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The Forum > Article Comments > FBI and DOJ must come clean on Hillary Clinton and Carter Page > Comments

FBI and DOJ must come clean on Hillary Clinton and Carter Page : Comments

By David Singer, published 27/3/2019

Page's surveillance could be the Democrat Party's Watergate – illegally acquiring Republican Party campaign information obtained under four FISA warrants.

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National security!? Yuck yuck, ha, ha, will ensure yuck yuck, hee, hee, ha, ho, ho, hee, hee, that the report when it is finally released!? will be so heavily redacted so as to be useless as a transparent and no holds barred, truthful report!?

There were issues, I believe, regarding patent partisan preference promulgation by the FBI, which initially seem to put more resources and scrutiny into the private emails of Hillary Clinton!?


Yet seemed o be looking the other way with nobody at the wheel in relation to a pussy groping Trump and possible Russian collusion? Perhaps there was and is a gender bias in evidence in the top of the "Conservative" FBI?

Understand this if you can? Trump needs to, I believe, start a war with somebody to retain power? And the Turkish tyrant is setting himself up as the perfect and popular Patsy?

And given that is so? Is Mr Trump so addicted to power? To present as a very real and dangerous possibility? However unthinkable that may be?

With the only thing that could prevent that obscene insanity, could be cardiac arrest caused by too much something?

Or unthinkable evidence of something even the redneck nutters, gun lobby and white supremacists can't overlook or forgive? Just how superbly they were played and used perhaps?

Just don't say nobody warned you!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 27 March 2019 11:05:07 AM
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Is it Opposite Day Alan?
Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 27 March 2019 3:16:32 PM
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Dear Davo Singer Mitey

Trump's affair with Russia is all the rage - remember Mueller this week?. Is that why you're distracting on Clinton ancient history this week?

I mean Netanyahu is merely Trumpster's bow-wow! And Israel just another US Deputy - somewhat lower than the Saudis and Kurds at that.

So who cares?
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 27 March 2019 4:25:32 PM
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Opposite of what? I've got no idea what he's talking about.

As to the article, its clear that (1) some of the Mueller report will, for legal reasons, have to be redacted and the (2) the usual suspects will claim the redacted parts convict Trump. Legally, if a special prosecutor examines a citizen's actions because they appear suspect but turn out to be perfectly legal, then the findings of that examination cannot be released. eg person A sleeps with person B who is under suspicion. Therefore 'A' is investigated. Turns out 'B' is innocent. Any findings about 'A' must be redacted.

But that will be used as evidence of a cover-up because morons gotta moron.

Before we get too far down the road of opening all new investigations of Hillary's emails, Benghazi, Uranium One etc remember there are still two other investigations which are on-going:

* Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report into FBI surveillance abuses . Horowitz's last report disappointed but, following Mueller he may be emboldened to call a spade a spade.

* John Huber's investigation into the Clinton foundation.

Both are reportedly nearing completion. I suspect Barr and Trump will want those completed if possible before heading down the path of finding out just how corrupt the Obama regime was. But it seems hard to see anything other than another special prosecutor looking at that issue.

The Democrats ensured that Mueller ran through to the mid-terms so that they could ride that wave. Seems only fair that the Trump Republicans do likewise.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 27 March 2019 4:36:45 PM
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There never was any 'Russian Collusion'.
In 2016 prior to the US election and during the campaign, Wikileaks released 'The Podesta Emails'.

Hillary and other Democrats made the claim of a Russian hack;
But we know it was an internal leak because of the data rate during transfer.

The DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the servers and instead used a private company Crowdstrike (Bruce and Nellie Ohr) to do a forensic examination; and who concluded it was a hack.

This company was also paid by Clinton for the procurement of the Christopher Steele 'PP' dossier which lead to the FISA warrants and surveillance of the Trump campaign.

In the context of a DNC leak, questions still surround the murder of Seth Rich.

(Former) FBI Director James Comey began drafting his statement rejecting the the idea of criminal charges against Hillary Clinton relating to her private email account about two months or more prior to Clinton being interviewed by the FBI.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 27 March 2019 5:32:11 PM
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Ah so, the almighty himslf sent Uncle Donald to save America from evil socialism and Hillary.

Trump is a heaven sent angel sent to save Israel, Chrisian charity, guns, humanty, decency, service, financial honesty moral ethical government, human empathy and holy capitalism!

Sainthood just a breath away! Yea verily yea.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 27 March 2019 11:06:57 PM
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