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Using the burka: Boris Johnson’s bid for popularity : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 15/8/2018

An independent panel will be convened (independence being in the eye of the beholders), which might decide to refer Johnson to the party's board. From there, the power of expulsion can come into play.

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Anyone wanting the burka banned will be popular with the majority of people; even with some Muslims, particularly women, I would guess. The UK 'conservative' party is not popular. They should get rid of that stupid woman and see if Boris can bring them back to what they are supposed to be - not just an imitation of the Left, like the wet Turnbull government here. There will a lot of informal votes in both our countries at the next election. Conservatives simply have nobody to vote for.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 10:08:48 AM
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BoJo is right on both counts:

* the nikab shouldn't be banned: women should be able to wear whatever they like, within the limits of decency (not that I'm opposed to less decent dress, especially in summer); women should have the same freedoms as men not to wear clothing which symbolises their oppression, and to wear whatever they're comfortable with; I think women wearing the hijab can certainly be quite attractive - different styles, different ornamentation, probably help people to identify each other in terms of where they are from;

* women wearing the nikab do look like walking letter-boxes.

[My smart-arse computer kept typing 'hijab' when i typed 'nikab'.]

I can appreciate that many women are so strikingly beautiful that they get sick and tired of getting perved on by people like me, so a nikab may give them some relief from my unwanted male gaze. Fair enough.

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 11:01:09 AM
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Banning Boris Johnson is a far greater priority than banning the burka. Johnson represents the hazard to normal decency, the modern politician has become to society. Banning homosexuals and gay marriage is actually relevant.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 11:25:26 AM
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Johnson is without a shadow of a doubt a power junkie and not a very bright one, given he would wreck a once great party, most of a barely recovering economy and further divide an already divided union to get it?

And like born to rule politicians of the extreme right everywhere, plays to the most intellectually challenged with counterproductive divisive populism, to get it?

There is a case for asking for a burqa to b removed for security reasons but otherwise what a woman or a man chooses to wear is nobody's business but theirs! Even just a jock strap and garters!

Now there a religious dress that would go down well in some quarters? Haha.

And where Dad alive, would comment, you see the strangest sight when you don't have a gun.

Never understood what he meant by that, except he had his own brand of Celtic humour?

Political parties need team players and folks able to use the brains they were born with rather than clowns like Boris who always plays to the lowest common denominator! (Jawhol mine fuhrer und seig heil)

In a truly unified party, the cream always rises to the top and where leaders are chosen on deserved merit, rather than extremism and divisive machiavellian machinations!

I think ve should all stand and click zee heels ven he enters zee room? Maybe he would then get zee message and take a good long hard look at himself and his naked blind ambition!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 15 August 2018 11:50:43 AM
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when I came into the workforce in the 1950s every bank teller had a revolver under the counter and was expected to cock it and point it at any person who walked into the bank with face covered.Even tellers were expected to show some guts in those days. In Sydney the top of the commonwealth Bank building in Martin Place was a gallery where they could practice shooting.

A custom or culture involving people walking around with face covered, male or female, is an obvious free handout to violent crims and no other justification is necessary for banning the burka.

People coming here with cultural habits which make it more difficult for a government to protect its citizens, as is its duty, should go somewhere else or abandon the culture which impedes the government in the execution of its paramount duty..
Posted by Old Man, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 1:13:57 PM
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Diver Dan,

Did you notice that Boris is opposed to banning the burka/nikab ? He had some unkind words to say about it, but he isn't opposed to women wearing it.

But don't let that get in the way of accusing him of something he doesn't actually propose.

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 2:13:19 PM
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//A custom or culture involving people walking around with face covered, male or female, is an obvious free handout to violent crims and no other justification is necessary for banning the burka.//

Or shark costume:

The silliness of arresting people in shark costumes aside, Austria's law doesn't sound too bad. It also bans people from wearing medical masks outside a medical setting, which certainly gets my approval. Jackasses who get about dressed like we're in the grip of the Plague because they're worried about getting the sniffles are the sort of whiny snowflakes that are all too common these days, and they ought not to be encouraged.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 2:14:01 PM
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This piece Binoy shows you feel a much greater affinity with the British elite, than the British people. Perhaps a result of your time at Cambridge.

