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Immediate action is needed to save the long-term future : Comments
By John Avery, published 18/2/2019Today we are faced with multiple interrelated crises, for example the threat of catastrophic climate change or equally catastrophic thermonuclear war,and the threat of widespread famine.
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A recent study from Japan shows solar energy increases of 10% over the lasr 60 years. That is global warming explained. Now NASA says the sun is entering a grand solar minimum. So it will get a lot colder. Next problem?
Posted by Gerard, Monday, 18 February 2019 9:04:06 AM
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Talk about hysteria. Everything is “catastrophic” these days! That’s what you get when people are ignorant of history: they don’t know the meaning of the word ‘catastrophic’, nor have they experienced a catastrophe.
“To know nothing of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child”. (Cicero) Climate change is not catastrophic, it is normal; nor is there any threat of a thermonuclear war. If anything is catastrophic, it is the references to an unworldly schoolgirl, a 90 plus Lefty with one foot in la la land, and something called the World Future Council, which thinks it can speak for ‘future generations’. Three pages of unmitigated twaddle. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 18 February 2019 10:07:09 AM
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There is nothing wrong with spending some time in dream castles in the clouds, but everything wrong with moving in as permanent residents. Moreover, his extreme left leaning dictatorial, we musts, are an immediate turnoff! The people he ought to be addressing with his, we musts, are not listening!
NEVER EVER LISTEN, EXCEPT TO FORMULATE COUNTER ARGUMENTS! Do you think Mr Trump, Mr Putin Mr Morrison, Mr Abbott, and well the list would completely consume my total combined word limit for the day, listens to any of these evocations, believes anything any climate scientist says!? Furthermore, very few publications aside from OLO publish or bother with real solutions!? Which the manifestly moribund Author studiously limits! None of the stated solutions is in any sense pragmatic, practical or even workable. And if pursued to their logical conclusion, usher in the very (worst case scenario) predicted future . Let's deal with the first assumption that is both manifestly wrong and patently unacceptable for those he would impose his scarcity on! Those already carrying his scarcity programme! And just can't live using less energy, less food, less money! Two-thirds of the homes on the planet are places where there are no washing machines and the WOMEN FOLK SPEND HALF THEIR LIVES DOING THE FAMILY'S LAUNDRY BY HAND! Or would he be happy working in his air-conditioned office, commuting in his air-conditioned car, to and from an air-conditioned home!/ As our elderly drop like flies in heatwave conditions in nursing homes and humble hovels! Oh I'm sorry, didn't see you, granny. Why aren't you dead yet!? Don't you realize you're a waste of space, scarce resources, real estate and my (VIP) extremely valuable time!? Is there a pragmatic, pragmatic workable solution to the presented insoluble conundrum? Well yes, there is. Just politically unpalatable to the manifestly moribund, scientifically illiterate! TBC. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 18 February 2019 10:23:57 AM
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On the surface it appears that one thing Mr Avery has proven beyond doubt is that you can educate a kook to expertise in a single discipline, but it wont stop them being a kook.
Of course I may be maligning Mr Avery. He may know full well that Global Warming is simply a fraud, designed to rip away the living standards we in the west have built for ourselves, & restrict them to the elites only. He may also be concerned about his personal income, & that of his fellow academics, if the flood of Global Warming research grants should dry up. What ever his motive for this pile of male cow dung, he is most definitely a con man at best, or stupid kook. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 18 February 2019 11:07:47 AM
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Let's deal with the raised issues one at a time with already tried and proven remedies.
#1/ Putting a permanent brake on population growth, the real elephant in the room pertaining to GW?CC. And only improved economic outcomes couple to vastly improved education outcomes for the whole populous! Achieves real below replacement population growth! #2/ Truly affordable, reliable, dispatchable, 24/7 energy is inescapable absolute! No ifs, buts or maybes! The only thing that comes close in the renewable world? Are just two, possibilities? First is extremely large scale (stored heat) solar thermal that is sited on at least a square mile. So as to allow automation in the construction phase. The weak link is the miles and miles of very costly transmission lines! Second, the conversion of all our biological waste into electric power, via methane powered ceramic fuel cells, where the exhaust product is mostly pristine evaporate. Start-up costs could be the weak link? Finally, there is now prohibited for the harm it would do to the fossil fuel industry, big nuclear and big pharma!? MSR thorium. And energy cheap enough to effectively allow us to recycle almost everything that can possibly be recycled. Allow universal quality of life and less limited lifestyles, as advocated by the gormless, left-leaning, economically illiterate Author!? But rather, one of contented, universal plenty! For more on that? Read, Thorium, Super fuel, subtitled, green energy. By prize-winning investigative journalist and science writer, Richard Martin. Or get onto U Tube and listen to NASA scientist and nuclear technologist, Kirk Sorrensen's, 10 minutes on thorium, on google tech talks. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 18 February 2019 11:10:03 AM
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The author is engaging in misleading and deceptive conduct.
There is no empirical scientific evidence to substantiate the hypothesis of dangerous anthropogenic global warming. Posted by Raycom, Monday, 18 February 2019 11:46:00 AM
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Other solutions "MUST" include the outlawing of designed obsolescence and the mountains of waste that that insanity creates along with urban heat thermals?
