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False narrative haunts PLO and UN as Trump courts Arab States : Comments

By David Singer, published 6/7/2018

'Despite the burden of regional issues, there are things that cannot be weighed with gold and humanitarian aid, or solutions that try to cut from a more than 100-year-old historical conflict.'

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If Israel can't have it's war against the Palestinians, then it will bring that war to us, this I believe is part of the reason they've always supported loosening nations immigration laws.
'By deception thou shall do war'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 7 July 2018 8:02:12 AM
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You scream victimhood from the Nazi's but really your lots no better.
Armchair Critic,
When I was a kid back in Europe I frequently overheard the old ex soldiers commenting on the viciousness of jewish background Nazi SS officers.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 July 2018 3:08:06 PM
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#Armchair Critic

Your well known Jew-hatred is exposed once again. Thanks for re-confirming it with your latest comments.


A thoughtful comment. Rejecting Oslo is just another in the long line of missed opportunities of successive Palestinian Arab leaderships that begun in 1917.

#John Ryan

If this was a dating site, I would suggest you meet #Armchair Critic. You would make a wonderful couple.


You have obviously overlooked or chosen to ignore the preamble to the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine unanimously adopted by all 51 member States which declared:

"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country"

Palestine was not colonised. The League of Nations gave its unanimous approval to the Jews "reconstituting" their national home in the place from where they had been defeated and expelled 2000 years before.


What you fail to appreciate is that the term "Palestinians" was first invented in the 1964 PLO Charter and excludes Jews. You yourself quote the 1922 Mandate which only spoke of the "non-Jewish communities" in Palestine. Palestine at that time comprised Moslems, Jews and Christians - no identifiable group called "Palestinians".

The Palestinian Arabs achieved self-determination in 1946 when 78% of Mandatory Palestine then called Transjordan became a sovereign independent State.

You have clearly been taken in by swallowing easily proven false Arab and UN propaganda.


Perhaps a ménage à trois with #Armchair Critic and #John Ryan might be attractive to you.
Posted by david singer, Monday, 9 July 2018 10:52:22 AM
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Rubbish! Jews have hundreds of homelands where they live as equals not overlords. Australia is one of them. Israel is not.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 9 July 2018 3:22:46 PM
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You really are a pathetic time-wasting Israelite supremacist Singer.

….....“The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925 was a law of Mandatory Palestine that created a Palestinian citizenship for residents of the territory of the Palestinian Mandate, except for those resident in Transjordan. It was announced on 24 July 1925 and came into force on 1 August 1925. The Order remained in effect until 14 May 1948, when the British withdrew from the Mandate, and Palestinian citizenship came to an end.”......


The mandate for Transjordan was tacked onto the mandate for Palestine for convenience sake. Borders had already been set for Transjordan in 1919, the first stages of autonomy began in 1926; they were patrolling their borders with the British in 1927. Palestinian passports were shown when crossing those borders.

The only one spreading propaganda is you.

Fact. Transjordan independent 1946.

Fact. Britain walks away from mandate in 1948.

Fact. The Palestinians still outnumbered the Israelite supremacists, still owned more land than the Israelite supremacists.

Fact. Those Palestinians were not granted self-determination. They did not tear down the borders in 1946 to become Transjordanians. They did not run up Transjordanian flags across Palestine demanding union with Transjordan.

They had endured the British and the French reneging on the Anglo-French Declaration of 1919. They had revolted against the de facto colonisation of their land in 1936. They kept the peace for nine years after the enactment of the 1939 White Paper which enshrined a democratic settlement. A settlement that was acknowledged by the newly independent Arab states with the signing of the Alexandria Protocol in 1944.

Fact. They were denied self-determination.
Posted by unravel, Tuesday, 10 July 2018 11:42:09 PM
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Setting up a ménage à quatre for you with #Armchair Critic, #individual and #John Ryan could be rewarding. You all indeed have a lot in common.


1. Ad hominem attacks against myself by use of the term "Israelite supremacist" clearly signal you have no substantive arguments.

2. The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council was indeed passed in 1925 after Transjordan had been closed in 1922 to Jews settling there. The Order in Council - as it clearly states as you yourself have quoted - confirmed that Jews could not obtain citizenship in 78% of the territory of the Mandate called Transjordan - which was to be reserved for granting citizenship to Palestine's non-Jewish communities only.

3. There was only one Mandate - the Mandate for Palestine - which Britain administered from 1920 until 1948. 78% of the Mandate was granted independence by Great Britain in 1946. You talk of the "Mandate for Transjordan". Produce the document to support your claim.

4. Substantiate your claims that "The mandate for Transjordan was tacked onto the mandate for Palestine for convenience sake. Borders had already been set for Transjordan in 1919"

5. You allege those Arabs living in Palestine west of the Jordan River were not granted self-determination. They were offered self-determination in 1947 by the United Nations Partition Plan but they rejected that offer.

6. Those Arabs living in the areas of Western Palestine occupied by Transjordan in the 1948 war known as Judea and Samaria - actually resolved to unite with Transjordan in 1950 when a new territorial entity was formed and named "Jordan".

7. Your use of pejorative terms such as "de facto colonisation" is the product of Arab propaganda that apparently has been accepted by you unquestioningly as the gospel truth. How can the Mandate for Palestine unanimously approved by all 51 States of the League of Nations justifying the legal right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Palestine be possibly called "de facto colonisation"?

Please withdraw your ad hominem attack on me and apologise for your action in having done so
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 10:54:04 AM
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