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The knowledge of good and evil : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 13/11/2018'When their relationship with God was disturbed, their mutual relationship was also disturbed; everything that belongs together disintegrated...'
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It portrays a god that is limited, a god who is only one entity among many. Yes, this god is the strongest among them and he eventually prevails and defeats his evil enemies, but only with some effort and cunning.
- This is not God, this is a caricature!
Nothing can logically exist outside of God - it is meaningless gibberish to speak of anything outside God and if a book promotes such stupid ideas then it is well and good that some people had the sense to exclude it from the bible.
There is no such entity as "evil" - evil is simply the attribute of darkness and ignorance, the absence of light and knowledge, particularly the knowledge that we are all one in God, so if you hurt another then in fact you are hurting yourself!
Yes there are such people whom we call evil, but it is superstitious to assume that some evil entity entered them - all it means is that due to their ignorance they seek pleasure/relief at the expense of others, oblivious to the fact that by doing so they only hurt themselves.
There is never a total absence of light and truth, but we start off with only limited truths and our journey takes us to increasingly greater truths and ultimately to the eternal absolute Truth in the light of God.
We pray to God (
"Lead me from falsehood to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality"