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The Forum > Article Comments > Climate change opportunists aim to hijack Australia's bushfires crisis > Comments

Climate change opportunists aim to hijack Australia's bushfires crisis : Comments

By Charles Essery, published 3/2/2020

The experts who reviewed the Californian fires say '20% to 25% of the wildfire damage resulted from climate change', and '75% is the way we manage lands and develop our landscape'.

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Wrong on all five points, Mr Opinion. Since you think that CO2 must be the only possible reason for our present, scheduled, and right on time warming period, could you please explain how human generated CO2 caused

First Atlantic Warm Period about 7750 BC
Second Atlantic Warm Period about 7000 BC
First Saharan Warm period about 5800 BC
Second Saharan Warm Period about 5000 BC
Egyptian Warm period about 3200 BC
Sumerian Warm Period about 2200 BC
Minoan Warm Period about 1200 BC
Roman Warm Period about 400 BC to 300 AD
Medieval Warm Period about 1000 AD

In addition to that, could you please explain how this atmospheric CO2 mysteriously just disappeared within a few hundred years, causing the intervening cooling periods?

The whole HIGW hoax was as fanciful as the mid 70's "coming ice age" except that this time the UN saw a magnificent opportunity to create another useless and expensive department for their mates, where they could ride roughshod over sovereign nations in the quest to prevent a supposed immanent global catastrophe. The centrepeice of their scare was Michael Manne's laughable 1000 year "hockey stick graph, which any educated person knew was a complete fraud since it air brushed out the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. The graph supposedly showed temperatures to 2000 going straight up. Which is funny since global temps fell slightly from 1998 until 2014, when they started rising slightly again.

Thus the 2006 "climategate" email

"The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said that the world had cooled since 1998. OK, is has, but that is only seven years of data and it is not statistically significant." And then another where the climate scientists discussed how they are going to "hide the decline."

Can human generated CO2 exacerbate naturally occurring rising temperatures? Probably, by how much nobody knows. Are warming periods beneficial to humans? Historically, yes. Can we stop global warming? No. Can we stop our emissions exacerbating global warming. No. Unless we can invent a civilisation without metals, concrete, and fossil fuels.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 6 February 2020 7:15:50 AM
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I'm right on all points. AGW deniers do not know about a number of factors, including:

1. They do not know that the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas will create CO2.

2. They do not know that CO2 when trapped in the atmosphere will produce what scientists call the greenhouse effect.

3. They do not know what the greenhouse effect is.

4. They do not know that the greenhouse effect will cause heat to be trapped and stored in the atmosphere.

5. They do not know that the greenhouse effect exists.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:15:40 AM
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Those of us who have spent our entire careers measuring, analysing and investigating the REAL climate know these so called modelling climate scientists with their super-dooper computers and software are not climate scientists. They are mathematical modellers, peddling their shiny graphics and beautiful smooth curves in their graphs of doom, akin to the explorers waving beads to the native Indians to distract them from the main game, namely total control of their land!

When you are ill, do you go to the doctors, talk to a computer terminal and get a computer print out, OR to see an experienced practitioner of medicine, who actually has seen illness and knows how to fix you?

The IPCC and those from the UN and its backers have said the planet is ill and the mathematical modellers have said, I can give you lots of powerful graphics to tell you why, based on a still unproven theory. Why do we listen, because the media tells us so, day in, day out and promotes lies like the "science is settled" and their is "97% consensus". AND, after 3 decades of pro global warming propaganda, no parent dare question their "how-dare-you?" kids.

Maybe the only person on the planet today (who has been acquitted from impeachment charges) who can stop this nonsense is US President Donald Trump. He has already pulled out of the Paris 'so-called' agreement, released the constraints on the US energy industry, and exposed the USEPA.

I hear the screams and moans from the Democrats/CNN/BBC/ABC that Trump will now be untouchable and out of control. Well that is where the Global Warmers have been for decades.

Maybe this untouchable US President is the only person with the 'circular spheres' big enough to take on them on!

That would be so cool! Then we could focus on REAL issues like air/water/ocean pollution, population, sanitation for the poor, safe drinking water, recycling, deforestation, land degradation, erosion...…..
Posted by Alison Jane, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:35:11 AM
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Mr O, C'mon, enough of the childish boring repetitious tantrums.
We all know about your five points.
What YOU don't want to know is, that they don't matter.
They are not relevant or important enough to be used as reasons for GW or CC.
Just accept that LEGO's very informative and clear explanation of the current hoax is correct.
Instead of refuting this fact we should all be looking into WHY, we are being attacked with this mis-leading lie.
We are slowly accepting that there might be a slight increase in over-all global temp, but this is a phenomena that is and always ha been out of humanity's control.
Whoever is behind this huge con job has used only half the story to exaggerate the real situation, that we have caused what is a naturally occurring event and it is cyclic.
So give up on the tantrums and use your time to uncover who the scum-bags behind this BS are.
I'll give you a head start.
Try starting with the Bilderberg Group, or look up the "One World Order".
If you can find it, I tried looking for it again, but I think it's been removed, but it was the speech given by the head Rabbi at an international Rabbi convention some time ago.
It is THE most damning document, exposing these sick bastards to the point they will be vilified forever if their plans are carried out and the fact that finally there is evidence of their evil intentions.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:40:34 AM
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Soot 'Beam up me Scotty' Morrison does not know:

1. That the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas will create CO2.

2. That CO2 when trapped in the atmosphere will produce the greenhouse effect.

3. What the greenhouse effect is.

4. That the greenhouse effect will cause heat to be trapped and stored in the atmosphere.

5. That the greenhouse effect exists.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:48:06 AM
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Please take your medication Mr O
Posted by Alison Jane, Thursday, 6 February 2020 10:59:18 AM
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