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The coming crisis in our schools: teachers struggle with COVID-19 : Comments

By Peter West, published 25/3/2020

Australians celebrate larrikins like Ned Kelly and Ben Hall, celebrated bushrangers who spent their lives fighting police. Australians deliberately flout authority, and parents often challenge schools and belittle teachers.

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Ned Kelly was not a "larrikin"; he was a vicious criminal. You have to be a low life to "celebrate" him or any bushranger; or perhaps, just one of the morons who don't get the seriousness of China virus and the need for staying apart. But the dumb millennials getting weathered on Bondi beach are unlikely to have heard of bushrangers, or anything else that has not occurred in their brief lives.

Should we close schools? That is not a matter for consensus or polls. If people are too stupid to take seriously the measures needed to keep safe, there is no point in asking them what they think about anything.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 8:00:26 AM
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I am trying to understand the reasoning behind keeping kids at school because, despite what many people are saying, kids do get the disease, some seriously. Plus they are great spreaders of the virus so they are putting their parents and grandparents at risk. Many would have pregnant mothers at home, who are in the high risk group.
I understand that essential workers need someone to watch their kids, I also understand the government is worried that dysfunctional parents will just let their kids run wild, including in public areas.
But surely there must be a better solution than leaving schools open.
I took my two grandkids out at the beginning of the week because I am in the high risk group. I’m now homeschooling them which is a huge burden on me, at my age, but I see no alternative. I can’t let them spent their days glued to screens, and they need to keep up with learning, so that’s my life for at least the next six months.
Hope everyone is keeping positive in these uncertain times.
Posted by Big Nana, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 9:44:54 AM
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The kids and their youngish parents/teachers, will probably be fine?

For years we've lived with a soldier on mentality, with colds and flu, take some cough medicine, aspirin or paracetamol, some antibiotics in case you get a secondary infection.

Then with your symptoms suppressed? Get out there and do your bit for herd immunity by spreading your virus as far and wide as possible!

And given the common cold is also of the same family as covid-19, may have helped to spread some partial immunity?

But not always! And no use to those with compromised immune response. Cancer, and a couple of hundred other conditions.

The positive news is, someone is now testing already approved medications that may prevent the virus from replicating and may include a range of proven antivirals, some arthritis medication and anti-malaria meds that seems to have assisted somewhat in SARS1.

I'd also like to see some of these medications used in combinations so doses may be lower yet just as or more efficacious? And could even be combinations of already approved, arthritis medication and leukemia chemo?

To see, at least in the petrie dish, if any of these combinations, kill the virus/prevent it replicating? And given already approved medications, allow human trials to begin immediately, so as to come up with a pill that'll at least prevent replication/suppress symptoms, while you serve in an essential service or are an at a high-risk cohort, aged care worker and the aged,e.g.

[Sadly, it required a private citizen to put up the research funds! None of which seem to have come from a, command and control, government?]

Then perhaps we can stop killing ourselves with fear and stress and just get back to the business, as usual, soldiering on and doing your bit for herd immunity?

As an alternative to ordering folk to home detention for daring to get sick or defy a P.M's advice! His language not mine.

I would've used the term, ignore, given it was just advice, not an emperor's command! But then, I'm not a political backstabbing, control freak/power junkie!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 25 March 2020 10:53:34 AM
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Surely someone out there will come to speak up for Ned Kelly?
Here is a small part of the Jerilderie Letter:

And my mother and four or five men lagged innocent, and is my brothers and sisters and my mother not to be pitied also who was has no alternative only to put up with the brutal and cowardly conduct of a parcel of big ugly, fat necked, wombat headed, big bellied, magpie legged, narrow hipped splaw-footed sons of Irish bailiffs or English landlords which is better known as officers of justice or Victorian police ...

