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The Forum > Article Comments > When did the bushfires become woke? > Comments

When did the bushfires become woke? : Comments

By Vanessa de Largie, published 10/1/2020

If Australia is so 'diverse', 'inclusive' and 'anti-bigotry' as we make out to be - then why make a habit of singling out race at all?

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'The author said; then why make a habit of singling out race at all?
Islam is not a race it is a religion. Be careful using the race tag.'

you beat me to it Bazz. Problem like so many leftist lies repeated often enough people believe them. Islam is not a race.
Posted by runner, Friday, 10 January 2020 4:47:12 PM
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Islam is not a race
No but it is the # 1 competitor in a Race of achieving annihilation of sense !
Posted by individual, Friday, 10 January 2020 8:22:44 PM
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So keen are Lefties to be politically correct and inclusive, they infantilize these minority groups like an overprotective mother
These Labor/Green voting helicopter Citizens are rapidly becoming plague-like!
Posted by individual, Saturday, 11 January 2020 8:17:45 AM
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When the fuel load is tinder dry from years of drought, when is it safe to backburn?
A: never ever!

Q: when the bush is tinder dry from years of drought, when is it safe to cell graze it to reduce/completely remove the fuel load?
A: 24/7 365 days of the year!

About fires, there are some new robotic machine on the market that'll take on a fire head-on. Have a jet of water over a hundred yards long and a huge turbofan that delivers volumetric mist that tackles ember storms. And should be deployed in ranks so when an if the
first rank runs out of water, the second rank can move forward to replace them, then the third rank.

If this sounds like warfare, it's because we are fighting on many fronts with piddling hoses and from tanks on utes or backpacks!

And demonstrably ineffective against towering firestorms a hundred feet high an advancing at thirty kilometres an hour sounding like a herd of stampeding wild horses, being driven by a thousand riders cracking monstrous whips.

Behind these remotely controlled machines, there'd need to be refill tankers and they would need to be a quick turnaround convoy!

After that, there'd need to be guaranteed water and power surety! water an pumps to recharge tankers! An only able to be AFFORDABLY guaranteed with deionisation dialysis desalination an MSR thorium. And pipelines.

And consider my earlier comment on saturating the landscape when he rains do return.

We've watered the sea far too well and the current firestorm devouring the bush is the all too obvious asinine consequence of asinine activism that to date has destroyed over three million acres burnt down around three hundred homes, millions of native animals and taken twenty lives and counting.

This is war and this is what war looks like in the aftermath! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 11 January 2020 10:16:05 AM
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This post highlights a regular aspect of society - the habit. of stressing our differences, either in a critical or praising sense.
It is not the key part of a news report to specify the nationality, religion, or any group membership of a person whose actions are the story.
Rather, such usage is a convenient tool for expressing a personal attitude, such as implying a higher or lower status to the persons being described.
It allows for the use of cliched terms such as “valiant firefighters”, “ suspect ethnics” and so on.
The point I’m making is that there ought to be a valid reason to highlight any demographic difference, otherwise those absorbing the report are likely to have their attitudes shaped by the author.
Posted by Ponder, Saturday, 11 January 2020 10:46:21 AM
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"Q: when the bush is tinder dry from years of drought, when is it safe to cell graze it to reduce/completely remove the fuel load?
A: 24/7 365 days of the year!" [and 366 in a Leap Year].

Where can I get some of these grazing animals that eat dead, dry sticks?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 11 January 2020 3:46:46 PM
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