The Forum > Article Comments > Trump set to reject UN and PLO on Jews legal rights in West Bank > Comments
Trump set to reject UN and PLO on Jews legal rights in West Bank : Comments
By David Singer, published 22/5/2019Acting in breach of its own Charter has reduced the UN to an organization held hostage by the 134 anti-Israel nations.
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 9:32:24 AM
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David: It's said a fool never learns! Anyone who thinks he knows what uncle Donald will do next is Deleted expletive, himself!
Why, not even Uncle Donald knows what he'll do next!? And if left to his own resources may just pull one lever too many and precipitate an unholy war somewhere but likely the Middle East. And should warn us, we have no time to lose to electrify our fossil-fueled economy and reindustrialise to the max! Because a Middle East at war with themselves, America and Israel, would strangle our oil imports. And with it the major part of our near defenceless economy. Trump has to face the electors soon and one not willing to countenance a new Middle East war/never ever ending blood bath!! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 May 2019 12:46:41 PM
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Leaving aside those two rogue organisations, the UN and the PLO, there are three different bodies involved: Trump, Israel and "The Jews".
Trump, if he cares about anything but his own glorification, then it is the interests of the USA - neither of "the Jews", nor of Israel. In the view of many Americans, the aim of pushing the Jews back onto their ancient land is to bring forward the Armageddon - perhaps it is in the interest of some Christians, but definitely not the interest of either Israel or of "the Jews". The interest of Israel is to be out of the West Bank. As for "The Jews", if indeed there is such a united body whose interest includes settlement in Judea and Samaria (West Bank), then they are welcome to go and live there, legally or otherwise, but only as long as they pay the price themselves, in blood, their own blood, not Israel's. Simply put, Israel should not foot the bill of any lunatic in town. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 4:00:55 PM
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Hi Alan,
With his 'quick-fix' simplicity, Trump could start three wars at once: against Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. Boy, wouldn't that surprise them ?! And best of all, it would piss off China, Russia, Turkey, most of Latin America, Europe (those cheese-eaters) and western Asia, and probably India, all in one go ! But it would show who's boss. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 5:08:40 PM
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Joe: Was thinking of sending Uncle Donald one of those super bright, tactical narrow focused flashlights for his B'day. And then ask his secretary of state to shine it out a window so he could slide down it to the lawn. Anyhow don't think he would go for that?
I mean he'snot mad. He likely get halfway down and some R sole would turn the #@%*ing thing off and he'd fall and hurt himself? Unless he fell on his head? Better he gets back to ruling the world and putting those smarmy Iranians back in their box! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 May 2019 5:40:20 PM
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You wrote incorrectly, David,[In a now-archived thread: Hashemite-rule-in-Jordan-on-collision-course-with-Trump-and-Israel (] that:
“There-is-no-purpose-in-discussing-with-you-how-the-conflict-can-be-resolved-when-in-your-opinion-the-only-solution-is-the-elimination-of-the-State-of-Israel.” I don’t have a formed opinion on what would constitute a solution for the plight of the Palestinians. I’ve not advocated ‘the-elimination-of-the-State-of-Israel’- here on this thread, or anywhere else. However I hold the view that Israel lacks legitimacy and have made that clear(in my first/subsequent comments) on that other thread and possibly elsewhere. It seems to me that you use a narrower definition of the ‘legitimacy’ word than I do. From what you’ve written, it seems that ‘legitimacy’ for you (see your 21Apr2019 comment there) derives from the Mandate-for-Palestine and from the decisions of the UN (e.g. Article-80 of the UN-Charter and perhaps also from its Partition-Plan. This ‘legitimacy’ does not seem to include the UN’s Charter: Article 1 ‘principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples’ - a principle which was not afforded the Palestinians. There’ve been a number of UN Security Council resolutions which Israel appears to be in breach of. Readers can find them via Google. To seek to rely on the WWI Victors’ League-of-Nations ‘Mandate for Palestine’, as if it conferred legitimacy for the subsequent takeover of Palestine and creation of the State of Israel … is in my view, a fruitless exercise. I see in David’s article a triumphalist ‘might-is-right’ approach. Donald Trump – he’s quite the opposite of Henry Kissinger, even if the realpolitik label might seem to apply to both. I cannot say David, that your... ‘legal-rights-vested-in-the-Jewish-people-to-reconstitute-the-Jewish-National-Home-in-Judea-and-Samaria-(West-Bank)’, ...your: ‘this-canard-of-Jewish-illegality’ ...and your: ‘legally-binding-authority-of-the-Mandate ’ … cuts much ice with me. The victors of WWI got together, formed a club called the League of Nations, gathered around them a bunch of sycophant states and carved up the international boundaries. They sold out Palestinian Arab independence, promised a Jewish ‘homeland’ … all against the expressed wishes of the inhabitants of that land. David, you extract from all this some form of ‘legality’, as if your ‘legality’ and the wider concept: ‘legitimacy’ are one and the same. The following provides some background reading for those interested: UN-Partition-Plan: document: map: UN-Charter: UN-The-Question-of-Palestine Posted by Garry in Liffey, Sunday, 26 May 2019 10:35:00 AM
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Hey Garry in Liffey,
I agree, I think the arguments David makes in respect of The Mandate for Palestine and the League of Nations are null and void. My basis for this is that the Charter of the United Nations was signed by 50 countries on 26 June 1945 and came into force on 24 October 1945. Article 1, Part 2 recognised the right to Self-Determination: "To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; * These recognised rights preceded the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, which was proclaimed on 14 May 1948. "In 1947, the United Nations (UN) adopted a Partition Plan for Palestine recommending the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states and an internationalized Jerusalem. The plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency, and rejected by Arab leaders." * It was a recommendation, not a binding resolution upon the Palestinians, even the Balfour Declaration acknowledged the Palestinians civil rights: " being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." "The League's greatest extent was from 28 September 1934 to 23 February 1935 with 58 members. The League of Nations was dissolved on 18 April 1946, when its assets and responsibilities were transferred to the United Nations." (The US never joined the League of Nations) So in 1948, the UN Charter was already internationally recognised; - And includes the right to self-determination; - Which in turn makes null and void any prior decisions made by the now dissolved League of Nations that conflict with the newly adopted and recognised UN Charter. Let us not forget that the current ruling Likud Party was founded by King David Hotel bomber Menachem Begin, and that these events preceded the Arab / Israeli War and the Nakba. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 May 2019 11:41:26 PM
Why don't you tell them the plan to rule over all nations from Jerusalem under a Jewish supremacist theocracy?