An interest6ing take on the nikab Joe. I've always assumed the opposite, that some wives are so ugly that men don't want others to see what they live with.

On Boris, we can only hope that he will out the rather useless Theresa May, even if he doesn't actually become PM. It really isn't fair to the British people, & the aspirations of females in general to have such an incompetent presented in public so often.

If we could have Trump, Boris & Abbott leading the west there might be some hope for our salvation. However with fools like Merkel & May, Macron & Trudeau, [sounds like the three stooges plus their teacher], there is not much chance. Add in Turnbull, & there is no chance at all. We had better start learning Mandarin, as our own idiot personified K Rudd told us, mandarin is a hard language, & we are going to need it, if Trump can't do it all to save us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 2:19:27 PM
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Looking around our shopping centre recently, I estimated that some 75% of female shoppers should have been wearing a hijab by Law.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 15 August 2018 7:54:14 PM
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Individual, that ugly huh?
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 16 August 2018 1:17:44 AM
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Nah, not quite burka material, just so overweight & tatoos filling every dimple of the cellulite.
And, stronger nose rings than the bulls at the royal easter show.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 16 August 2018 5:24:47 PM
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To Joe: the Antiquated Rancid Marxist old fart. What ho?


All praise to Islam….and the burka, may it long continue.

And to my comment on homosexuality and gay marriage, not a word!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 17 August 2018 1:11:20 PM
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Diver Dan,

An antiquated rancid old fart, yes, probably; Marxist, not so much these days. But he had some good tunes, still worthy of consideration.

Homosexual preoccupations ? No, not really interested, except insofar as their equal human rights are concerned. The world is full of so many more important worries.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 17 August 2018 2:45:04 PM
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Hasbeen and Individual

If ugliness is a criteria for wearing a big black sheet, then most men I see in the
supermarkets, with their stomachs hanging over their belts, bandy legs and scruffy hair and beards
or gaudy floral shirts or just looking like Neanderthals,would be ordered to cover up immediately.
It’s an insult to the eyes of women to see them.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 18 August 2018 12:26:21 PM
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Not round here cherful, those are at home, feet up, drinking beer, & complaining about the quality of the day time TV they are watching. I have to agree with them on that. They are too idle to do anything like shopping, besides that's a womans job isn't it?

If they do venture to the super market, it is on a mobility scooter. We had the interesting sight of 2 of these monstrosities blocking the isle of one of ours the other day. They were too wide to pass in opposite directions. Not the scooters mind, but the riders. One of each sex, knocking stuff out of the fixtures on each side, but still too wide to pass.

I don't think a burka would help these folk, unless it made them unable to find their mouths with a spoon or fork.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 18 August 2018 2:04:20 PM
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Loudmouth, Individual, has anyone mentioned that the 'letterbox' was created to hide the womens faces, not because they were beautiful, but because they were ugly?
And let's not forget that Muslim men are allowed to have several wives according to their Holy book.
One joke getting around was;as the women aged the men kept replacing them with younger prettier ones.
I was friends with a son of the Sultan of Selangor some years ago and he told me one day his 70 odd year old father, the Sultan of Selangor was 'taking' another wife.
I believe she was a model and was very young.
Even he made a little 'raised eyebrow' comment about it.
Joking of course, about the ugly bit, that is.
The 'letter box' prescribes a more devout Muslim.
There are many types or levels of 'modesty' practiced by Muslims, to the point where some countries have the religious 'police' who will stop you and chastise you in public for such things as your wife showing 'skin' somewhere.
One example was a man and his wife, walking along, were stopped and HE was told off because his wife was wearing sandals without socks, thereby exposing the skin and therefore her feet.
He was told off not her. AH, tis' a great cult (certainly not a religion).
It must be said that the concept of modesty is a good one, or to put it another way, there is no wrong in it.
The Muslims realised centuries ago the 'natural order of nature', and that men and women have sexual demands inbuilt by nature.
Our sex drive is cyclical, both for men and women, (eg; periods).
These men in question have been interviewed and most say that the 'Western woman makes herself attractive, and of course we are attracted to them.
We know they are sexually very active so we get aroused and we expect to have sex.
If they don't want sex why do they make themselves look like sluts, and get us all worked up for'?
It's not hard to see why they earned the tag, 'slut shaming'.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 18 August 2018 7:41:52 PM
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Let’s see you wear a big black sheet constantly in public with a letterbox slit for your eyes.
Or maybe, better still, with blinkers so you can’t see women as much
and get aroused by them.

