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Intolerant intolerance : Comments

By Spencer Gear, published 21/2/2019

Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.

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Careful Ozpen, getting angry is a sure indication to me that I am starting to make an impression on your belief in religious moral absolutes. The points I am making are making you feel uncomfortable, and you are reacting emotionally.

Could you please give an example of the Bible's contention, that the universe was created in six days, was historically accurate? Or, that females were created from a male rib? The Bible may have some historical accuracy, but most of it appears to be just superstitious nonsense. You can't just say how you can prove "over and over" the accuracy of the Bible, and then say you won't bother to display it because I won't believe it. That is a cop out. Either put your evidence on the table, or accept that your premise is unsupported.

I have no desire to slander anybody, other than those who wish to shove their particular absolutist morality down my throat through repression. In general, Christians no longer do that. What I amuse myself with, is to make people who either possess absolutist personalities (or who are at least thinking like an absolutist) to re assess their thinking by forcing them to confront the contradictions that usually riddle their particular ideology.

If you accept God's absolutes, why are you not killing witches? Or at least advocating to governments that witches should be executed?

In addition, the God of the OT and the God of the NT are the same God. The OT God instructed the Hebrews to go into Israel/Palestine and "slaughter every man, woman and child." How do you reconcile that with your belief that your God is all loving and all caring? And if you don't believe in Him, he will cast you into Hell where you will burn in fire through all eternity?

He sounds like a complete son of a bitch to me.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 24 February 2019 9:18:30 AM
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'That is a sneery one liner reply, Runner. I was expecting you to pop up, but I thought that you would do a lot better than that. I must have upset you too. '

no Lego just someone as smart as you know that everyone believes in absolutes including yourself. Your problem seems more to be the fact that you disagree with your Creator as to whether He has the right to command Israel or anyone for that matter to put to death witches or those practicing homosexuality or adultery or for any other reason.

If God is God and we are His creation, He really has the right to determine what is right and wrong. You place yourself as god by disagreeing. Thankfully He is a God of love, mercy and forgiveness as demonstrated by Christ. You seem to be simply playing with words by banging on about absolutist morality. I am sure you think you are absolutely right.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 24 February 2019 9:45:01 AM
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Hey OzSpen,
"So I can't be intolerant towards others without practicing intolerance myself."
Well ok... But I hope you didn't strain your brain too much to figure out that one Sherlock.

FYI, I'm not advocating the virtues of 'tolerance'.
The opposite is true - I'm deliberately advocating 'intolerance'.
(If my prior comment wasn't obvious to you)
Let me put it in a context for you:

I am intolerant other peoples stupid BS.

What the big deal?
Is it a crime, or just a crime in the so called 'court of public opinion' I've been hearing about?
- More like 'The Court of PC and virtue signalling public opinion' btw

I don't have to waste my time with everyone else's issues.
I'm not going to waste my time of stupid irrelevant stuff.
I'm intolerant of many things, and proud of it.

See, it's not that scary and the world is still here, just as it was a few moments prior.

There's Pro's and Con's to every issue.
Why would I be foolish enough to think everything should be 'tolerated'?
Many things shouldn't be tolerated.

Should I change the way I live and think just because Spencer 'might' get offended if I don't follow along and blow smoke up his date?
After all, I'm not responsible for the fragile minds of today's snowflakes and their weird ideologies.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 24 February 2019 11:00:36 AM
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Armchair Critic,

What I raised about Wintour's speech was that she was intolerant towards Margaret Court's values but only saw Court's intolerance.

We need to own up to our own intolerance in the statements we make about other's intolerance.
Posted by OzSpen, Sunday, 24 February 2019 2:15:06 PM
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To runner. That's better.

The only moral absolute I believe in, is the right of a free people in a democracy to engage in free speech to decide among themselves, what is right and what is wrong in their own particular situation. If you can think of any moral absolutes that can never change with time and circumstance, then please let me know, and I will consider them before agreeing to add them to my list.

If you believe that God's instructions are absolute, and that ordering his followers to commit the genocide of men, women and children, as well as ordering the execution of "witches", is perfectly OK, then you are thinking exactly like those Muslim ISIS fanatics who quite reasonably explain that by killing infidels, making captive women sex slaves, stoning women to death, throwing homosexuals off buildings, and spreading Islam through terror, is all OK because God has instructed it. It is exactly the same mindset and exactly the same justification.

God told me to do it, M'lud.

There seems to be a big change in the tone of the OT and NT. Is that because God started thinking that perhaps he should stop being a genocidal SOB and moderate his message to being peace, love, and mung beans? Well, He changed His moral positions then, didn't He? Even God does not have moral absolutes.

Do you agree that God is right, and that witches should be executed? If so, why are you not carrying out God's direct instruction? Did he formerly rescind His order in the NT? If not, then it must still be His official instruction. The Muslims still consider it to be so, and the Christian Church agreed with that instruction for 1600 years, with the result that hundreds of thousands of European women were executed for being "witches", who could not work up enough "magic" to get themselves a square meal.

Laws against executing "witches" were rescinded in the 1600's because people realised that the idea of humans with supernatural powers was superstitious nonsense.. God got it wrong, and untold innocents died horribly.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 25 February 2019 4:15:03 AM
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<<If you believe that God's instructions are absolute, and that ordering his followers to commit the genocide of men, women and children, as well as ordering the execution of "witches", is perfectly OK, then you are thinking exactly like those Muslim ISIS fanatics who quite reasonably explain that by killing infidels>>

Nice try but it fails! You still don't get it. I do not think you are open to reading the OT biblical text to understand why God brought judgment on nations.

Why did the Israelites invade Canaan and conquer the inhabitants? It was not because of ethnic background but because of the Canaanites' sin. Did you get that?

Take a read of Leviticus 18 to confirm this. There you'll read of the evil sexual practices of the Canaanites that God's people, the Israelites, must not commit. These included bestiality, incest and homosexuality. After naming these forbidden sexual acts for God's people, the text reads:

"Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the foreigners residing among you must not do any of these detestable things, for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled" (Leviticus 18:24-27).

These instructions were to maintain the purity of God's holy people under the Old Covenant. They are not for NT believers.

I don't expect you to be fair and accurate in understanding the Bible because you are not open to biblical theology and understanding the OT by putting it in the same category as ISIS terrorists.
Posted by OzSpen, Monday, 25 February 2019 7:45:29 AM
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