The Forum > Article Comments > President Trump’s third Supreme Court pick will bring America to existential crossroads > Comments
President Trump’s third Supreme Court pick will bring America to existential crossroads : Comments
By David Pellowe, published 24/9/2020The most inconvenient obstacles to the Left's vision of social revolution are economic liberty, the proven institutions of traditional family, national patriotism and Christianity & objective morality.
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Posted by Steve S, Thursday, 24 September 2020 12:23:10 PM
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The "diatribe" does not come from the "the other side of the world". It is written by an Australian Presbyterian minister. I agree that we hear too much about Donald Trump and American politics when our own politicians are such a disgrace, but it is nice to be reminded that unelected judges don't have the same influence in our country that they do in America.
The horrible little Ginsberg woman had the wish not to die until America had a new president. Stiff cheese, lady; you lost. Trump will be able to appoint a conservative judge (which he can do on a temporary basis without Senate approval). It will be a female, anti-abortionist. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 24 September 2020 12:25:32 PM
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What is real astonishing about the whole RBG replacement brouhaha is the way pretty much everyone managed to change their principles from 2016.
Back then the Obamesssiah was president and the Republicans ran the Senate. Following the death of Scalia, Obama had the chance to replace a solid conservative with a solid 'progressive' and change the balance in the court to 5-4 in favour of the 'progressives'. Obama and a host of Democrats including, but not limited to, both Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer and Biden all proclaimed that, even though Obama's reign was winding down, nonetheless he had the duty to appoint a replacement and the Senate had a duty to vote on it. The Republican leadership on the other hand, all proclaimed that, since a new president would soon be appointed, the appointment should await that new president. Since they controlled the Senate they simply decided that they wouldn't hold a vote even when Obama presented his candidate. Now everyone's position is changed. The Democrats are saying that its too close to the election and the appointment should await a new administration. And the Republicans are saying that its the duty of the Senate to vote on any candidate the president offers. The stakes are high. The Senate was previously 4 progressives, 4 conservatives and 1 nominal but floating conservative. A Trump appointment will give a solid 5-4 or 6-3 conservative Supreme Court for quite a long time to come - possibly a decade or more. The changing views show that this is all about raw power. Principles run a distant second. That they don't care who sees it, is the really disturbing thing. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 24 September 2020 12:53:04 PM
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Just on Roe v Wade ...
If the Supreme Court were to reverse its current position on that issue, it wouldn't result in a return to backyard abortions or whatever is the current scaremongering. What would happen is that the issues around abortion would return to the individual states to decide for their jurisdictions. The 'progressive' states would immediately implement abortion on demand up to and including 9 months. Conservative and other states would implement a range of other policies from total bans through to abortions allowed up to say 20 weeks. The trope about rampant backyard abortions was always propaganda, not fact. But irrespective, it won't return. Even in those places which ban abortion, they are incapable of stopping someone from going to another state to get it and there will be plenty of such states and, one would imagine, plenty of charities around to finance the trip. In reality, the urge to protect RoevWade is about protecting the business model of the abortion providers like Planned Parenthood, who are massive donors to the Democrats. One hand washes the other, which is more than can be said of some of the abortion providers.... Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 24 September 2020 1:04:12 PM
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'The trope about rampant backyard abortions was always propaganda,'
neither was the lie that democrats used to justify killing babies in the first place. Remember it was always about that poor 14 year old girl who was raped. Meanwhile you have deviants from Hollywood holding up trophies boasting about killing their child. What a sick mob. Posted by runner, Thursday, 24 September 2020 1:22:16 PM
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Over-turning Roe vs Wade will simply return the decision on the legality and availability of abortion to the individual States, where some states once allowed and others disallowed abortion at various stages. It also means the Federal taxpayer will not fund abortions or their promotion..
Psychologically an assessment of the morality of those on the left and their violent activists would astonish most people. A read of Jean Piaget and his work, 'The Moral Judgement of The Child', shows quite clearly all those adherents of the left, by their various expressions and actions, as likely still in the Heteronomous stage. I'd opine that is common to all the proponents of the deviate or odd propositions we see being paraded as 'progressive' and foisted upon us today. It is also why those of us in the Autonomous stage baulk at almost all the 'progressive' pronouncements. Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 24 September 2020 2:42:36 PM
Then we can go back to the preferred system of the evangelicals, where abortions are easily bought by rich women, and poor women have the baby. Neat