The Forum > Article Comments > Coronavirus lockdown: we need our freedom now more than ever > Comments
Coronavirus lockdown: we need our freedom now more than ever : Comments
By Edmund Baha, published 12/5/2020In the past few weeks, all around the world, governments have held their own citizens hostage in the name of 'protecting the people'.
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Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 8:20:19 AM
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The feeling in my water is that we have gone overboard about this virus, I think the long term damage to many may be worse than the immediate damage the virus could cause. I also don't trust Bill Gates & the vaccine mob, or the app mob.
However I believe there is a lot we aren't being told, perhaps to good purpose, & I am sure I don't know enough to be confident in second guessing the government. Thus I will go along with the policies, until or unless some new information causes me to change my mind. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 9:45:42 AM
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Complaints about saving lives being priority reason for the action.
Frequently such is prejudicial opinion in favor of the powerful and the wealthy, these tend to control government, and able to afford taking care of themselves. Frequently such is prejudicial against the poor, the masses of middle-class, those frequently unable to afford support they may need. Thus equality of opportunity to live is denied. The lock downs are a short-term actions, the aim is to reduce numbers needing intensive care, to avoid the intensive care facilities being stampeded towards their collapse and inability to do what they are designed to do. The wealthy may afford private hospitals, many others can not. Among the powerful and wealthy, particularly complainants, often are indifferent to others. They are a scourge on the Principle of Equality Of Opportunity. Whether actions do or do not reduce overall total deaths will only be known later; Later when it is to late to reduce the deaths. . Posted by polpak, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 10:00:23 AM
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Yes, Edmund, we know you are an incredibly important person and this thing is all about you! And how dare they! You'll have a nice day now, Y'hear. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 12 May 2020 10:38:43 AM
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Hi Polpak,
Yes ! Were are our freadoms ? Freadom to die whenever we want, without govermnent interferance ?! What cant' we have the freadoms like in Sweeden, where people have been free to die in thousands, not in piddly numbers like here under those commos like Morrison and Andrews ?! Bastards ! Or like in the US, a shining ecxample under an ecexellent president ! Nearly a hundred thousand deaths, and maybe another forty thousand by the end of this month - nd another hundred thousand next month - they don't need some commy govermnent dictating their every move ! Let poeple breath ! Let poeple work ! et poeple move around frealy ! Freadom of movment, freadom to bear arms, freadom to drink Kool-Aid, freadom to mix toagether. Rise up australians, and take back what are our rights ! Joe PS. Probably a little too sarcastic ? Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 10:58:12 AM
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I would like to believe that the comment above me by Alan is trolling, however in my experience people who type like that and attempt to ridicule others without any substance or counter-argument leads me to believe that he is instead mentally challenged.
Thank you for the piece, it is a good reflection about the role that central governments play, especially in times of heightened public scrutiny. The handling of the COVID-19 may have longer-term implications as politicians have poorly juggled international economic relationships, in particular key trading partners such as China without gaining new consideration Posted by Jason Papanko, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 11:00:10 AM
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All sensible people thought that the panic caused by the usual shonky models was well over the top; now even the less sensible are starting to see it. But, that's the way it always is - when it's too late. However, the UN's predictions on how many people will people die, and how many will be plunged into penury are most likely to be just as rubbery as the China virus 'models' and those for climate change, a subject that is being dragged up again as the China virus loses it's fear value.
"The government does not have a good track record of providing an answer to this question." Governments don't have a good track record on anything, most of the problems they can't fix being ones they themselves caused in the first place. Mr. Shieh's comment on 'central planning' and his comparison with the Soviets is right on the mark. And people should realise that that's the situation we are heading for, if all the Leftist lunatics excited yabber about a 'new normal' is anything to go on. Anthony Albanese is promoting the current mess as a "once in a lifetime opportunity" to wreck the economy permanently along communistic lines. This author has presented us with a very realistic warning of what is to come if the majority of Australians don't start sitting up and listening. As he says, " …. the government’s interests are rarely aligned with those of the people". I hope we hear a lot more from Edmund Shieh. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 11:18:58 AM
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Comparing Albanese to the Soviet Union; what an idiot.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 11:23:28 AM
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if it is ok for Trump to call for manufacturing to return to the US, albeit not much has, then no reason why Labor (or coalition) cannot do the same.