Or what about putting a curfew on men being out in the streets when women want to shop or go to the movies in peace.
Of course we would have female religious police, armed with machine guns, to make sure they do not try to sneak out during curfew, with
severe prison penalties for doing so.

We should ban men from driving so they can’t drive around the place trying to look at women.
This will corrupt the whole of society if they are allowed this freedom.

Men should have to get the permission of their Wife, mother, or sisters to go out on the streets alone, because of,
their dangerous predatory behaviour towards women.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 18 August 2018 11:21:27 PM
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Yes, I think,we are going to have a looming problem, with more and more of
those mobility scooters, in shopping centres.

A few is ok, but hundreds at a time will create a problematic situation.

Think I’m happier having a beer at home, rather than shopping, myself, these days.
Actually whiskey is my main poison, But only two glasses in one session.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 18 August 2018 11:42:50 PM
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CHERFUL, well, having a bad hair day I see.
Good to see you agree pretty much with most of what I say.
You can learn a lot about a person from a single act, which is indicative of their mindset.
I do believe that the followers of Islam, were/are of a weaker mindset than the rest of the population.
After having learned about only a few teachings and rituals I am convinced that the true devout followers of this 'cult' are very sick little puppies.
Cherful, I'm not sure what point your trying to make but you did not challenge me on the 'slut shaming'.
If you truly believe that the females of today are not 'out of control', then there is no hope for the fairer sex.
I don't care about the antics of some extreme cult, until it becomes a threat to me or my family.
Those who expect a person (men) to change their natural instinct are so far out of touch with the real world, it's another reason we're in this mess.
I'll bet your one of the loony left who does not believe that women are a 'major' reason or problem in the debate about rape and so on.
You probably refute the word 'attractive' as being the cause for men to become 'attracted' to certain females.
I would like to see a survey where the females make themselves look ugly or un-attractive over a period of time and see how many attacks and the nature of those attacks would be.
C'mon, get real, todays females are just not relative any more.
They want to be men because they believe they are as good as men.
Well they're, not and they know it, and that's the kicker.
They can't stand it.
They want to be like men, so what's the first thing they attempt?
Getting drunk and out of control and carrying on like sluts.
It's as if this generation were the first to discover sex, so they are going at it like sex starved rabbits.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 19 August 2018 2:41:15 AM
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Oh dear ALTRAV,
How misguided you are about things.
A slut is somebody who will have sex with any member of the opposite sex who is available even for money.
I think most men fit that description. So they are the real,sluts.

The silly extreme left wing feminists who march around the streets with members of the Islamic religion,
whose leaders are the most Fascist(authoritarian) leaders in the world have seriously lost the plot.

What feminists demand or don’t demand makes no difference to the the 3 things I decided a long time ago that I wanted for my daughters and their daughters going forward.
1. Equal rights before the law.
2. Control over their own bodies and fertility
3. And money of their own, so they don’t have to sleep on the street with their children
when their husband acts like a bastard.

I needed no feminist group to tell me this. These three things are set in stone in my mind and I
will fight with everything I have, to keep those rights for my daughters and the women of this country.

