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The forgotten war and its deadly costs : Comments

By Brendon O'Connor, published 1/5/2020

As I write around 212,000 people have died from COVID-19. The death toll in Afghanistan since 2001 from war has been around 150,000 people.

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On a scale of 1-10 where would you put military efficiency i.e. value for money & environmental impact ?
Where would you put career vs Patriotism among those high ranking officers ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 10:31:24 AM
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"Afghanistan was and still is the greatest training ground for allied soldiers there has been in the last twenty years. "

That's probably true but I'm not sure it justifies putting our young men in harm's way for no geopolitical benefit.


" Explain nanothermite residue..."

Again Galen, there's enormous amounts of information to debunk this Truther meme. eg....

Just while you're here, can you further explain your "alleged aircraft" comment. It looks like you're doubting that the aircraft existed?
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 11:41:33 AM
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Individual I would put my ranking at between 2 or probably 3, and career overrides patriotism in probably 90% of cases. Normally at the Colonel/Commodore level officers shift gears into the political realm and towing that line leads to extremes in poor management and situational decision making.

Mhaze, nanothermite has scientifically been measured, samples of dust taken from adjacent buildings clearly show their existence, you can’t ignore physical evidence and the debunking crowd are not the ones whom have tested the dust nor come up with conclusive evidence it was not used in the building destruction.

Additionally, I am not alleging there is no evidence of aircraft hitting the two towers. Building 7 was not hit by an aircraft, yet as a reinforced steel and concrete building it too fell at free fall speed into its own envelope, impossible without controlled demolition.

Shanksville, big hole but no aircraft, not even a steel and titanium engine in the wreckage, physically impossible.

Pentagon, big hole, no aircraft wreckage, same as above, no bodies, no wheel struts/wheels etc, go figure.

Too much evidence to ignore, too many unanswered questions and a shambles of an investigation rightly admitted as so by many of the senior investigators involved?
Posted by Galen, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 12:21:32 PM
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Oh no Galen, I don't want you to stop with your wacky conspiracy theory. I want you to keep making a fool of yourself so that any young person who reads your peculiar worldview knows right away that you, and anyone who thinks like you, are nutters. Your claim that you do read military history is a claim more worthy of hilarity than serious consideration.

Mhaze put you right back in your box when you rather incredibly claimed that the USA had never won a war since WW2. And that Britain and France were the real aggressors in WW2. What's it like, Galen, dancing with the fairies down the bottom of the garden? The biggest question of all, is how did you ever get so brainwashed that you ever began to think the way you do? You must be a victim of today's "progressive" education system.

I very much doubt if you were ever in the military, if you don't know the fact that professional soldiers love having a "nice" little war somewhere, to test their training, skills, and weapons. Afghanistan fitted the bill like a glove. A contemptible enemy who got the ever lovin' sheet shot out of them while our own casualties were extremely light. Even the Swedes got in on the fun.

Osama bin Laden and his private army of religious nutters thought that they were beyond the reach of the USA in Afghanistan, when they launched the most famous terrorist attack in history. Big mistake. The yanks don't spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year on their defence just to sit back and do nothing about it when they are attacked. The US and it's allies have killed tens of thousands of those Muslim morons, so many that Allah is running out of virgins to reward the jihadis.

The United States's true allies supported the USA and that included al of NATO, former WARSAW PACT nations, and even "neutral" Sweden. Apparently all of these nations have been fooled by the USA, which you laughingly appear to claim staged 9/11.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 2:17:18 PM
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Galen I am not going to give you the link but the US ran an A12 jet fighter at a concrete block and it absolutely pulverised it! No discernable wreckage and it is on YouTube. It was awesome a word very rarely used by me.
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 3:21:17 PM
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Lego like most D;ckheads you have absolutely no clue as to your insipid claims.

I spent 14 years and 7 months in the service of my country, I also have the medals, a bravery citation from the Chief of the defence force, and numerous others bits of evidence to prove my claims.

What do you have...that’s right nothing.

Like most muppets you claim and counter claim based on your myopic Kool Aid indoctrinated learning.

And like most muppets you could not address my questions and assertions in my previous article.

You are a straw man, I have long learned to leave you and others like you to your own devices, you lack the moral courage of your conviction’s and like most w@nkers I don’t have the time or conviction to keep responding to your asinine and immature comments.

Get a life D;ckhead
Posted by Galen, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 3:24:56 PM
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