate change, and the day of reckoning, so to speak, has been pushed well into the future."

So, no refugee crisis, no droughts killing thousands of livestock and thousands of people from starvation, no calls from the UNHCR for donations desperately needed to support starving masses in Sudan and so many refugee camps, no horrific bushfires in Aus in 2019/20 Summer and now in California, and major exceptional floods and storms displacing and killing?

Nothing to see here - just the 'new normal'?

It seems we may never fail to be amazed by the 'failures' of the supposedly 'educated' to recognize 'the obvious'.

Is there a 'model' to actually 'prove' that the world is a lot more than 6,000 years old?
Or, that dinosaurs predated Homo by millions of years?
That many 'Suns' were born and died long before our own Sun and solar system were born?

Why be surprised then that there is no 'model' which can fully explain Climate Change in our time?

200 hundred years of combustion of fossil fuels - which were generated over millions of years, millions of years ago - no possible impact on geophysical phenomena, either in coincidence with or in competition with other 'natural systems'?

Modern mass population increase and mass consumption increase - engineered largely by mass environmental destruction and remodeling - could not possibly have had any significant impact on climate, or on biodiversity or species extinction, could it?

Judaism was usurped by Christianity, and which is now challenged by Islam (but which already has problems of Sunni/Shia disunity) - in the never-ending human impulse for 'supremacy' both of the physical and of the intellectual.

Was there ever an era of true 'Enlightenment'?

For we are now seeing and experiencing an emerging Western liberationist religion gaining massive strength and following 'by stealth' - the religion of 'Entitlement'.

Best not to bury one's head in books and formulae or 'models' when 'the truth' is so clearly visible just beyond the tip of one's nose.

None so blind....?
Posted by Saltpetre, Friday, 30 October 2020 11:48:25 AM
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Mr. Opinion,

Feel free to detest me as much as you like. It won't stop me knowing that climate change is a natural phenomenon over which petty little humans have no influence.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 30 October 2020 11:59:34 AM
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