They would say he ought to be ashamed of himself and tar and feather him. But he would be a king to a policeman who for a lazy loafing cowardly billet left the ash corner, deserted the Shamrock, the emblem of true wit and beauty to serve under a flag and nation that has destroyed, massacred and murdered their forefathers by the greatest of torture as rolling them down hill in spiked barrels, pulling their toes and finger nails, and on the wheel and every torture imaginable. More was transported to Van Dieman’s Land to pine their young lives away in starvation and misery among tyrants worse than the promised hell itself. All of true blood, bone and beauty that was not murdered on their own soil or had fled to America or other countries to bloom again another day, were doomed to Port McQuarie, Toweringabbie and Norfolk Island and Emu Plain. And in those places of tyranny and condemnation, many a blooming Irishman rather than subdue to the Saxon yoke were flogged to death and bravely died in servile chains, but true to the Shamrock and a credit to Paddy’s land.
Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 11:13:19 AM
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Fortunately for modern man, the modern day police force has become as ineffective as our politicians.

And as they hang out at Maccas, filling the bottomless coffee cup, guns dangling at their side, may it forever be.

And in so doing, ensuring the safety and justice of our communities remain free of interference, and flourishing in the ineffectiveness of what should be, but isn't!

God be praised, and here's to Ned.

Dan :-))
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 12:15:01 PM
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Congrats to Authors for highlight the success of Singapore and SCOMO's Open School policy. If Dr Norman Swan stands up on OUR ABC (that's what they tell us in Ultimo central commune HQ) on more time.... grrr. But then that's THEIR ABC agenda… attack any conservative recommendation

Tbbn, re Kelly, your spots-, a cold blooded, thief and shooter of unarmed policemen he captured.

Waverly, you like, so many romanticists and "larikin" true-blue Aussie and you lefty-loving, republican, 'wanna be Irish' lovies are delusional, sadly AND ignore the victims of such thugs.

Alan B, actually agree re the Good News which gets no airing on " ABC, panic central". Namely the off the sheklf traetments that have bene successful in trails and was used by Chai-na. Anti malarials/quinine and some anti-Aids drugs. Best of this is the Quinene and Gin/Jamieson mixes! Bet Tonic water will be hordered now by the CCC brigade who hored all the Bog-roll! Will not bother on your other stuff.
Posted by Alison Jane, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 12:31:00 PM
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Yes, I must a romantic. I'll tell this to the next 100 or 200 people as they queue outside the door begging for a bit of um, yeah .....that thing we used to do among consenting adults. Maybe by the time all this is over we might have forgotten how to do it.

Readers would do well to follow the advice of health professionals and eschew quackery, snake oil salesmen, and holy rollers. Maybe like Indonesians we can pray in an attempt to make all this go away?

Check on how that country is doing with the virus. And China too, if you can believe what they say.

And be fair to Our Ned, please.
Posted by Waverley, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 12:53:59 PM
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Dear Alan B.

Not to be agist. Where you drool "youngish...teachers" clearly you haven't read the article, old coot.

Note, your better, Mr West, wrote:

"There are very few younger teachers and fewer males every year, especially in State schools, primary schools most of all. Thus teaching is mostly done by middle-aged, middle-class females in school after school...Our teaching force is aging every year: the average age of teachers in New South Wales State schools goes up every year by some eight or nine months."

This demands a good ol boy, KKK solution, plus two Ks, ie:

Kreate Koncentration Kamps for Kids solitarally Konfined (KKKKK).

Here endeth my lesson.
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 2:32:28 PM
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Pete: Well old mate, if the KKK, Krikey KKK, Kids learn anything from you? It KKK Kan't be good manners?

Kripes, I read the article and stand by my take. And the good news that soon we may have a pill that provides some positive protection for all whose Kompromised immune systems are Kollapsing. Are we klear?

As for the gender and age bracket of the teacher Kohort? Totally irrelevant, given the same pill would be bisexual and just as effective if at all, for all adults. Even Granny?

And we are only working with, as I understand the current research, a range of already approved if retasked medication.

It's actually of paramount importance that the KKK Krickey, Kids get an education and not be forced to repeat a year if that is not necessary! They already carry enough stress to KKK, Kill a Kluster of KKK, Karpet snakes.

