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Human rights fatigue : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 8/1/2019

Now there is a new mentality: people are more complacent. The post-war generation of human rights activists are dying off.

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Part of the problem, I think, is that discussing rights without responsibilities disempowers people. If something is going wrong in your life, this must be a violation of your rights, rather than your responsibility to fix it. 70 years of this mentality has poisoned the culture.

An additional problem is the idea that human rights are a human universal. Inalienable rights, as an idea, has very deep roots in Christian thought, based on the idea that there is a spark of the divine in all humans. That spark is what drives the ethos that all humans are entitled to human rights, because to do otherwise is an affront to God. That foundation has been chipped away with the decline of Christianity in the West, and also by attempting to marry the ideal of universal rights with cultures that do not have, as a basis, that core idea of the divinity of all humans. That waters down the idea of rights to something that governments provide, rather than something bigger than governments. The danger, of course, is that anything governments can provide, they can also take away.
Posted by SilverInCanberra, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 9:23:28 AM
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Educated, erudite and well argued.

Hard to disagree with any of this. We abolished slavery and child labour centuries ago, yet it continues coutesy of corrupt poiticians and greed is good extreme capitalism?

Moreover, a swing to the hard right again and a revisiting of the kind of nationalism that created pre-war Nazi Germany seems to be sweeping th world?

Promoted by the isolationism of greed is good individualism!?

Given that's so? Many nations now find themselves at war with themselves and folks of good conscience?

It is said, for evil to prosper, good men only need do or say nothing.

Today we see billions stolen by corrupt politicians and losses socialized with almost complete impunity around the world. While w focus almost exclusively on petty crime and spend billions chasing hundreds and mere hundreds chasing billions!

Coupled to the rise and rise of pre-war nationalism, that in no way also engages and empowers patriotism or democracy! As nations turn inwards, tear themselves apart, devour social justice charity and goodwill? Replacing those with the worst outcomes. Fundamental fanatism and fascism.

Nowhere more in evidence in today's Donald Trumps America, where in history repeating itself, ethnic minorities are being blamed for the economic outcomes of massive corruption inside corporations!

Held mindlessly captive to the profit curve, and by any and all means, plus, the ever-present downward slide, to the lowest common denominator. This comment, edited and corrected by Grammarly.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 8 January 2019 10:38:31 AM
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When a lot of asylum seekers turn out to be economic migrants, adults claiming to be children, passing through multiple countries to reach the one that will give them the most welfare, violently storming border control points, wanting to turn the country they settle in into the place they needed to escape from, returning from safety on holidays to where they were allegedly persecuted.

That is a rejection of being taken for a ride by freeloaders not a rejection of Human Rights.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 11:14:39 AM
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“Today's era is very different from the human rights era which began after World War II.”

Yes. The Marxists, as part of their plan to overcome the West, have hijacked the 1951 Convention to include country shoppers who are not fleeing from persecution but looking for a life on welfare they have not contributed to.

Ye Gods! We even have a Iranian teenager who got as far as Thailand wanting 'asylum' in Australia because she has had a spat with her family!

“... people are more complacent”. Or, are they just fed up with being treated like idiots by their own politicians and confidence tricksters claiming imaginary 'rights' to plonk themselves down in someone else's country?

You will never attain “Improve(d) understanding of how people think about issues” because you don't understand how people could possibly not think as you do.

People are sick and tired of others chuntering on about 'rights' – which mostly do not exist – without responsibilities. They are sick and tired of the assumption that the West has some obligation to help out people in the Third World, when those people have rejected the values of the West that bring the rewards and are even hostile towards the West.

You bet ya we are “fatigued” with the rights racket.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 11:26:54 AM
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This seems like an advertisement for more foreign aid / global taxes.
Isn't the UN 2030 takeover agenda with migrant proxy armies for the toppling of western sovereign countries on schedule?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 11:58:34 AM
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Personally I think Aussies are sick of ngo's rorting the goodwill of hard working people. The UN itself is probably second only to the so called Palestinians when it comes to corruption.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 1:50:33 PM
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Well I doubted Suter's contention:

"During World War II the UK became self-sufficient in food.."

So naturally I consulted the Oracle:

and What did I find?

"a "remarkable" increase in FLATULENCE

from the large amount of starch in the diet.

The scientists also noted that their FAECES

had increased by 250% in volume."

Well there you have it girls and boys.

Very smelly and full of s--t.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 6:29:01 PM
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Donald Trump wants all those free loading border jumping Latnos out of his kingdom. Except for the ones in his military, the cannon fodder he and other draft dodging concies, use to do the fighting and property protection for them.

Imagine, If we could just clear out of all those Latinos, even those carried in baskets across borders by the poor and downtrodden escaping the death squads and the brutality of their respective homelands.

Alternatively, line them up against a brick wall and shot? Saving the taxpayer billions in the process!?

Same probable (final solution) outcome, just in less time. Yes women, old men, boys, girls and babies.

Some of them could possibly come here to quite grossly underpopulated, small rural and regional communities and take up work no one else wants, i.e., taking care of the elderly, frail, feeble-minded and aged. As paid carers, save the Australian taxpayer 20+ grand a year.

