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Can we end disadvantage? : Comments

By David Hale, published 2/6/2020

The Paul Ramsay Foundation has pledged to tackle disadvantage. The biggest foundation in Australia has already allocated 84 million dollars so far in 2020.

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Yes Individual, a flat tax that none earning above a much more generous threshold can avoid.


With some paying in actual money transferred, just 4%? Others paying no actual company tax to anyone courtesy of the vagaries of globalised, tax loopholes/sharp practice?

Some send the same sum of money around through various subsidiaries to create outgoings in several ledgers and given the ATO never considers the conglomerate's income, but treats each and every subsidiary as a separate entity for the purpose of collecting tax!

As many as 40% pay no company tax even after they gamed the system, profit gouged and then repatriated all their profits!

And ably assisted by a government too stupid to see that this is happening because of stupid free trade agreements, where all that really happens is, debt-laden foreign investment, we actually pay for at the checkout and through lost revenue streams.

Given this very reasonable reform, 15% would increase internal revenue by around 60 billion+ annually.

Which ought to be redistributed as social benefits, increased pensions, free child care and a more humane jobseeker.

And given those measures are the ones we adopt, allow this extra stimulus to ramp up the discretionary spend and boost the economy right where it needs it!

After that, we need to outlaw the paper shuffling profit demanding middlemen/robber barons Undo the disastrous sale and privatisation deals, water power etc. in the knowledge these same parasitical business models, double the cost of living/doing business.

And we need to harmonise all commercial law, which needs less red and green tape!

The driest inhabited continent on earth must have desalination a the vastly more cost-effective, deionisation dialysis desalination and put water where none now flows, to open up new country and new opportunities for many and without draining wetlands, rivers r aquifers

Time we buried the double tax act of 1954 and just asked that all profits earned here, be taxed at the same rate for all! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 2 June 2020 5:38:20 PM
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There're lots of things that could be done! And those who can see that they've done, held to account by the occasional Journalist? Journalists whose jobs are often threatened along with their freedom, for reporting the facts.

If I nad my druthers all elections would be a taxpayer-funded exercise and have all participants wired to a lie detector as they make their election commitments/reasons for standing/reforms they intend to progress.

Moreover, I'd like to see a federal ICAC with teeth who must have unfettered access to ministerial files and documents, to uncover wrongdoing, sports rorts and patently fabricated emails.

It's the bought and paid for and clearly corrupt officialdom, that must go and without any rewards of office! Otherwise, this unacceptable behaviour will continue along with the power of the puppet masters who fund it.

And stand like unseen colossuses, in the way of essential reform/wealth redistribution/the rollback of disastrous privatisation outcomes!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 2 June 2020 7:25:03 PM
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The only reason we don't have that is because it'd work & the people in power & those who hang around their backsides would need to become more responsible ! It's as simple as that !
That's why they constantly invent new jargon to fend off anyone who can prove their dreadful tactics !
Posted by Olever90, Tuesday, 2 June 2020 9:42:22 PM
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The most significant factor in poverty is low intelligence.

Generally speaking, the people at the top of western societies are the smartest, while those at the bottom are the dumbest. Smart people in the lowest class usually exhibit upwards social mobility and rise into the working class, or even higher. Smart working class people are also upwardly mobile. Dumb people in the upper classes can decline socially, but often they are protected from downward mobility by virtue of their privileged positions, social contacts, and family influence. The character of the totally batty "spoiled rich girl" or the rich male "upper class twit" is a favourite among storytellers.

Now, if we wish to prevent rising poverty in Australia, there are two ways to do it.

First, is to stop importing people from dysfunctional societies who's group behaviour in western societies is already notorious for their collective serious criminal behaviour and endemic welfare dependency. It is reasonable to assume that generally speaking, most of the people in these groups of are just dumb.

Next, encourage smart people to breed, and dumb people not to breed. At the moment in the west, the opposite is happening. Gear welfare payments, especially the Unwed Mother's Pension, to family size. If an unwed mother has one fatherless baby from an irresponsible father, she gets the full pension. Every subsequent child the unwed mother produces has reduces her pension by 10 or 20 %. At the moment, unwed mothers can get relatively well off by having ever more fatherless children. I know that for a fact, because within my own family, one of my nieces deliberately had two fatherless children to get the pension instead of going to work.

The Chinese already appreciate this fact, and during the period of China's "One Child Policy" the smartest Chinese were exempt. The Chinese really appreciate brains, which is why they are so smart. And the Chinese (and Japanese and Koreans) do not allow immigration into their countries from notoriously dysfunctional ethnic groups. Western society must think like the Asians, or the smart Asians will end up being our masters.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 3 June 2020 8:00:24 AM
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I said this to my father many, many years ago. Late 1050's.

He said, If you gave every person in Australia a Million Pounds, (as it was back then) in two weeks you would have very rich people & very poor people.

I do believe that this is still true.
Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 3 June 2020 11:30:41 AM
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It is not possible to end something which never started, never existed.

The illusion of "disadvantage" is created by looking at single birth-death cycles in isolation. Had we seen the full picture whereby we are constantly reborn then die, we would understand that nobody is disadvantaged.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 7 June 2020 12:18:26 AM
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