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When did the bushfires become woke? : Comments

By Vanessa de Largie, published 10/1/2020

If Australia is so 'diverse', 'inclusive' and 'anti-bigotry' as we make out to be - then why make a habit of singling out race at all?

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Ise, correct mate, only grubbing it out by hand works and it does need to be gotten rid of by the only means available. Don't know if any animals graze on the stuff or if the fibre is useful for anything?

Perhaps it can be used as fuel in alternative power plants and perhaps something could be invented by some clever bloke who can perhaps adapt a drome or something to go in and find every plant.

Perhaps a bounty or some such or work for the dole scheme with a quota attached to your weekly payroll or some such?

While we are discussing plants suggest you look up hempcrete for fireproof building material for those that need to rebuild with a material likely to last for up to 500 years.

Cost-effective desal,i.e. deionisation dialysis desalination powered by CHEAPER THAN COAL MSR thorium, could have put potable water where there is none. Any mug can bag what they don't fully understand or have an ideological imperative or vested interest that makes it verboten

How many firefighters have lost their lives for a lack of water? Surely we need here on the driest inhabited continent on earth to consider all viable options not just those politically palatable to this or that political ideology!

Or worse, a rank invested interest in maintaining high priced irrigation water?
Cheers, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 12 January 2020 5:47:58 PM
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Yes, hempcrete is one way to go and is an excellent insulating/building material but there is no great monetary profit in its use compared to the usual building materials, the middlemen miss out.
I'm an advocate for mud brick and rammed earth (pise) buildings, combined with earth covered roofs that are well turfed.

One such building that I trod a few mud-brick mixes for was eventually two-story and there was a manually operated lift to hoist the goat up to roof level when the grass got a bit long.
He would bleat when he wanted to come down.
The gutters were timber and filled with stones and the "downpipes" were steel chains.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 12 January 2020 8:23:42 PM
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a few mud-brick mixes for was eventually two-story
is Mise,
That sounds quaint however, when planning for future towns & suburbs we must take actual practicality into serious consideration. The fewer storeys, the more land is required. The more infrastructure re services etc. It is the urban spread that really needs to be kept to as much of a minimum as practical.
So, we really only have less than a handful of choices. More multi storey, more area occupied or the most sensible but most objected to option, fewer people !
It is my most fervent believe that a workable balance can be achieved if people can be convinced that the only way of achieving this is via discipline & responsibility from the people of a Nation !
Step 1 is a National Service Scheme for want of a better & more appealing description.
Controlling natural disasters such as Bush fires & Floods would negate the heavy dependence of "Volunteers" as is presently the case were we to have such a scheme.
A National Service would instil a mentality that would offer us a better society & way of life !
A mentality that would enable us to shake off the welfare mentality !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 15 January 2020 9:16:27 AM
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Individual, how do you define your ideal National Service ?
Is it part of the armed forces or something completely separate ?
Would they be conscripted or voluntary ?
What activity or work types would they undertake.
Will it be a skills development program ?
Define that and we may start agreeing with you.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 15 January 2020 9:38:06 AM
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thanks for showing an interest.
To begin with, the service should not be military & only 18-20 year old unemployed should be required to participate.
No service, no welfare if the person is physically or mentally fit to participate.
The activities should be from various fields for which the participant shows either interest and/or aptitude with the focus on further development to succeed in entering the work force.
Exposure to skill development is highly desirable along with creating a sense of belonging, responsibility & respect for others. Many so-called Street Kids would find it far more interesting if they were spending their day hours with others & the night hours sleeping instead of being exposed to nonsensical boredom & peer pressure.
I have spoken with many youngsters about such a service & almost all would welcome to get out of the dreadful Centrelink humiliation !
Many of those homeless would much rather get a decent feed & a warm bed instead of the alternative. My prediction is that within a mere two or three lots of participants we'd see a definite decline in the hopelessness presently experienced by young people not finding something worthwhile to do.
I'm certain that as soon as some participants complete such a service, their experiences would encourage others to participate also.
The main focus must be to give young people more hope & purpose in their life.
A National Service scheme must not become another Centrelink where the focus is on the careers of Public Servants instead of the people needing help !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 15 January 2020 8:27:31 PM
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Individual; sounds interesting. It would look like a military barracks
almost inevitably if mealtimes already prepared by staff or perhaps
like a boarding school.
Do you anticipate however they would go home every night ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 15 January 2020 9:02:08 PM
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