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Poor timing: Cartier meets Australia Post : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 27/10/2020

Holgate had erred in blending the cultures of the corporate sector and those of the public. It was sufficient to put some government members into a more than irritable mood.

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I remember when we the people owned and managed our assets. When the postmaster general was a proper lowly paid public servant and part-timer guys like me busted our britches to empty all the pillboxes in the arvo/evening and meet a tight 6 PM to midnight schedule. And when all the mail was hand sorted!

And when my older brother, was a postie with a 20 kg bag slung over his shoulder sorted his own run, in order of delivery and delivered on the run, twice a day, six days a week!

It was his work ethic that saw him win promotion to an executive job, not BS foreign qualifications and belonging to the right, elite, white male, club!

We've improved that SERVICE DELIVERY MODEL haven't we with VASTLY SUPERIOR, fully imported, gold plated genius executives and CEO's, and partial privatisation, haven't we!?

What happened to our moral (by the book, public service) compass and just doing the job you were paid to do, with the best of your ability!?

And what happened to the notion of the service first model,
in all public service? And actually earning the wage you were paid to do a, by the book, job!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 October 2020 12:44:53 PM
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Oh what a bunch of Scrooges.

Posted by VK3AUU, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 4:37:36 PM
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Yes Alby.

But you forgot to mention all workers belonged to the post and telegraph union.

The job was generally for a working life with a reliable superannuation pension at retirement. All that fell apart in the mid eighties, when postal and Telecom workers were paid out of their useful super fund and given a far inferior model which needed a Government retirement pension to scrape through.

By the nineties all the above workers were working under contractual conditions, which further impoverished them and in the case of telecom workers, required them to supply and maintain their own working vehicles, with inadequate compensation.

As their life became more harried , worse was to come. Telecom became a Telstra and more private enterprising, as profits were now King.
Local post offices we’re franchised and profit driven, increasing costs to consumers and marginalising workers further.

All the while, the favourite son of OLO John Howard, oversaw an unprecedented attack on workers conditions with his infatuation with anti union policies which spread the cancer of an unrepresented workforce by substituting unions with Government mandated commissions, outlawing protests and legitimate strike action.

Unlike Post Office executives, otherwise known as Capitalist pigs, postal workers luck changed. That’s simply because postal workers changed.

Immigration was a more than useful tool to subdue the workers and convincing them a job had no value outside of somewhere to go between 9 and 5.
The 457 visa went to work to ensure profits were preserved and bolstered by a steady supply of foreign workers happy to work for two bob and a dog biscuit.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 7:09:17 PM
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Cont., from above:

The FIRB diligently followed orders from above as Australian industries that weren’t encouraged to flee to Asia, were swallowed up by Asians at bargain basement prices, and restocked with a foreign national workforce, complements of 457 visas and skilled (sic) migration policies.

This little stroke of brilliance ensured that for example, a boilermaker trained in the eighties was earning less comparatively on the shop floor, in the two thousands.

As Australia slips further into the status of a failed US rust belt State, and children graduating from studies view a parched landscape of lost opportunities as a reward,
only expect the status quo view to remain depressed, and political corruption to exponentially increase.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 7:09:28 PM
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Dan. The reason for the exodus to Asia of Australian manufacturing lies in the fact that the, privatised/corporatised, energy bill became higher than the wages bill, particularly in those energy dependant high tech manufacturing with a high robotic element and their manufacture model spread all over the compass, to add other cost levels/profit demands/shareholder dividends and other levels of cascading tax, to the end product.

Moreover, we're saddled with governments that are willfully blind, deaf and stupid, full of spruikers, boosters and marketing gurus!? And are a science free/business management competency free zone!? And are just politicians looking out for No.1? Everything they do, done to protect and grow their personal incomes/job security and little else that is visible or in the national interest?

Imagine if you can how many new industries would spring up if we deployed, government facilitated and funded co-ops, and then provided dispatchable 24/7 energy for less than 2 cents PKWH! We'd be bowled over in the rush of new business and fully funded/cashed-up, new migrant retirees! Look, the Gold Coast was basically built by migrant retirees, it's a model that is tried and tested and fail-safe! And comes with massive service job creation all over the joint!

But particularly, if we introduced real tax reform that made the top tax rate for anyone @ 15% as an unavoidable flat tax, everyone paid above a generous tax-free threshold on every dollar earned, above that threshold? Adjusted, would be an effective 8% rate for all business/the self-employed!

Instead of a coherent plan/ adults in the room? We get crimson fools/infantile juveniles, who cannot rise above playing politics and the blame game?

And those who they can always fool, being fooled yet again by the distribution of a few cents of our money and shiploads of noncore promises?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 October 2020 8:00:14 PM
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Posted by methewj73, Thursday, 29 October 2020 7:57:19 PM
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