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Waiting for the replay : Comments

By Mark Buckley, published 20/1/2020

Scott Morrison is now having to deal with the two very distinct wings of his party, as they gird themselves for the culture war which will probably erupt at any moment.

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" ‘wet’ liberals, or as they sometimes call themselves, Modern Liberals. Tim Wilson, Dave Sharma, Jason Falinski, Katie Allen, Angie Bell and Trent Zimmerman have even gone as far as joining the Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action group."

That says it all, could you imagine if the wet right wingers of Labour joined a "Climate realist/denier" group.. they would be thrown out. Proves these the Liberals are a broader and more diverse group than Labour and better for it!

I dislike/distrust libs and Labour both equally and dream of a time when are local MP (state and federal)…one must always dream! but never try holding your breath for them to come true!
Posted by Alison Jane, Monday, 20 January 2020 9:31:15 AM
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The dissidents mentioned are not just wets; they are small 'l' liberals better suited to Labor or the Greens. Politics is so much a 'career' these days that these sorts of people latch onto the party that will get them elected. Ideology and personal integrity don't come into it. Malcolm Turnbull was one such creature; his first choice was Labor, but they had the good sense to reject him.

The only people who can rid us of these soldiers of fortune without a conscience or sense of honesty are voters; but they don't have the interest or the wit to withhold their votes from a dodgy candidate for just one election, because they think that their beloved party is the right one to elect at every occasion. And, of course, the Liberal party is notoriously stupid when it comes to choosing candidates. The ALP, rot its socks, selects true blues who rarely, if ever, deviate from the party line. Who knows what the Liberals will do anymore? What do they believe? They are certainly of little use to socialist-hating conservatives, who's votes they no longer seem to care about. And, despite the personal strength Scott Morrison has shown over the last few weeks, he is still not the man to command and discipline his mutinous (in the case of the aforementioned wets) troops. If he doesn't slap them down soon, he will be in big trouble.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 January 2020 9:37:35 AM
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Joel Fitzgibbon springs to mind. Amazing that you chose to criticise the Labor Party for being narrow, while missing the whole point of the article, which is that we may have another rebellion within the Liberal ranks. That is why I used the "replay" word. The fact that they have such 'dinosaurs' actually in the Parliament speaks not of their breadth, but of hopeless pre-selection processes. And from Labor's perspective, they would probably welcome Fitzgibbon's leaving.
Good chat!
Posted by askbucko, Monday, 20 January 2020 9:40:13 AM
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A large number of members belonging to that mongrel bastard of agglomeration, the Liberal National Party in Queensland, should be factored into the equation. They will NOT stop denying climate change just because their leader-of-the-day has smelt the wind and has changed his view.Their paymasters have not changed their views. Coal exists to be dug up and sold for a profit.

Queensland is the elephant in the room. Morrison will always be looking to the far-right to see what he is allowed to say and to do. If the elephants dislike hi words or deeds, then he will be dumped without warning.

For the remainder of his term he will be no more than a puppet of the FRWNJs. There will be NO discussion of climate change acceptance or action, there will be NO national energy plan, there will NO policy concerning renewable energy sources, and there will be NO coordination at federal level of bushfire policy and action.
Posted by Brian of Buderim, Monday, 20 January 2020 10:04:55 AM
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Gee, the vindictiveness of the peace-loving regress-orientated Progressives is reaching for new lows !
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 January 2020 10:09:40 AM
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Yup and on the cards as the hard-right take wake up calls all over the country! And accelerated by the triggering of the world's most powerful weapon, the finance bomb

And exploded with the explosive news the biggest finance house on the planet with trillions under its control has told us they are getting out of or moving away from coal!

This is sure to rigger a traditional response in some conservative quarters, i.e., like rabbits caught in the headlights and frozen with fear?

Incapable of accepting current outcomes of the communities expectations but will do as they always do, say something like our view is evolving or similar garbage that allows them to kick countless cans down the road and make it someone else's responsibility!


Charity (vote buying) is nice but not universally applicable nor are the loans!

Isa layi, cowa cowa kara.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 20 January 2020 10:15:48 AM
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