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Human rights fatigue : Comments
By Keith Suter, published 8/1/2019Now there is a new mentality: people are more complacent. The post-war generation of human rights activists are dying off.
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An additional problem is the idea that human rights are a human universal. Inalienable rights, as an idea, has very deep roots in Christian thought, based on the idea that there is a spark of the divine in all humans. That spark is what drives the ethos that all humans are entitled to human rights, because to do otherwise is an affront to God. That foundation has been chipped away with the decline of Christianity in the West, and also by attempting to marry the ideal of universal rights with cultures that do not have, as a basis, that core idea of the divinity of all humans. That waters down the idea of rights to something that governments provide, rather than something bigger than governments. The danger, of course, is that anything governments can provide, they can also take away.