Men better than women, don’t make me laugh.
Women are doing much better than men in all the universities. And it is well known by world organisations, that if you educate and help the.women in poor backward societies, everything changes for the better in that society. If you educate the men, nothing changes, because basically men are happy acting like bullies wanting to control all the females. Also men have a big area in the front of their brain that is devoted only to sex. This makes them stupider and dumber than women, because women actually have normal brain cells in that area.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 19 August 2018 7:35:47 PM
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Cherful,unlike you I do not subscribe to the current state of the social interactions of people as, 'The Battle of the Sexes'.
What you contend is adversarial.
This is not a healthy condition for humans to interact.
I believe in the 'natural order' of things.
We have arrived at this way of life with the benefit of time.
We have developed over time.
Nothing has ever been achieved by forcing change outside it's normal rate of development.
Cherful, your vision for your daughters is fine, but you did not make any reference to them being promiscuous or carrying on like todays females, ie;drugged up, drunken sluts.
Or all three.
I do not disagree with your description of men.
That is the point.
Men have not changed through the ages, and that is a good thing.
We know what to expect of them.
Look at what happens when things change too quickly.
They nearly always change for the worst.
Today's females are undisciplined and lost their way.
You speak of the three things you wish to instill in them.
No-where did I see any mention of virtue and maturity.
The way life works is, for example, when I was young we always had 'chicks' who were happy to oblige us for sex.
These were referred to, in some circles,as sluts.
Then there were the 'good girls', who we traditionally ended up marrying.
There is absolutely no discord with the statement that men are 'sluts'.
We wore that tag with pride and the more we 'scored' the higher we moved up the ladder of peer respect.
It was not a game but a serious and natural drive which was highly regarded amongst the young men graduating on through puberty and onto manhood.
It was akin to a milestone in the development of a young mans life.
Can you honestly feel the same adulation and respect for your daughters if you saw them drunk, passed out on the road or up against a wall in some lane getting reamed whilst she's semi conscious or bloody near comatose from excess drugs or liquor?
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 20 August 2018 3:46:25 AM
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What makes you assume my daughters aren’t virtuous, in fact they are very intelligent,
kind hearted, human beings.

It comes as a shock to a lot of men that women are actually human beings. Men prefer to judge woman either as the virgin mother or as a slut. Most women are neither of those things, they are firstly human beings with all the complexities of human beings.

They are not their genitals, which is what men like to judge them by, giving no thought to them as human beings, far more complex than their sexual organs.

I don’t have any great admiration about men and their number of sexual encounters.
My Dad whom I take care of in his old age, would boast of how successful his life was because of the 22women he had, had sex with.
I said to him “Dad I don’t judge success in my life by how many people I might have slept with. To me that means nothing, I judge my success in life by the fine people my children and their children are and all the work I do to make sure they are happy and successful.

Also the female X chromosome is the chromosome that provides all the genetic coding that makes a human being.
A woman has a double XX chromosome, and a man has an XYchromosone.
It is well known in laboratories, that if you even slightly interfere with the X chromosome in an unborn baby, the baby will be born severely disabled. If however you damage the male Y chromosome the baby can still be born as a perfect functioning human female.
This is known as the Eve principal. Which actually proves that the female is the original blueprint and the male is just added on to make a male.

Still, men proclaim themselves as the original and best, whilst treating women as inferior. But it is actually the inferiority of the male that makes them act this way. Because they are too thick to realise they are thick.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 20 August 2018 7:40:13 PM
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You Go Girl! ;-)
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 20 August 2018 8:02:15 PM
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Cherful (and Foxy),
No you don't.
You can prattle on all you like about men and women.
It has no relevance here.
You find yourself sensitised towards women because you have daughters.
Your comments about 'most' women is moot because the evidence is clear and in your face at every turn.
You can be as defensive as you like but you did not answer my questions.
YOU are expected to protect your children, so don't go seeking a pat on the back for doing your job.
What you may or may not know is exactly what they get up to when they are out having a 'good time'.
So to recap, according to the evidence there are far more promiscuous women out there today than when your father and I were 'on the prowl'.
You say, you are displeased with your father for having had 22 women in his life.
We don't see this as a bad thing, but you and your elk do.
That makes you and co. the disgusting and filthy minded ones.
You are maligning and denigrating your father and your daughters by your comments.
The do-gooders of today don't want to hear the truth, they simply want to push an unrealistic ideology.
As for you, show your father some respect.
If your too much of a pansy to hear of a very important part of his life and who he is/was, at least have the guts to simply listen and 'look' interested, because quite frankly I am incensed at your kind of judgemental mentality.
The other thing you should do as well is instill, virtue and maturity in your daughters.
In todays world where marshmellows like you raise girls to be their own masters.
You have no idea or control over who they are and what they get up to once their out of your sight.
Finally the term 'slut' came to be as a direct reference to 'loose women'.
You may choose to include men.
That's your choice.
We certainly don't mind, but it just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 1:30:20 AM
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Alt Rave,

So ...... it's okay for a bloke to have sex with 22 women over his life, but it wouldn't be okay for a woman to have had sex with 22 blokes over HER life ? One is to be respected, the other is a slut ?

