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The Forum > Article Comments > Mealy-mouthed universities: academic freedom and the Pavlou problem down under > Comments

Mealy-mouthed universities: academic freedom and the Pavlou problem down under : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 7/8/2020

Overt political opinions, notably when expressed in a manner that might threaten brands and compromise lines of funding, are being hunted down by cadres of paranoid officials.

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*... Except the barely veiled hostility and overt bullying of pro-democracy Chinese students!..*

Right here is your problem AB.

So Chinese are generally evil people because there communists. And from that narrow over-simplistic view, you extrapolate out a good Chinese is one from HK?

Using your logic on the subject, why not be all inclusive in the import of Chinese, and in true multicultural harmony, invite in Chinese communist who are open with their beliefs, and can actually sound out a counter argument to the scammers calling themselves democratic from HK?

Don't you think your mate Andrews, from the failed southern state of Non-Victorious, is someway more honest than most, in accepting Chinese communist foreign investment?

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 7 August 2020 1:33:46 PM
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Hi Binoy

Another excellent article.

Lucky I wrote about "Chinese Intelligence Activities In Australia" in a 2017 article

which included Chinese Intelligence:

- using Chinese academics and students at Australian Universities

- as well as Chinese Intelligence spying on Uyghur Islamic groups here.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 7 August 2020 3:42:25 PM
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It is obvious the CCP links in universities stretches as far as Epstein's links to Hollywood, Clintons and many others in high places. And we are 'evolving' into more moral creatures so one professor once told me with a straight face.
Posted by runner, Friday, 7 August 2020 4:10:27 PM
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Universities are all about identity, and being part of a gang.

What exactly did everyone think was going to happen, when the whitecoats started identifying their privileged lives as being interconnected with Chinese money?

Bunch of sellouts, I say we stop all government funding to universities for 12 months and just see where the chips fall.

Just let it all fester and crumble down a little bit and have everyone run around screaming hysterically, that should end up giving us all a much better picture of what actually goes on there, when people start with the screaming, claims of discrimination, unfairness, depravity and who knows what else, when the money tap gets turned off.

Well some people don't go to University.
There the ones who empty your rubbish, clean your parks, streets, public toilets and transport infrastructure, and they don't give a crap about your perceived entitlements or fancy degrees.

And besides, do you think we don't know all the people running around in black for ANTIFA aren't hiding their faces because they're connected to universities?

They want us to defund the police.
They want communism, where they are the privileged class
All all of us have to toil in the fields or get marched out to be shot when there's not enough food to go around.

We've all seen the left are willing to eat their own.

Well I say it's time Time to throw a cat amongst the pigeons.


- That'll stuff em.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 8 August 2020 9:46:53 AM
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AC. We did defund the universities and left them with no choice but become semi privatised corporations seeking paying customers from wherever, to stay afloat! That worked well, didn't it?

Dan. Save the gratuitous hostility and the verbal for those who deserve it! If you actually read me on Andrews, rubbished him for accepting the Chinese belt and road initiative.

Not all Chinese are communists. Some are Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and inherently unlike you, decent, normal human beings.

Many want democracy! One only need recall Tieniman Square and the slaughter there of democracy activists to know that. And the arrest without conviction or trial of similarly disposed HK dissidents.

I get that you hate the Chinese race and climate change activists who like me, see the solution in the carbon free, nuclear option. Namely MSR thorium!

Suggest you get back on the meds so you can maybe,start thinking like a rational empatetic normal human being?

And save the bile for those who've earned it!

Alternatively, GFY R sole!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 8 August 2020 10:58:09 AM
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Dearest AlBy.

*...Many want democracy! One only need recall Tieniman Square and the slaughter there of democracy activists to know that. And the arrest without conviction or trial of similarly disposed HK dissidents...*

You highlight the point I make. That point being, what business is it of ours (Australia), what the Chinese do regarding the control of their population?
Australia spends an inordinate amount of time peering over everybody else's fence, and is never short of criticism regarding the length of the grass on the other side.

Invaruably that criticism equates into another flood of refugees or immigrants landing on our shores to exacerbate a housing crisis which, coincidentally assists the wealthy property investor in the reverse, by escalating property prices.

And if I may be further cynical about politicians than I already am, than the crowd most assisted by "any excuse will do" high immigration levels, its them, the political class, with the most to gain.

There are very selfish motives for the crocodile tears from politicians, shed for those they consider afflicted by whatever excuse for lawlessness and disobedience of these protesters.
When in China, do as the Chinese do, follow the home rules. I have no sympathy at all for this hypocrisy.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 8 August 2020 1:03:40 PM
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