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Israel's days of infamy : Comments

By Patrick Goodenough, published 25/8/2005

Patrick Goodenough argues Israel's eviction of settlers is an act of capitulation to terrorism which will cause more violence.

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Wrighta, your posts are becoming more and more right wing, as though you carry a personal bitterness towards the Palestinians. This is not the way to conduct a debate in any sort of intellectual form.
Pray do tell how the Palestinians were in cohorts with Hitler. Israel treats no one equally unless you are a white Zionist. Israeli Arabs have less rights than Israeli Jews, this is not democracy. I cringe every time I hear someone call Israel a democracy, she is not, by any stretch of the imagination.
How do you explain the billions that Israel has been given by America, to pay for the evacuation of Gaza, all new homes, land etc for the fundamentalist settlers...what were the Palestinians paid for the land and homes they have lived on for hundreds of years. There was NO compensation for them, why is that? Some have been given no time to leave their homes, with the bulldozers crushing whatever they couldn't carry. How can this be a way to find security...oh I forgot, the apartheid wall of course. It has always been that Israel has wanted a Jewish state only, and she will oppress the Palestinians, (the largest refugee population out of any country), until she gets her own way.
You talk of Arab terrorism...what did the Palestinian children do, that they are shot by snipers while in class, their schools (provided by the UN) targeted with bombs? I don't think anyone should resort to the indiscriminate killing of citizens, Arabs included, but you must admit that the argument would be a lot fairer if Palestine had a rich superpower backing it with aid for bullets and bombs. I am a non-believer myself, but I would venture to say that all the Gods must be turning in their graves over the violence caused in their names.
Posted by Janine, Monday, 29 August 2005 6:20:08 PM
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Your accusation that I carry a “personal bitterness towards the Palestinians” is laughable.

The fact that you cringe when you hear Israel described as a democracy is of no surprise to me. What is a constant surprise is that those who bemoan how women, homosexuals and political opposition are disgracefully treated throughout the Middle East still seek to highlight Israel as some kind of child-killing nation comparable to South Africa.

In Israel the 20% Arab population is roughly reflected in the Knesset, where MK’s take home large salaries regardless of their ethnicity. Arab-Israelis can own property, go through the public school system. Homosexuals are not lynched in Israel. Young girls are not forced into marriage at the ripe old age of 9 for a goat. Women are not stoned to death because they were raped. Political opposition includes Arab-based parties. Torture in even soft forms has been ruled illegal by the Courts. Israeli-based human rights groups regularly take actions on behalf of both Arabs and Jews to the independent Supreme Court.

I do no believe that one of Israel’s neighbours can claim similar democratic traits. Correct me if I am wrong.

Compensation in any form cannot be given to the PA to distribute, we’ve seen how this disgusting, corrupt body uses foreign money many a-time. In any case, few of the Palestinians had lived on the ‘stolen land’ for “hundreds of years”. The few that had were farmers, and the early Jewish settlers were told (by the Zionist congress) NOT to buy their land.

Schools have never been targeted with bombs as you state, even though Palestinian bombmakers put their factories next to primary schools- which they do because its good for their image when anyone dies.

I cant imagine how awful this world would be if Palestinian terrorist groups were backed by a super power- AGAIN. It would not make the “argument” fairer as you claim.
Posted by wrighta, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 2:19:17 PM
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When I was a little girl of 10yrs old, I came across a book on the Holocaust that belonged to a friend's mother. It had an extremely deep effect on me, obviously because of my age, but also that such horrors could occur between mankind. It haunted me for many years as the book also contained explicit photographs. I felt great empathy for the Jewish people for many many years after that.
However, it came time to study in depth and from all sides, the causes of the horrors which the Palestinian people were and still are being subjected to, once their land was given to the Zionists.
The best site that I have come across is which I found to be profound reading that has helped shape my views on the Israeli/Palestinian issue.
I think that you would do yourself a great justice by investigating this site, as it is written by the true Torah Jews of the Jewish religion, as it is and always has been, until the breakaway of the Zionist organisation. It will also inform you that being Jewish is a religion and that they are not a race of people.
If I decide to start up a new religion, would you mind if I, after deciding that my God told me you were living on my land, came over, gave you 1hr to leave, then proceeded to bulldoze your house, arrest your husband/father, and leave you homeless with no right of recourse?
The culture of Islam and how it pertains to the Palestinian people is not what the arguement is about, no Arab countries call themselves democracies...but Israel does. When and if the people have had enough of the theocracy that rules their land, it is up to them to change it, as was starting to happen in Iran until the Americans decided to stir it all up with axis of evil.
Israel could not survive without the influx of immigrants from countries all over the world and the multiple billions received in Aid. I look forward to your impressions after reading this site.
Posted by Janine, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 3:33:02 PM
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I’ve seen the website before. Yes- not all Jews are Zionists. The reason you call it the best site you have come across is no doubt because it supports your argument. But I would consider zionism a political cause more than a religious one. I’m sure if you googled it many others would as well. From what I can remember of that website, it is opposed to Zionism because, when the messiah comes HE will gives the Jews a land and not before.

But - the primary reasoning behind the UN partition had nothing to do with giving the Jews the land God promised them- it was a genuine attempt to bring an end to the pogroms and other assorted violence, made especially important after WWII.

Israel calls itself a democracy because it is. Both Arabs and Jews are allowed to vote for their leaders, and as I noted they do. Essentially, this is what democracy is- universal adult suffrage without measures designed to ensure a certain outcome.

Perhaps you should put your advocacy for the Palestinians to a good cause- look at Jordanian treatment of Palestinians in relation to human rights and land issues.

What ‘horrors’ do the Israelis, according to you, subject the Palestinians to? Let me guess, the so-called ‘Jenin massacre’?
Posted by wrighta, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 6:14:11 PM
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You may say whatever....and try to shed the crocodile tears as Jews always do. Kicked out from the green pastures of Europe because they called other people's homes their "promised land", they turned to Palestine and terrorised them in their hearths and homes yet call them terrorists. Feeling ashamed, no because the reality is far from their breasts!

Time will tell because when we get to the moon they will claim it to be "THEIR PROMISED LAND" and kick other out...,that is if they can!

Why have they been troubled for all those centuries? And still troubling and troubled?

Keep thinking
Posted by galty, Tuesday, 20 September 2005 10:34:30 PM
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is about time for the Jews of Israel to come to the Conclusion that they do not need Nuclear Power America will be there to Protect them i am sure? why no Nuke for Iran if Israel do not want to come Down to Earth and get Rid of the Nuke in Israel ? Iran has no wish to Invade Israel ? So far the Jews of Israel Have Invaded Some Parts of Palestine and Illigaly against all common Sense Especially that America will not be there for Ever to Protect Israel will the Jews of Israel Perhaps one day in the Future Start Dropping Nukes All over the Middle-East?
Posted by ozevic, Friday, 10 March 2006 6:52:11 PM
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