Hi Cherful,

Good on you ! Keep going ! Although I'm a bit worried by the possibility of banning men from driving if they keep perving on women - women, most certainly including Muslim women, are so unavoidably beautiful. So I can see your point. I have to confess that I've backed slowly into another car while perving, so it can get expensive :( And yes, I think you're right, that's how we are, it does take up too much space in our male reptile-brains. Probably even Alt Rave's.


Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 9:38:02 AM
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//We don't see this as a bad thing, but you and your elk do.//

Wow, you have your own elk, CHERFUL? Just the one, or a herd? I've always liked deer.

//So to recap, according to the evidence there are far more promiscuous women out there today than when your father and I were 'on the prowl'.//

Well, no. The maths doesn't work out, I'm afraid. It's fairly obvious when you think about it: it takes two to tango. Which means that, on average, women have as much sex as fellas. Because if you've got all the women saying they've had very little sex, and all the men saying they've had lots, somebody has to be lying. Who are all these men supposed to have had sex with?

There's probably dishonesty on both sides of the equation, with women under-reporting and men exaggerating, but I have a hunch that the exaggeration accounts for most of the discrepancy found in surveys about promiscuity rates.

And this not some recent development; because it still took two to tango back when you were out clubbing women and dragging them back to your cave. Or boasting about non-existent women that you clubbed and dragged home in an effort to impress the other cavemen, at any rate.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 11:04:21 AM
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Loudmouth, I can't believe you can't see the difference, between men and women.
Men are wired to 'chase' women.
If you disagree then I won't go any further.
On the other hand, a woman is, well, I honestly can't give a good enough description.
I love em' all.
They are 'special'.
I want to shield them, and yes I want to make love to them.
ALL of them.
Not all men have malicious thoughts towards women.
I think they're called 'rapists'.
We as men instinctively want to interact with women.
It's only natural.
You only have to look at a public scene, where you can see couples everywhere.
This is just another act of nature.
You have to understand that sluts play an important role in society.
They are part of the transition and development of boys into men.
If you seriously are trying to suggest that women chasing men is OK, you are not looking at it from a realistic point of view, but an emotional one.
Guys have been acting like idiots since forever.
We could rely on the women to bring men back into line or be there as a constant or stabiliser.
Now that the loony left have decided to encourage women to be equal to men, what's the first thing they head for?
Getting drunk and out of control.
This was the domain of men.
But no, the women turned into females and then began competing with the men and became 'maggots'.
I don't know about you, but when I see a guy pissed and collapsed all over the place, I just see a normal scene.
When it's a maggot, I see an undisciplined, irresponsible, loser who should know better, had her stupid parents not given her the keys to life and let her out without any training.
It's like giving her the keys to the car without her knowing 'anything' about driving.
So, at 67 and happily married, for 37 years, two accountant sons later, I still ogle women.
Remember, it's natural for guys.
I do know I'm not a pervert.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 12:47:13 PM
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Alt Rave,

To be honest, I don't really put much store in the excuse the men's brains are more geared to sex than women's - I suspect that a long history of differential power plays a very important part in allowing men to think they have special rights, and 'therefore' needs. Hence they can justify screwing around, but bar it for women: power differentials.

These days, with effective contraception, women can behave pretty much like men, but shouldn't be despised because of it: I suspect that men are as attractive to women as women are to men, but that until the last fifty years or so, women have had to bottle it. On the other hand, both men and women should have the strength of character not to go at it like rabbits with all and sundry, no matter how much they would like to. Neither should women be looked down on for behaving like some men. There's more to deep friendships and relationships than sex, and it seems that women have had to adhere to that more than men have, throughout the history of societies everywhere.

I'm not sure what getting pissed has do with it all ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 2:31:00 PM
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Thanks Foxy.

Thanks Jo, loudmouth

Actually I’m very fond of my grandsons
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 6:24:46 PM
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So am I!

