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Trolls, bots, bushfires and climate change : Comments
By Charles Essery, published 22/1/2020The local BBC was claiming some fake social media pushed arson as the major factor and that this was a misinformation campaign by anti-global warming bots.
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Posted by Alison Jane, Thursday, 23 January 2020 6:55:20 AM
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Heard one of those extremely rare sensible & rather thoughtful Academics on the radio today.
He suggested that it is time that Australia has a kind of Civil Force akin to Army reservists such as I've been advocating here for years now. He said they could learn special skills on many fronts which would give especially the young, a leg in door to adult life. Now that an Academic has finally come around to my suggestions will there still be those like Paul1405 et al who are against such a community & society building service ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 January 2020 8:08:08 PM
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No problems with that, but do you think Malcolm Turnball would want to be patron for such an organisation?
Posted by Alison Jane, Thursday, 23 January 2020 8:26:00 PM
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Malcolm Turnball would want to be patron for such an organisation?
Allison Jane, What the hell for ? There's no need for perpetuating pomp. This is exactly what we need to get away from. There's no need for a Patron ! All we need is incentive for young unemployed people. To involve the likes of Turnbull would be detrimental to the integrity of a National Service or whatever would be the most apt name for a service to help young people in the transition to adulthood with a light at the end of the tunnel. We need to reduce red tape not make it longer. Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 January 2020 10:17:25 PM
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The Washington Post, 7 October 2018
"The world has barely 10 years left to get climate under control, UN scientists say." Associated Press June 3 1989 Headline. UN Predicts Disaster If Global Warming Not Checked. "A senior UN official has said that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by 2000." The Canberra Times Sept. 1988. Maldives. "A gradual rise in average sea levels is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands within the next 30 years, according to authorities." Maldives today. The Guardian (who lists the story as "more than 11 years old) announced that "President Obama has four years to save the earth." The World Economic Forum in 2017 upped Hanson's "four years" and went for three. We have a bidding war here, folks. Before Global Warming, Global Cooling. The Guardian November 20, 1974 "The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as new source of death and misery for mankind." The Guardian. January 29, 1974 Heading. "Satellites Show New Ice Age is Coming Fast." Science News. March 1st, 1975. "The Ice Age Cometh." Newsweek. April 28, 1975. "There are ominous signs that the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically, and that these changes will portend a drastic decline in food production. The evidence in support of thee predictions has started to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard pressed to keep up with them. Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for climate change and it's effects. They propose that covering the polar ice caps with soot may prevent global cooling." Brisbane Courier Mail, Jan 10, 1871, responding to three consecutive years of severe drought. "Every season is said to be extraordinary. Every month, the wettest, or driest, or windiest, or hottest, or coldest, ever known. Much observation, which should correct a tendency to exaggerate, seems in the minds of some, a tendency to exaggerate it. Posted by LEGO, Friday, 24 January 2020 6:52:00 AM
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Apologies individual, I was being sarcastic, and your idea is good.
But now I think of it, might do him good, as he is unemployed, lacking direction and in need to something constructive for once in his life.. 'what da ya tink?' For those of you who like examples of the low depths AGWers will go, watch this review of the Graphs and stats so many AGWS love to throw at us climate realists... its a cracker expose. LEGO Great collection of predictions that even Nostradamus couldn't match. You remind me to dig out that article that listed our own, one-an-only most loved paleo-botanist Tim Flannery. I recall they reached 47 about a year ago, so must be at least 50+ my now and may even hit the century before he leaves his mortal coil. Posted by Alison Jane, Friday, 24 January 2020 8:42:49 AM
Nothing new ther then. But no. Emeperor Mal's renowned braincells have been working. He has the answer. just beg him back as PM, and he will solve it.
"How many more million hectares of forest has to be burnt? How many more lives and home have to be lost before the climate change deniers acknowledge they are wrong?” he said.
“If a country like Australia is not prepared to grapple with these issues seriously – itself being on the front line of the consequences and being an advanced, prosperous, technologically sophisticated country with the means to do so – why would other countries take the issue as seriously as they should?”
Emp Mal also calls his own party like terrorists and Murdoch evil. Lame PR move, ie attacking Trump, liberals and Murdoch will hopefully boost book sales! Check him out on BBC world news... like a trim down memory lane!
NOTE TO AUTHOR. Did you forget to add "Malbots" as a threat to media misinformation? I recall the early days of "comic computer skits" and "MAX Headroom" ( springs to mind.
That glorious stuttering pre cursor to Red Dwarfs Kryton. Could you research the "Malbot" for us and report back asap! Beware, they are slippery,cunning, rich, arrogant little so'n'sos.
SERIOUS FOOTNOTE: Sadly a true global comic leader died from dementia today, Terry Jones (Monty Python for 'young ones'). Terry Jones RIP, and sympathies to his family and fellow Monty Pythons. ps, Michael Palin's interview on news is so human. Oh to have such an reaction an old mate.