How can one be supposedly great, and the other a communist. Where is the evidence that a 2020 Albanese wants to to make Australia like the Soviet Union? Come on, provide the evidence given your big mouth ttbn. Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 11:37:10 AM
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Articles like this beckon the Michigan LIBERTARIAN protester reaction
"We are mainly white, male, under 50. We bring Guns to solve complex problems. We don't care how many die - as they're mainly poor, older, black and somebody else." Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 11:45:30 AM
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You can believe what you like about whatever you like? Even a flat earth, if that rocks your boat? And doesn't need to be correct in any sense of the word. Joe. No, I don't think you were too sarcastic. Just a little more clear-sighted and less ideologically driven like a few other (flat earther) posters? Pete. Hear, hear and well said with the usual cut through commentary! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 12 May 2020 12:40:18 PM
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Panic ? What don't you understand about eighty thousand deaths under one, admittedly incompetent administration - and less than a hundred under another ? No, not panic - Trump may get round to doing that if it ever dawns on him what he has been responsible for - not panic, but responsible and timely prevention, preventative action. Because of Morrison's cool-headed program, we will be in and out of a crisis in barely a few months, with minimal casualties - fewer than annual flu deaths, as we keep getting reminded - while the largest economy and most prosperous society in the world will get deeper into a morass which it barely recognises YET - and will take far, far longer to get out of. This could ruin America for a decade (which is why many of us are deeply concerned) and thrust China forward as the world's only super power. But you can sit back and contemplate that without fear and concern, that's up to you. But this timely article might jolt you vaguely towards reality: Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 1:45:09 PM
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Americans are different! In this case they also pay the price for "indifference".
But being the financial hub of the world, had a good excuse to delay, and much to lose by acting too soon. It now appears they may have taken the wrong gamble. Trumps fault? He's a gambler! Back to us. A mix of good and bad outcomes. Some are losing more than others. That can be seen as unfair, which I agree it is. But, life is very unfair as a natural event. From my position in the aquatic wonderland, I have suffered no indignities at all with Government interventions. I'm pretty happy with Morrison and Berejiklean. I don't envy their positions. Dan Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 2:05:52 PM
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Damn it! I've given you another opening to remind us what you think of Donald Trump. I don't have your interest in foreigners, so I am concerned only with what happens here. But, if you wish to make comparisons, why not look at Taiwan's efforts: similar population and results without the panic and the economy trashing. Lot more people packed into a much smaller area, too. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 2:09:26 PM
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The Government along with the lying media certainly created enough fear in people on the basis of dodgy data. They could be forgiven for not knowing what was going to happen as every model was miles out. The control freak Premiers aided by the Police state have been quite disgraceful treating people as little kids and rewarding them by letting them see their mothers if they are good boys and girls. At least we did not have democrat mayors inviting people to join hundreds of thousands to Chinese new year festivals and we refused to listen to the World Health organisation preaching racism to the US for closing their borders. (just a tad balance for those suffering TDS).
You are right Edmund. Only when damage is looked at overall in a year or so will we really know the full story. Meanwhile China surges ahead while our local socialist enjoy our Police state. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 2:12:06 PM
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"Even in the middle of the Government’s witless, confused and ambivalent approach to the crisis it was able to rustle up overnight many of the key ingredients of totalitarianism. The ideology and the slogans, and the continual repetition of the message with the supine assistance of broadcast media, all fell into place with frightening speed. The speed with which the public acquiesced was even more alarming."
At least in the US there has been some push-back from souls who value and understand their freedom. But here, apart from some isolated instances, the public has meekly fell into line as each new outrage against personal freedom is unleashed. Morrison blackmails us with threats to keep us under house arrest unless we buy into his telephonic surveillance state and millions willingly do so. Berejiklian tells us that we have been given the governmental gift of being allowed to visit others with 5 of our family but if we have a family greater than 5 then some will have to stay at home. And barely a peep from the masses. Reagan said that "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." This generation isn't up to the task. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 3:16:21 PM
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It is funny how some on here portray the public as being hoodwinked by the Morrison govt and other govts with the coronavirus response.
Fact is that most Australians are supportive of their actions and don't constantly cry about the supposed loss of liberties Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 3:29:42 PM
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There are an awful lot of people here who seem to think they know it all. This is the real rubbish. No one is going to know what was the best approach for a year or even two. It will only be when we can truly evaluate the damage done to the economy, & the harm that does to rich & poor alike over the next couple of years that anyone will have any real idea which was the correct action.