We live in a different world.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 6:49:45 PM
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You all certainly are living in a different world.
I didn't invent the word 'slut'.
I didn't even invent the words 'slut shaming'.
You believe what you want, it's a free country and dis-regarding PC, you can say what you want.
No one should be offended.
I'm not even going to try to defend my position on the current breed of females.
Honestly, 'hand on heart' and swear on the lives of your children, you truly believe this current generation of females are the kind of people with the kind of morals and ethics of someone you would happily call the mother of your children?
How proud of your precious little angels you all must be, sitting around the 'barby' years from now, telling stories about how their mother was so drunk she passed out on the sidewalk and woke up the next day all disheveled feeling violated with this 'stuff' excreting from her vagina.
Just about now you want to call me disgusting and a myriad of other profanities.
Well hang on before you do, this a snip of what one of these wonderful little maggots of today had to say when she decided to go crying 'rape' to the authorities.
If you sorry people can't see how bad todays little angels are, then FINALLY I have found the cause of the problem with females today.
Oh and as for Mr mathematician who thinks that you need 100 guys to screw 100 maggots, it doesn't work like that.
It appears he is suffering from a lacking of the frontal lobe.
The reason there is an overarching number of men to women having sex is, wait for it, one guy can screw many women.
Oh that's right that's the way it is in nature.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 8:39:16 PM
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I usually don't bother reading your posts because they
are so extreme, so vague and sweeping in their scope,
so illogical and abusive. However you've crossed the line.
You know nothing about either myself or CHERFUL, or our lives
and the world's we live in. We don't use words like - "sluts"
or "slut shaming." These outmoded words are no longer
acceptable to most people.

If you want to be taken seriously on public forums such as this
one you need to try arguing in a logical manner, stop making
unreasonable generalisations, and remember that no one
supports an abusive illogical debater. Otherwise you will
simply be ignored.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 10:44:30 AM
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//The reason there is an overarching number of men to women having sex is, wait for it, one guy can screw many women.//

Of course they can, ALTRAV. Most of them do. But if you have essentially even numbers of males to females - which most species (including us) do:

It follows as a logical corollary that you must necessarily have women screwing multiple guys.

Perhaps a small example would help. If the thought of human women being promiscuous causes you such cognitive dissonance that you reject simple arithmetic, we can do this example with rabbits. Champion little shaggers, your rabbits, at least that's the common wisdom.

To keep things simple and save on typing, we'll work with 5 males and 5 females, so that our sample population accurately reflects the 1:1 sex ratio observed in the whole population. So now we've got our 10 little bunnies, and we'll designate the males M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and the females F1, F2, etc. All that's left to do now is pop them in our imaginary rabbit hutch and get our imaginary lab assistant to keep a tally of who has sex with who, which I will simulate with the use a 12 sided dice and 4 sided dice. Numbers have been tweaked slightly to avoid fractions.

And now, the results. This would be easier with a spreadsheet, but here goes:
* M1 has had sex with F1 (4 times), F2 (once) F3 (thrice) and F4 (9 times). Total: 4 sexual partners, 17 sexual experiences.
* M2 has had sex with F3 (10 times) and F4 (6 times). Total: 2 sexual partners, 16 sexual experiences.
* M3 has had sex with F2 (4 times) and F5 (twice). Total: 2 sexual partners, 6 sexual experiences.
* M4 has had sex with F1 (12 times). Total: 1 sexual partner, 12 sexual experiences.
* M5 has had sex with F3 (5 times). Total: 1 sexual partner, 5 sexual experiences.
Average no. sexual partners: 2
Average no. sexual experiences: 11

And now let's look at the results for the females.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 11:04:41 AM
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Well, actually we've already got all the results listed above, so we already know which female had sex with which male. You can go ahead and crunch the numbers yourself, but how about I do it for you and then you can have all the fun of trying to prove me wrong:
* F1 has had sex with M1 (4 times) and M4 (12 times). Total: 2 sexual partners, 16 sexual experiences.
* F2 has had sex with M1 (once) and M3 (4 times). Total: 2 sexual partners, 5 sexual experiences.
* F3 has had sex with M1 (thrice), M2 (10 times) and M5 (5 times). Total: 3 sexual partners, 18 sexual experiences.
* F4 has had sex with M1 (9 times) and M2 (6 times). Total: 2 sexual partners, 15 sexual experiencs.
* F5 has had sex with M3 (twice). Total: 1 sexual partner, 2 sexual experiences.
Average no. sexual partners: 2
Average no. sexual experiences: 11

So we can say from our results that one of the males (M1) was the only rabbit with more than sexual 3 partners, and therefore the most promiscuous. Mind you, he had one fewer sexual experience with his 4 partners than F3 had with her 3, so swings and roundabouts.

What's interesting, and what you should be paying attention to, are the averages: identical in both cases. And we can easily scale this experiment up: quite easy with a spreadsheet to try it for a hundred rabbits, and the results are the same: the average number of sexual partners and sexual experiences are the same for the males and females. As long as you have a 1:1 sex ratio - equal numbers of women to men - then those averages will always be the same for men and women whether you look at 10 rabbits, a hundred rabbits, or 7.6 billion people.

Sorry, ALTRAV. It's a matter of mathematical necessity that, on average, women and men are equally promiscuous. Feel free to rant & rave all you wish at this point; it still won't change the maths.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 11:06:13 AM
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Toni, c'mon.
We can do all the math we want.
The 'facts', or at least one of them is that since the 'women are equal to men' campaign started, some years ago, we only need to watch TV to see how the screen is now dominated by drunken, slovenly, wasted, loud females. (You wonder why I call them maggots)
This kind of behaviour was and always has been that of the males.
Not saying it's a good look.
But from as far back as we can refer, we find the men are the drunken louts who got up to no good and in a lot of trouble.
So you can't deny that the women of previous generations were 'special', they were kind and warm and always there when you needed them.
In some ways they remind me of what I perceive Foxy to be like, from what little I can remember about her.
Women are not supposed to seduce men.
I don't care to hear that women have urges too.
There is NO justification for women succumbing to urges and ultimately sex.
A woman carries the burden of creating life.
This caveat comes with certain responsibilities which cannot/must not be obviated simply on an emotional whim or moment.
Another example which demonstrates that it's NOT a level playing field, is that a guy can only 'hope' to get laid.
A woman on the other hand can get laid at will and at any time and with anyone.
Where's the equality in that.
OK if men and women are equal, I demand that the next time a guy is out to have a good time and feeling horny, that he too can approach 'any' female and ask her for sex and she will oblige with excitement and a wisp of disbelief that she was approached by a guy to have sex with her.
The bottom line is we have allowed too many freedoms.
Had a few more parents actually been parents and not try to be friends with their children, we would see a much better kind of female today.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 5:09:23 PM
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//we only need to watch TV to see how the screen is now dominated by drunken, slovenly, wasted, loud females.//

I don't think we're watching the same programs, ALTRAV.

//But from as far back as we can refer, we find the men are the drunken louts who got up to no good and in a lot of trouble.//

Speak for yourself, ALTRAV. You might be a deadbeat drunkard, but it doesn't follow that all men are.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 5:38:48 PM
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Toni, if you want to be taken seriously, give in ONCE IN A WHILE.
Let the others catch their breath.
Bag me all you like but please find fault in what I say and not me.
Look I'll put it bluntly again for you.
Do you want to know that your mother was,(we are talking about promiscuity) a slut.
Stories about her past slowly creep into conversations, sly comments surface from time to time until you become fully aware of her past.
If you are not left with even a slight inkling of disappointment and a feeling of having been deceived or even lied to?
If your OK with all that, then good for you, and I won't bother you with it any further.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 6:53:57 PM
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I'm going to quote from a Birthday card that I wrote
to my mum on her 90th Birthday. She passed away
in late January of this year. And I miss her dreadfully.

"When we were growing up you once explained what miracles
were. You may not remember, but we do. Now on your 90th
Birthday, we'd like to express the following:

"As beautiful as the most awesome of sunsets,
As vast as a clear, cloudless sky,
As bright as the first twinkling star
of the evening,
As rare as a jewelled butterfly...
As wondrous as blossoms unfolding their splendour
As wise as the tallest trees,
As grand as the mountains that reach to the heavens,
As free as a light-hearted breeze -
You're the best of God's gifts -
His most precious creation -
A one-of-a-kind, perfect you!
And your 90th Birthday is a time to give thanks and remember -
That you are a miracle too."

Happy Birthday! (Ilgiausiu Metu!) Happy 90th!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 August 2018 11:00:16 AM
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A lovely thought and heartfelt recognition of what your mother meant to you.
Sorry for your loss.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 24 August 2018 11:27:50 AM
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