The manifestly moribund Author "MUST"climb down from his lofty perch and divorced from the real world, academia. And "MUST" spend a fortnight in the real world of say, Calcutta and life in the tin shanty slums, the heat, the flies, the cows and cooking fires all over the joint. And take several trips on public transport where the passengers' are crowed in closer than tinned sardines. If only to realize that ultra expensive renewables like solar voltaic or wind turbines won't ever cut it in a world of almost universal poverty. And that the only practical carbon-free energy that can be tasked with recycling, population reducing economic abundance and universal environmentally responsible economic growth! Is currently confined to MSR thorium, which delivers everything fusion promised but couldn't deliver. Which can also be tasked with very safely burning and thereby reducing the world's stockpile of toxic nuclear waste. And after all the remaining energy has been extracted from what is essentially unspent fuel, in complete radiation free safety! Below background average! End up with a vastly less toxic waste pile with a half-life reduced to 300 years. Moreover, ditto weapons-grade plutonium! No? You'd rather we left it in the weapons? I rest my case! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 18 February 2019 12:00:19 PM
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Unlike John Avery, I feel that the opinion of 15 year old school girls is not sufficient evidence of imminent doom. There is no compelling evidence that we are on the brink of any of the catastrophes that he mentions.
"Until the development of coal-driven steam engines in the 19th century humans lived more or less in harmony with their environment." Until the Industrial Revolution, life for the vast majority of people was nasty, brutish and short. John Avery would have us return there. Theoretical History as well as Theoretical Chemistry Posted by don coyote, Monday, 18 February 2019 1:46:37 PM
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yep people into the evolution fantasy come up with the most ridiculous conclusions. Here is clear proof.
Posted by runner, Monday, 18 February 2019 2:01:06 PM
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These two references confirm the authors scenario we the all-encompassing seriousness of the situation in which all of Earthkind is in: Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 18 February 2019 2:02:49 PM
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'Tis a shame the valid points John Avery makes are being obscured by his ignorant claims!
Those who think infinite economic growth is impossible on a finite planet don't seem to understand what growth is. The size of the economy is not the same as its environmental impact. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gerard, What study is that? And why the discrepancy between it and all the other studies that say the sun's been in a cooling phase despite the observed warming of the planet? Posted by Aidan, Monday, 18 February 2019 3:26:35 PM
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The author does well to introduce the issue with this statement:
"climate change is [a] conspiracy to reduce freedom [and] is spread by a powerful and greedy elite which has largely captured governments to preserve their privileges in an increasingly unequal world." But I think the author falls down proving: "Right now, we are facing aman-made disaster of global scale." As we all know Amman [1], capital of Jordan, chock-full of good Arabs, is making little impact. [1] Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 18 February 2019 3:57:26 PM
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He forgot locusts. What about plagues of locusts ? Maybe every seven years ?
Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 18 February 2019 4:06:51 PM
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Yet another neo-Marxist telling the story of greedy capitalism destroying the world. A total collapse of the biosphere triggered by either AGW or nuclear immolation. So many living in ignorance of these evil capitalist conspiracies. The end is nigh!
"Both wind and solar energy can now compete economically with fossil fuels" For the indoctrinated this is a truism. For anyone with a brain the cost of 24/7 renewable grid electricity is about six to eight times that of coal fired power. Nuclear doesn't get a mention as the indoctrinated believe it to be unfeasibly expensive as well as a shortcut to Armageddon. How does someone so educated become like this? Posted by Fester, Monday, 18 February 2019 7:06:32 PM
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Simple solution. UN to immediately cancel all UN pensions. This is to encourage suicide of these pensioners. Solidarity brothers and sisters all Aussie political pensions go the same way with the same aim. Next public service pensions limited to thirty thousand per year maximum. They can kill themselves or live like they want us to. No more private jets, in fact only economy seats and limited to no more than one thousand miles per year per person and ten thousand for your life time. Limit what the elites get and watch this total rubbish disappear.
As for the little Swede schoolgirl there has been enough exposure of that fraud surely? Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 18 February 2019 7:48:01 PM
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The whole article sounds like a sales pitch. Buy now before it's too late.
Forget about global warming and focus on streight pollution. What the effect is on today not the effect feared in the immoderate future. The management of smog pollution and breathing it in, the management of waste and landfills and trash in the oceans. There is a lot to work on to make the world a better livable place, but global warming has turned out to be a fraud. A sales pitch for a fear that isn't coming true, and for a product that largely isn't being bought by industries and countries. As for the thermonuclear war, that's a fear alright. One that continues and probably won't ever go away. The solution isn't to strip nations of their sovereignty and watch as poverty sweep nations more then it already does today. "Buy now before it's too late." Been hearing this for too long to take the Armageddon like events seriously. Look at how the world really is and focus on both real problems and real solutions. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:49:09 AM
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Stamp out leftist mentality & you stamp out the bulk of problems plaguing our world !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 9:04:18 AM
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>Stamp out leftist mentality & you stamp out the bulk of problems plaguing our world !
Reclassifying problems as the natural order doesn't actually solve them! Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 10:32:54 AM
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It all comes down to energy !
When man started to move from tribal hunter gathers at the beginning of agriculture it also signaled the beginning of villages then towns and cities. At that time the energy of the free man was not sufficient to maintain their civilisation and so slavery was necessary. Through the time of empires including Rome slaves were the foundation of their food production and building. In Europe with the Enlightenment feudalism was adopted as an alternative to slavery, but which relied on peasants to be tied tenant farmers under the control of the Lord of the Manor. This custom continued for hundreds of years. Everything changed with the production of cast iron by the use of the heat of coal. This eventually led to the development of steam water pumps and engines that could drive farm machinery and finally the automatic looms. The industrial revolution had arrived and steam engines were cheaper than slaves. John Avery proposes that we reverse our steps along that ancient path and end our use of our energy sources. I doubt that he would approve the use of nuclear energy, Ultimatly it comes down to nuclear or slavery. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 3:56:18 PM
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Not re-classifying-identifying ! Huge difference. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:16:32 PM