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Human rights fatigue : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 8/1/2019

Now there is a new mentality: people are more complacent. The post-war generation of human rights activists are dying off.

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Well I doubted Suter's contention:

"During World War II the UK became self-sufficient in food.."

So naturally I consulted the Oracle:

and What did I find?

"a "remarkable" increase in FLATULENCE

from the large amount of starch in the diet.

The scientists also noted that their FAECES

had increased by 250% in volume."

Well there you have it girls and boys.

Very smelly and full of s--t.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 6:29:01 PM
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Donald Trump wants all those free loading border jumping Latnos out of his kingdom. Except for the ones in his military, the cannon fodder he and other draft dodging concies, use to do the fighting and property protection for them.

Imagine, If we could just clear out of all those Latinos, even those carried in baskets across borders by the poor and downtrodden escaping the death squads and the brutality of their respective homelands.

Alternatively, line them up against a brick wall and shot? Saving the taxpayer billions in the process!?

Same probable (final solution) outcome, just in less time. Yes women, old men, boys, girls and babies.

Some of them could possibly come here to quite grossly underpopulated, small rural and regional communities and take up work no one else wants, i.e., taking care of the elderly, frail, feeble-minded and aged. As paid carers, save the Australian taxpayer 20+ grand a year.

Alternatively, euthanasia could become mandatory, as soon as the elderly become a burden!? Thereby, taking some pressure off the real estate market and our overwhelmed infrastructure. Why not they're just taking up space.

At least the Latinos do some useful work and along with the illiterate black community harvest America's salad and fruit crops, Clean toilets, sweep floors, mind the babies while the privileged mum works. Imagine if we could clear them out, without exception.

Who would then Harvest the crops, man the far-flung military outposts or mind the babies? The price of fresh food and fruit would skyrocket the navy would have to mothball the fleet, the army would have to use soldiers as cooks, cleaners and general dogsbodies.

The air force would have to mothball their fleet and put trained pilots in the kitchens and behind the wheels of transport vehicles. Inventory would go to waste as the millions who used to do regular shopping for staples are taken out of the equation.

It would be an economic disaster. With no convenient scapegoat for the resident feebleminded to blame!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 8 January 2019 8:25:36 PM
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One issue for the article is that education isn't the answer, when the education doesn't actually address what the population they are trying to reach are concerned about. So the human rights fatigue could be because of many factors that are just unwilling to confront by the current human rights proponents.

For example, one issue is that human rights was once about pulling people out of poverty, abuse, and tipping the scales of inequality to being more fair. Much progress has been made in those areas, and it caused a legecy to be excited about that the next generation wanted to be part of "the movement." Unfortunately the movement had too much success and not enough issues to keep the momentum going, so the human rights movements started focusing on things that aren't real issues. Saying ridiculous things like "everyone is a racists and we all need to do better," or any number of anti-white focus, anti man focus, or anti Christian focus. Or even just the over all attitude that those who don't agree are dumber then spit. Believe it or not, the fatigue might be because of the human rights focus and the human rights activists. Not about having a better education to teach those who are too dumb to know better.

The reasons for why the movements is ignored, probabley not even considered that there could be reasons. Then the article moves on to "how do we still reach them?" And goes to trying to be creative in new ways to reach people like train the hairdressers that people go to. Anyone else have red flag warnings from that kind of comment? Does it sound like a proposal for how to reach people? Or how to indoctrinate people?

Here's a better fix. 1) Know what the issues are that are stopping the human rights movements from gaining support and actually face those issues (might requires changing things being done or said by activists). And 2) actually focus on issues that matter instead of filling up space on unimportant stuff to keep things alive by watering them down.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 9 January 2019 3:45:21 AM
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The air force would have to mothball their fleet and put trained pilots in the kitchens
Alan B,
But that'd mean dispanding the emission producing, playboy/girls fun club & save us taxpayers a lot of money. What's next, make Academics earn their living ? Force Politicians to manage ?
C'mon, that's expecting a bit too much.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 9 January 2019 6:19:30 AM
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That is a rejection of being taken for a ride by freeloaders not a rejection of Human Rights.
Philip S,
if only the dumbed-down could grasp that .
Posted by individual, Thursday, 10 January 2019 7:03:59 AM
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The popularity of this thread is a clear indicator of the mentality of people. "Im alright, stuff you Jack" seems to be the general gist .
Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 January 2019 7:03:38 AM
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