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The Forum > Article Comments > Meanwhile, back at climate change… > Comments

Meanwhile, back at climate change… : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 30/10/2020

I keep seeing suggestions that now we know how to deal with Covid-19 (do we?) it's time to deal with the biggest threat of all, climate change.

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You are not a scientist.

You do not have a working knowledge of science.

You are just guessing about the science.

You have no scientific credibility.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 6 November 2020 5:27:01 PM
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Swamp donkey,

It's clear from your earlier replies that you haven't clue of the actual physics behind global warming and blindly accept whatever the "scientists" say, even when it is not the scientists saying it.

Your approach to AGW is like a religion based on faith, not understanding as clearly you don't have the IQ to think for yourself. You are a sheep that merely follows the flock bleating on OLO.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 7 November 2020 4:46:09 AM
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My research focuses principally on what scientists and scholars are saying about AGW / climate change and I can tell you that they are alarmed about the situation and the adverse effects on the environment (and of course the impact on humans).

I am a scholar not a scientist so I am not in a position to debate the science of AGW / climate.

Outside of my scholarly training in the Arts things like history, sociology, archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, etc. (things which you don't know anything about) I also have a degree in mechanical engineering where I was extensively trained in maths, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics inter alia so I can follow what the scientists are saying.

Which is good because to do the research in the area of environmental sociology that I specialise in one should have the expertise in the Arts things and be able to follow the discourses of the scientists.

My research is showing that the scientific community has no doubts that the adverse climate change we are seeing is being caused by anthropogenic global warming produced by the burning of fossil fuels.

You are an obvious AGW / climate denier for whatever reason you have for taking that stance.

I think you as an engineer yourself can follow what the scientists are saying but where you and people like you fall down is that you don't have any knowledge of the scholarly Arts things like history, sociology, archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, etc. which would allow you to see the big picture.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 7 November 2020 7:54:48 AM
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Swamp donkey,

Once again you are lying. Not only do you have no clue as to the simple mechanism of atmospheric warming, but like all religious zealots in history, you are calling everyone that does not believe as you do a heretic and are probably one of the morons that think a retarded teen Greta T is the messiah in despite much of what she says is wild hyperbole.

That you have researched climate change and the best you can come up with is that the scientists are unhappy shows once again that you are as useful as tits on a bull.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 8 November 2020 1:29:51 AM
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The main thing is that I'm happy.

I don't think anyone could say the same about you.

I think you're unhappy because you are not highly educated, not being a scholar and knowing anything about the Arts things like history, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, etc.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 8 November 2020 8:38:55 AM
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Swamp donkey,

Firstly, you really don't sound happy. The fact that your deep-seated insecurities from general incompetence at work have driven you to collect a series of meaningless qualifications in a vain attempt to give your life meaning is pitiful.

As for my life, once again you have made assumptions about me without knowing a single thing.

I am in a high powered job that I love and can afford a beautiful house with a spectacular view. I have a wife of 30+years and two children, one in medicine and the other in marketing, and pretty much everything I could want.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 10 November 2020 9:42:14 AM
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