Alternatively, euthanasia could become mandatory, as soon as the elderly become a burden!? Thereby, taking some pressure off the real estate market and our overwhelmed infrastructure. Why not they're just taking up space.

At least the Latinos do some useful work and along with the illiterate black community harvest America's salad and fruit crops, Clean toilets, sweep floors, mind the babies while the privileged mum works. Imagine if we could clear them out, without exception.

Who would then Harvest the crops, man the far-flung military outposts or mind the babies? The price of fresh food and fruit would skyrocket the navy would have to mothball the fleet, the army would have to use soldiers as cooks, cleaners and general dogsbodies.

The air force would have to mothball their fleet and put trained pilots in the kitchens and behind the wheels of transport vehicles. Inventory would go to waste as the millions who used to do regular shopping for staples are taken out of the equation.

It would be an economic disaster. With no convenient scapegoat for the resident feebleminded to blame!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 8 January 2019 8:25:36 PM
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One issue for the article is that education isn't the answer, when the education doesn't actually address what the population they are trying to reach are concerned about. So the human rights fatigue could be because of many factors that are just unwilling to confront by the current human rights proponents.

For example, one issue is that human rights was once about pulling people out of poverty, abuse, and tipping the scales of inequality to being more fair. Much progress has been made in those areas, and it caused a legecy to be excited about that the next generation wanted to be part of "the movement." Unfortunately the movement had too much success and not enough issues to keep the momentum going, so the human rights movements started focusing on things that aren't real issues. Saying ridiculous things like "everyone is a racists and we all need to do better," or any number of anti-white focus, anti man focus, or anti Christian focus. Or even just the over all attitude that those who don't agree are dumber then spit. Believe it or not, the fatigue might be because of the human rights focus and the human rights activists. Not about having a better education to teach those who are too dumb to know better.

The reasons for why the movements is ignored, probabley not even considered that there could be reasons. Then the article moves on to "how do we still reach them?" And goes to trying to be creative in new ways to reach people like train the hairdressers that people go to. Anyone else have red flag warnings from that kind of comment? Does it sound like a proposal for how to reach people? Or how to indoctrinate people?

Here's a better fix. 1) Know what the issues are that are stopping the human rights movements from gaining support and actually face those issues (might requires changing things being done or said by activists). And 2) actually focus on issues that matter instead of filling up space on unimportant stuff to keep things alive by watering them down.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 9 January 2019 3:45:21 AM
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The air force would have to mothball their fleet and put trained pilots in the kitchens
Alan B,
But that'd mean dispanding the emission producing, playboy/girls fun club & save us taxpayers a lot of money. What's next, make Academics earn their living ? Force Politicians to manage ?
C'mon, that's expecting a bit too much.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 9 January 2019 6:19:30 AM
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That is a rejection of being taken for a ride by freeloaders not a rejection of Human Rights.
Philip S,
if only the dumbed-down could grasp that .
Posted by individual, Thursday, 10 January 2019 7:03:59 AM
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The popularity of this thread is a clear indicator of the mentality of people. "Im alright, stuff you Jack" seems to be the general gist .
Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 January 2019 7:03:38 AM
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The author may be correct in the points he makes however the omission of the abuse of the idea of human rights in my view plays a major role in any fatigue for human rights.

When definitions are manipulated to suit political agenda's rather than basic protections, when "human rights" are used as weapon to try and control the words and free choice of others based on feelings people begin to smell the dead rat.

The idea of country shopping has already been mentioned.
Compelled speech for gender pronoun's is another especially concerning abuse of human rights. The part's of the me-too movement that have treated as some kind of human rights abuse men continuing to attempt to pursue women after a rebuttal in an era when "Playing hard to get" was very much a thing is part of the tiredness.

The list could go on and on but if the author is not addressing the role misuse of "human rights" as a political tool/weapon than in my view he either does not understand the issue or is so blinkered in an ideology that he is missing a big part of the picture.

I don't think our understanding of the horrors of the past is helped by the abandon some toss the word Nazi around at those they disagree with nor by our largely ignoring the horrors which occurred in the Soviet Union, China and elsewhere during the last century.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 12 January 2019 1:45:16 PM
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our largely ignoring the horrors which occurred in the Soviet Union, China and elsewhere during the last century.
That's due to the Poms & Yanks not flogging the movie industry to death like they did/do about Germany.
Compassion is a funny thing because only those in cozy jobs & cozy homes exploit it to make themselves feel good. Ask those with 9 bedroom homes in the fancy suburbs to take in some refugees instead of telling us all the time to donate. Senator Hanson-Young has told us many times we need to help refugees, anyone ever see her helping anyone ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 January 2019 5:20:06 PM
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Another thought to revive Hunan rights is to have biographies read that were in the depths of constration camps, or in other government scantioned abuses from any country.

If real harm is read about then those who read it will stand against that kind of harm. Human rights will fight against the real fights instead of fighting for whether or not a person wants to call themself a boy or a girl, and to get everyone to join in. (Note there is no abuse that is going on in that sitution, just someone complaining that they aren't getting their way).
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Monday, 14 January 2019 4:59:36 AM
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Many humans simply can't be helped ! The more help is coming their way the more they expect more for less.
The situation will not change until the instinct of discipline makes a comeback.
Posted by individual, Monday, 14 January 2019 7:47:04 AM
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