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The European Court of Justice's antisemitic ruling : Comments
By Jed Lea-Henry, published 2/12/2019The court ruled that all products made in Israeli settlements must be labelled as such, and cannot be sold as ‘products of Israel’.
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What a pathetic ruling. Is the European Court of Justice staffed by school children? But, we shouldn't be fooled by the apparent childish nastiness: anti-Semitism is on the rise again
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 2 December 2019 8:22:00 AM
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No minor abuses of Palestinians or international law by Israel can be questioned or criticized until all abuses of human rights are set right, only then can Israel's ethnic cleansing, mass murder and war crimes may be opposed. Until then Israel must be free as the US is to bomb any country, kill anyone anywhere when it has determined that their interests are perceived to be threatened.
Making use of conquered territories/colonies is the right of all ubermench. Posted by 124c4u, Monday, 2 December 2019 9:03:04 AM
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"but what could possibly explain this pattern of behaviour – or these types of laws – other than anti-Semitism."
Love for Jews and the good people of Israel! Helping Israel to rid itself of this toxic 1967 occupation, so it can heal itself. Those who view Israel as "light unto the nations" should especially expect higher moral standards of it than China or Zimbabwe. In order to shine again, Israel must extricate itself of the darkness of the 1967 war. How nice that Israel still have friends! Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 2 December 2019 9:19:46 AM
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Well, two anti-semitic posts out of three, rather proves your point. The 1967 war, the one where Israel's neighbours and other opponents sought to wipe it off the map but were crushed by a superior military with right on its side. Almost all international bodies have anti-Israel majorities, which use those bodies to vilify and harm Israel - the most successful and democratic state in the Middle East - while ignoring terrible abuses elsewhere. But the EU doesn't have that excuse - its decision is appalling.
Posted by Faustino, Monday, 2 December 2019 11:02:18 AM
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Its the God of Israel the anti semites hate. They have no chance. Read the end of the book.
Posted by runner, Monday, 2 December 2019 11:34:41 AM
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What a pathetic piece of regurgitated Israeli government propaganda.
The BDS movement have primarily targeted goods from the illegally occupied Palestinian lands rather than the whole of Israel and yet they are still labelled anti-Semitic. What a crock. Israel is effectively an apartheid state and should be condemned as such. As Australians we use to be able to recognise who were the underdogs and support them. As the country has turned to the right we have lost some of that ethic and this is a case in point. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 2 December 2019 12:32:01 PM
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Dear Faustino,
«The 1967 war, the one where Israel's neighbours and other opponents sought to wipe it off the map but were crushed by a superior military with right on its side.» Correct. So what? - A classical red-herring! The occupation is an internal Israeli problem. The fact that Israel's neighbours are "not nice" and happen to be idiotic aggressors has nothing to do with it. Ultimately, it is Israel alone which suffers from this occupation. While Israel crushed its attacking neighbours, as indeed it had to under the circumstances, it should have then left the area within a few days, once all enemy forces were extinguished. «Almost all international bodies have anti-Israel majorities» And according to this distorted logic, also nearly half the Israeli citizens who also oppose the occupation as well as many Jews around the world that are alienated by Israel's government policies, they too are "anti-Israel", even anti-semitic... Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 2 December 2019 3:18:52 PM
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Actually I'm buggered if I know how this article was let through. The title is toxic enough by its self.
Can anyone please explain how the court's decision was anti-Semitic? The case was brought by an Israeli Westbank wine maker, against the advice even of the Israeli Government. For the Court to have ruled in favour of the applicant would have meant it regarding the illegal West Bank settlement as part of Israel, something most certainly not accepted by the rest of the world's governments barring perhaps the US. To be labelling the decision as anti-Semitic is abusive, divisive, contrary to natural justice and demeaning of the word. All pretty damn shameful. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 2 December 2019 7:32:13 PM
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History seems to have been forgotten. Israel was an existent country
a couple of thousand years before Islam existed. The trouble started around 680 ad when the Arabs arrived in Mesopotamia and started ethnically cleaning those countries. That job is almost complete. All that was done on the orders of Allah according to the Koran. In fact Mohammad invented Islam as a Genocidal warlord that indulged in murder, rape and plunder with pedophilia as a sideline. As he accumulated power he and his successors left Arabia and invaded Mesopotamia subjecting those populations to Islam or else. Assyria was typical, they killed the men and took the women. Why do you think Syrians speak Arabic now ? Are you surprised the Jews react the way they do ? The Koran still commands the Arabs to kill Jews and unbelievers. If you do not like the above, live with it or you will die of it ! Posted by Bazz, Monday, 2 December 2019 10:32:52 PM
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So what exactly is anti-semitic here?