It is also enlightening to see those trying to blame the New York fiasco on Trump. He closed the boarders, but could not get the states to agree to closing state boarders. It was the Democrat Governor of New York state, & the Mayor of New York city that were responsible for any lack of preparedness of that states health system to handle the load. Trump sent New York a huge hospital ship, & a very large field hospital, both of which left after being virtually unused. It does appear some democrats, & the media have been playing up the problem in New York for nothing other than political reasons. As we have come to expect, the left won't waste a good calamity, & are about as competent as the old USSR at handling them. Surely some here are starting to see through the fog to the truth. If not god help us. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 3:36:35 PM
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Hi Chris,
Yes, there is some crazy talk here. Do some people, some posters, have a sort of death wish, or an "End of Days" notion that maybe god has sent this virus to destroy all the evil people of the world, i.e. the vast majority, in his/her/its time-honoured way of destroying the world in order to re-build it it, and bring about heaven on earth ? Ain't working :). Except maybe in the US (well, maybe the 'destruction' part is). Their fair-weather "President" is so out of his depth and worse, is oblivious of that, while a complete disaster is looming in 'Little America' with his 'policy' of opening up while the Curve is still high. I can't explain what the fruit-cakes are on about (oh hello, Runner, didn't see you there) except by some disaster scenario which they are welcoming. Praising Sweden with its 2,000 deaths and slagging Australia with its less than one hundred, worshipping the architect of the US's 80,000 deaths and counting - that might make horrible sense from that point of view. Loony tunes, as Reagan would call them. Do some people think this is all just a disaster movie that they will happily avoid thanks to god ? Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 3:59:01 PM
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Hostage is an unnecessary & opportunistic term by those to whom self-centred ideology
is the main issue, not the health of a whole Nation ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 6:09:01 PM
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A libertarian actuary, I'm not sure there is a more dangerous beast alive.
There were two notable Norwegian actuaries who found Nazi ideals allowed them the chance to flourish. If the debate about Australia adopting the universal health system call Medicare was being proposed what side do you think the author would take? This pandemic was always going to be a balance between freedom of and freedom from. The author is focused on just one. Luckily our government recognised and attempted to get right that balance. Have they gone overboard one way or the other? We will never know, but I feel a lot less fearful for my elderly relatives here than I would have in countries like the US or Sweden where the fear of succumbing to this disease would have been very real. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 7:23:53 PM
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An excellent piece but probably think that only because it aligns with my thinking and I am a social libertarian :)
Posted by Valley Guy, Tuesday, 12 May 2020 8:28:47 PM
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There is this a lot of this black/white thinking around.
To some, its either total lockdown or no protective measures at all. One or t'other. No middle ground. In my earlier thread, I opined that at the start when data was scarce and terror abundant, it was fair and prudent that governments assume the worst. But remember that that was the 'flatten-the-curve' time. The aim wasn't so much to save lives, as to save the health system from the kind of catastrophes that happened in Lombardy and Wuhan. That policy had a use-by date and we all signed up. But then we started getting more and better information: children were neither in danger nor transmitters; it rarely if ever affected those under 60 and even then only those who had other conditions; people over 60 with other conditions were in danger and needed to be protected. But still we closed schools. Still we closed cafes, restaurants etc. Still we told young fit health adults to cower in their homes. None of which was necessary. And then we bought in the police to enforce rules that were just made up on the spot and had no rationale behind them. And neighbours were encouraged to dob on neighbours. The most worrying and/or interesting part of it was that we adopted and embraced this embryonic police state with ease and even eagerness. "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence clamorous to be led to safety". Mencken There were/are other options. Honestly tell those who are most at risk that they are most at risk and how they can protect themsleves. Sequester all nursing homes. But open up all schools allowing teachers and kids in at-risk situations to stay away. Utterly open the entire economy but allow those at-risk to stay out of it while the danger passes and give those people the economic wherewithal to stay sequestered. We had options then and we have options now. That we are going down a different path is a disaster that the nation will be paying for for generations. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 13 May 2020 7:40:02 AM
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Of course there are positions between your black and white: total this or toal that. Morrison's approach, an early quarantining of the country and lock-down with conditions, seems to have worked. Has Trump's worked ? 86,000 dead and counting. But I'll concede that Trump might be onto something: By extension, if they didn't count the number of deaths in the US - so dispiriting and un-American - then clearly there would have been fewer deaths. You can't trust health professionals or those petty bean-counters. Miserable, pessimistic bastards ! Probably from sh!thole countries. [Well, yes, i.e. the US] So there's a clear black-white situation for you, Mhaze: either * don't test or count cases, always look on the bright side, ignore the so-called 'experts'; or * test like mad, count cases, respond to positive cases and treat, and save American lives. So, should the world do a Morrison or do a Trump ? One hundred deaths or one hundred thousand in a couple of weeks ? And climbing ? Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 15 May 2020 1:44:26 PM
Time will tell whether Sweden's approach proves correct, but I am hoping that Australia's approach proves world-leading, yet again.