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The Forum > Article Comments > Privileging prejudice: the threat and opportunity posed by the movement for 'religious freedom' > Comments

Privileging prejudice: the threat and opportunity posed by the movement for 'religious freedom' : Comments

By Rodney Croome, published 5/6/2019

Anti-LGBTI prejudice has found euphemisms to hide behind like 'religious freedom', 'freedom of speech', 'freedom of conscience' and 'parental rights'.

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This issue of freedom-of-religion is too serious to be used as a football between different identity-groups.

Religion is about coming closer to God (call Him/Her/It by any name or not by any). The impulses of creation and existence, themselves come from our longing to rejoin God. We could do without society, without food, without air, without bodies, without matter, energy, space or time even, but it is nonsensical to speak of being without God, That which we truly are.

So when one is called by God to do or refrain from something, then this they must do or avoid, no matter what. No human law may ever go against God's calling - never!

Yet we have a problem: How do we know what God asks of us? How can we be certain?

The author is so correct: "There are often no objective tests for what a religious objection might be"!

Some of us believe that nothing is asked of us.
Others believe that we have no way of knowing what is asked of us.
Some believe that it may be is possible to know what is being asked of them, but for the time-being they do not know what it is.
Others are convinced that there at least are some known guidelines.
Those who are sensitive enough feel that God calls them for certain tasks.
A few are convinced that God instructs them personally what to do.
Fewer still, those rare saints who have purified their intellect of all selfish influences, are indeed attuned to God all the time and consequently always do His/Her/Its bidding.

...And this poor human legislature has to handle all the above types, simultaneously - Mission Impossible!

Historically, it has been too long that religious groups (and/or claimants-to-religion) demanded legal exceptions, but this backfired, so repeat not this mistake and follow the inevitable lesson:

If you want to prevent the persecution of religion, then have no laws - or as fewer as possible. The fewer the laws, the lesser exceptions are required and the lesser the chance of obstructing saints and devotees in their sacred missions.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 5 June 2019 7:18:53 PM
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Christianity is important enough in people's lives to affect their votes, among other aspects of their lives. That's not going to go away no matter how bitterly the opposition to religion writes and protests. My suggestion is to come to terms with this reality. At least Christianity stands against acted on homosexuality. Other religions I can't speak for, nor want to. But if your asking for a Christian to marry a gay or a lesbian, then you are telling them to act against their beliefs. (Not all Christians, but enough who take seriously the words in the bible). Therefore trying to force all priests and ministers to merry a homosexual couple is on the same level as telling them to reject their own faith. Telling a Christian to not speak about their faith when there is so much media devoted to a anti Christian narrative is going to get you backlash. Eventually they might see the double standard and do what Israel Folau did and go against a hypocritical contract agreement. He didn't speak for ruby, he spoke for himself, yet the cooperation that owns rugby punished him because they could, and demanded by contract something that is not right. (To be silent about his faith in his own life while off the field).

There's more to put on the table but that should be enough for now. The point is that aggressive anti-religious and specific anti-Christian movements are ongoing doing battle against people's right to live and express their own faith. Yes even the right to do so publicly. The LGB and associates are part of that aggressive push to remove religion from people who value it in their lives.

Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Thursday, 6 June 2019 3:33:27 AM
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Now for the other side of the coin. LGB and associates are more then just the right to marry and to find a job. The group has expanded to a longer alphabet soup name that has nothing to do with sexuality a person might be born with but to identity politics and encouraging kids to try on one of those identities while they are young and in school. No longer if they are born with it, but also if they just don't want to be the sex they are born as because of identity stereotypes being confused and taught as a person's sexuality and their identity. The point is that it shouldn't require surgery on a kid to step out of a stereotype for what is masculine or feminine.

If LGB wants to get back to what really matters and having equal or fair treatment, then shake off the rest of the letters associated with them. Identity politics is doing more harm then good. As for the fair treatment. Fight for that, and then be content when you get it. But stay reasonable. Do not demand for a school to hire you if they are a religious school and have a stance against homosexuality. Nor demand a minister to marry you. Some schools and ministers will be ok with it, others won't. Don't force the issue. As long as you have opportunity to get married and find work elsewhere, there is no harm to you. Then when you've got equally fair rights, don't demand more. Be happy with what you've got and try to be at peace with everyone else.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Thursday, 6 June 2019 3:35:22 AM
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Rodney's acting like Trigglypuff throwing a retard tantrum.

He needs to drop the political correctness / equality ideology that has poisoned his mind, and try something else instead.
He should try 'Truth, Ethics, and Arguments that Hold Merit'.

'Harm Principle'
Everyone has the right to live however they choose so long as it doesn't affect otherse in an adverse way.

Arguments that Hold Merit:
'Socratic Method'
A form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

'The Truth'
The way to the truth is to separate arguments that do hold merit from those that don't

Rodney needs to understand that trying to force his beliefs upon others is EXACTLY THE SAME as others trying to force their beliefs on him.
Equality: Does that mean we must all be sentient clones of one another or does it mean we respect our differences?

I'm glad that neither religious or gay organisations completely have their way.
It would be disastrous if either of them we're running the show.

The left are psychologically challenged.
They don't mind ANTIFA out abusing people and wrecking up the local community when they have numbers, but then revert to cry-baby childlike poor-me mentality when they're not getting their own way.
It's all rather curious.

Rodney should put on his 'big-boy' pants and try growing the hell up.
- The rest of us have to, and for this there is no minority exemption -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 6 June 2019 11:52:52 AM
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A member of the lunatic left of the homosexual "rights" movement opposes free speech, religious freedom, and parental authority. OK, so what else is new? His (or is it a she? Shim? Sher? or whatever) on a loser there.

Ordinary people are politically apathetic until the day they realise that an insignificant minority of activists have succeeded in legally forcing the majority to abide by the bizarre beliefs of the insignificant minority. Then they get angry and vote for Trump, Farage, Morrison, and Hanson.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 10 June 2019 7:17:31 AM
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Dear LEGO,

Yes, you are correct, but we ought to see the larger picture:

If you pull a pendulum in one direction, then it will not just fall down to centre, but continue the other way.

For centuries, the Church has oppressed ordinary people and succeeded in legally forcing the majority to abide by its beliefs. Some people got very angry and are therefore now taking the pendulum the other way, equally as bad.

The challenge ahead is to find and establish balance and moderation, where everyone can grow spiritually at their own pace, rather than at a pace dictated by others.

As for parental authority, I wholly support it - but shame on such parents who accept tax-payer's money from the state for the education of their children. I think that by doing so, they have morally relinquished their parental authority.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 10 June 2019 8:49:12 AM
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