Plus we need to protect all those wonderful human beings who put up their hands as teachers, doctors, nurses and other health professionals, who are as I write, are working around the clock on treatments that may provide a level of protection while we get a vaccine tested as both safe and effective! I KKK, Kid you not!

Karry on and stay Kalm. Take Kare and stay safe.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 25 March 2020 4:05:14 PM
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Posted by individual, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 4:17:13 PM
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Some years ago my wife and I took the kids out of school as the social engineering was nothing short of wicked. My wife homeschooled the kids for a few years. The kids spent about 2 hours a day on 'school' work' The main problem was that when a school more in line with our values became available, each of them was to far in advance of the other kids. One ended up a doctor and is now unfortanetly at the front line of a major City hospital. Another ended up cruising through uni with first class honours while the other is also doing well. Coming from a dunce who needs a dictionary according to one of the prominant olo writers I think a little homeschooling will raise the ever declining learning of our kids. I am sure the teachers union will have something to say on this.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 4:27:21 PM
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A.J. Don't know how effective quinine would be, if at all given the one that apparently helped with SARS1 was the newer medication.

Heard sometime ago some researcher in Melbourne thought she'd curd aids with a repurposed combination of approved rheumatoid arthritis medication and leukemia chemo. Apparently, had her funding pulled? Given the billions big pharma earns, managing symptoms?

Dangerous given the way viruses mutate and become untreatable (Canada).

But beside the point. Given my druthers, I'd harvest some of the patient's T cells (bone marrow) and grow them a thousandfold in the lab. Then put them back in the patient. (a few days) and with them in and killing thousands of viruses in kamikaze attacks? Get the patient healthy enough to tolerate small doses of the combined therapy.

And given this combination was allegedly successful on HIV/aids? Might work as well if not better on covid-19 than other previously alleged also successful Anti HIV, antivirals. and without suppressing the immune system.

This time we're not trying to save/cure a few hedonistic gay men but hundreds f thousands of potential victim, fellow Australians. I'd tear up patent laws, intellectual property and just go for it.

Think, if a powerful Asian nation wanted to take us over? Would there ever be, a better time than now? That's why we need to make sure we at least have all military personal fit for duty and on deck even if reinfected?

Probably means we need to inject a slow-release (antiviral) device under their hides to carry them through alive and well until the vaccine is safe and perfected. Even if it is a bit of a pain in the Punjab? Groin/armpit?

Take care and stay safe!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 25 March 2020 5:53:16 PM
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Home schooling is favoured especially by people who own a cupboard full of guns, think too many people of colour are getting above themselves, favour enthusiastic happy clapper cults, and imagined that a reality TV star might offer useful leadership.

Teaching- an easy job, they will tell you at the club or pub. Yes! Try taking a noisy group of Kindergarten kids at 2pm any day. Or a challenging class of Year 8 boys with severe learning difficulties, on a Friday as holidays approach.
Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:01:22 AM
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'Teaching- an easy job, they will tell you at the club or pub. Yes! Try taking a noisy group of Kindergarten kids at 2pm any day. Or a challenging class of Year 8 boys with severe learning difficulties, on a Friday as holidays approach.'

certainly schools have become places of baby sitting and behaviour management since the secularist promoted and encouraged the breakdown of the natural family leading to masses of fatherless kids. The lack of love and discipline at home followed by the teaching of secularist dogmas. Not surprising the result is to be lectured to by an autistic 16 year girl on the latest fairytale. And the best the god deniers can come up with is labelling people cultist. Give me that cult over Sodom and Gomorrah any day.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 March 2020 10:42:07 AM
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Some of these people commenting sound like they would be right at home in Old Testament times- stone a woman caught in adultery and don't bother about the men; make sure every boy gets the chop before he finds out what his male member is for; an eye for an eye and so on.

Or they might feel at home in Indonesia, or Malaysia. Sure- Sharia Law would be good, in the eyes of some. See how these countries manage with the virus. Last I heard, Indonesia wasn't doing too well.
Posted by Waverley, Thursday, 26 March 2020 11:10:28 AM
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