That the EU won't bend over and recognise Israeli land theft and ethnic cleansing is legitimate because 'He saw fit to take it from them and give it to us'? Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 2 December 2019 10:56:30 PM
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"The Koran still commands the Arabs to kill Jews and unbelievers."
- And Judaism commands the Jews to exterminate the Palestinians. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 2 December 2019 11:07:38 PM
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As evil and cruel as Arabs/Muslims might be, this ought to be discussed on different thread(s).
While Israel need not do any favours or make any concessions to the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians", this does not mean that Israel should shoot itself in the foot because of them. The 1967 occupation destroys Israel from within, thus it should stop ASAP. Good on the Europeans for trying to bring Israel back to its senses! Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 2:50:56 AM
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No doubt with Yellow Stars attached.
Posted by McCackie, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 8:11:27 AM
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Dear Bazz,
Mark Twain relates the following in his book Innocents Abroad; "Here, under the quiet stars, these old streets seem thronged with the phantoms of forgotten ages. My eyes are resting upon a spot where stood a monument which was seen and described by Roman historians less than two thousand years ago, whereon was inscribed: “WE ARE THE CANAANITES. WE ARE THEY THAT HAVE BEEN DRIVEN OUT OF THE LAND OF CANAAN BY THE JEWISH ROBBER, JOSHUA.” Joshua drove them out, and they came here." Perhaps it is the Palestinians who have the ultimate right to the land given your 'historical possession trumps everything' narrative. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 9:44:35 AM
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Except the Palestinians are Arabs.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 3:37:55 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Nobody has an "ultimate right" to a land, any land: we have not created this land, this planet, we even know too little about what is under it and how it was formed. That said, if there was such a right in respect to the land of Israel, then some (though not all) of the so-called "Palestinians" would be the best candidates, because they are in fact the descendants of the Jewish people that originally lived on that land and never left it. Indeed at some stage they bowed down to the pressure and converted into Islam, but why should that matter? But as I just said above, nobody should have rights over a land, only over one's development of that land. In that regard, the Jewish settlers invested in and developed the land of Israel by orders of magnitude far beyond what the Arabs/Palestinians/Ottomans did for all centuries. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 5:54:05 PM
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'Nobody has an "ultimate right" to a land, any land: we have not created this land, this planet, we even know too little about what is under it and how it was formed.'
Who says Yuyutsu. If God wanted to drive out the pagan nations and give land to Israel who are you to tell Him otherwise? Posted by runner, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 6:23:20 PM
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Dear Runner,
«If God wanted to drive out the pagan nations» While I am aware that the bible in its current form claims so, modern research shows that most of the tribes of Israel, all other than the Levites, were still pagan at the time they allegedly conquered the land. In fact they never left Israel to begin with when the returning Levites arrived from Egypt. - Further research indicates that Israel only accepted monotheism at the times of King Josiah (648-609 B.C) and until then even the Jerusalem temple was used to worship the goddess Asherah. Yet even without modern research, the bible itself is full of descriptions of continuous idolatry by the Israelites - so WHY WOULD GOD DRIVE OUT SOME PAGANS IN ORDER TO LET OTHER PAGANS IN? Sorry, I understand that you consider the whole bible to be the word of God and it may have been so originally, but the historical accounts in what later became known as the Old-Testament were severely tampered with for political gains. This is not to diminish the glory of Jesus Christ, but it could indicate that his mention of "the law and the prophets" referred to the true law and true prophets rather than to the book we now have which was finalized about 200 years after Jesus. In any case Jesus did omit the chronicles from his famous statement (not an iota), he did not say "the law, the prophets and the histories". Further, even if God granted the land of Israel to the Jews, it was still conditional. The prophets continually warned that if Israel continued to sin, the land will be taken away from them, and so it was. There is no indication that Israel was somehow forgiven in the 20th century, as they just took the land defiantly by secular means rather than by divine intervention. OTOH, those former Jews who remained in Israel and converted to Islam, kept worshiping the one and only God, albeit under the name of Allah. Had God indeed acted as a land-agent, whom should He favoured? Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 11:23:04 PM
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Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 5 December 2019 12:20:30 PM