The Forum > Article Comments > Genderbread Person is a bad fairy tale that furthers LGBTIQ rainbow ideology > Comments
Genderbread Person is a bad fairy tale that furthers LGBTIQ rainbow ideology : Comments
By Wendy Francis, published 26/4/2018No one is denying that gender dysphoria is real and students who identify on any spectrum must be treated with respect and yes, love!
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Risible rubbish and homophobic propaganda dressed up as reasoned debate. And ignores, as usual, the overwhelming evidence-based research that proves a sound genetic-based explanation for all these normal aberrations within the sphere of the normal gender spectrum. Don't google Alan Sanders, Geneticist! Unless you want your brainwashed from birth, errant medial belief system destroyed by evidence-based science. This troglodyte/Author, reminiscent of the flat earth devotee, who when taken for a ride in Richard Bramston's space flight rocket, to see with his own eyes a round world! Commented upon landing, that the graphics and special effects were extremely realistic! Even so, he knew beyond question, and in his mind, the world remained flat! Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 26 April 2018 10:31:55 AM
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Yes Alan, because we all know that genetic material within the body can change at will, and frequently at that.
Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 26 April 2018 11:43:11 AM
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Well this is a very “Happy Rainbow” day today. The naked Genderbred man has migrated to Queensland from Byron Bay.
Riding a bike was he? Or maybe pushing a Koala bear in a perambulator. I wish I had never read this article; but having read it, it cannot be redacted. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. But since I have lost most hope for generations of school children to come, subjected as they are to open slather State sponsored brainwashing, of sense sensibility and morality, I was mortified to learn of the efforts made by the gender-benders, to bend English grammar to suit their equally twisted minds, in a seemingly endless search for a suitable pronoun for the imagined Heinz 57 varieties of modern day Liberal gender types. Poor little pronoun “they”: About to be bombed by a Qantas airliner, dropping a neutron bomb on the oxford dictionary headquarters. Get used to it. The groundwork has been laid for its extended use as a singular first second third person pronoun. (Dear They Smith). In conclusion, I would like to add a gerund at each end of their (F*ing) rainbow. Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 26 April 2018 12:22:32 PM
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when you are gullible enough to accept the evolution myth as science you can then easily reject biology. No wonder the unis are filled with unthinking dunses.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 April 2018 1:00:02 PM
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Wendy, the only ideology on display regarding gender issues are yours and your like-minded fellow travellers and those who believe we can consciously change our genes at will! We've had the SSM debate and fair-minded decent folk made their non-discriminatory opinion loud and clear. And indeed what they thought of folk still trapped in their thinking, in the stone age, where views such as yours would have carried the day! Please, if you believe absolutely that you're right? Then have the courage to reprint this highly offensive, discriminatory material just as soon as the next election is called and defend it for all you're worth! And see how well that plays for those candidates who pubically endorse your views! But only if you believe in your heart that you are right and most right-minded folks agree with your spurious views! I double dare you! Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 26 April 2018 2:15:18 PM
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There is nothing to argue about !
You are what your genes decide so lump it ! Puberty will make it all clear to all. No ifs no buts. Don't come back about those unfortunate children who have a problem in that area. It is a very small number and you analogue gender twits only make it worse for them. Real children are real people and one mother apologised for her son running silly around the supermarket I said; "No worries, I would worry if he was not like that !" Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 26 April 2018 3:03:09 PM
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Thank you Wendy.
Keep up the good work. Posted by LesP, Thursday, 26 April 2018 3:44:32 PM
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Oh god. The gingerbread man was a MAN, not an indiscriminate person.
Guy Gibson of Dam Busters fame had a black dog called NI-GGER, not blacky or any other name but ni-gger. People who try to up date historical fact are kidding themselves, & need to grow up & join the real world. OLO needs to up date it's program when it tells me to "remove profanity" when I use the word ni-gger. What are you running here a bleeding hearts do-gooder site trying to deny history? Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 26 April 2018 4:02:12 PM
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Hooray for Hasbeen !
I agree, remove the filter. There was even a Grandstand in Darwin with that name. It is a derivative of the Latin for an African, Negris or something similar. Are we going to ban Latin as well ? Are they ashamed of being black ? Gawd, we will speak like a lot of bloody pansies if they have their way. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 26 April 2018 4:51:54 PM
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To Alan B. This issue of gender identification is not the same as homosexuality. Nor is cross dressing the same as homosexuality, or any other merging of gender roles the same as homosexuality. As far as I'm aware the issue of homosexuality being in the genes is debated on it's scientific merrit. The other issues (and letters) on the LGB... abrivation are not part of debated science of it being in their genes. As far as I'm aware there are serious health concerns with pushing this gender switching ideology. Medically speaking this is a harmful ideology that if bought into and acted on can do harm to the indivual who thinks they should be the other sex. Irreversible harm from surgery and hormone treatment. I see a decent amount of harm in the ginger person subject, because
1). it seeks to normalize something that isn't normal, instead of trying to be honest in it's difference while trying to get tollerence and acceptance. Thus it counts as a type of manipulation and lies. 2). The issues of health concerns already mentioned are worth being skeptical on these ideological pushes. Tollerence is not so great that it is the only factor to be concerned. Until children are past puberty and adults on their own to to understand the health issues involved in a gender changing procedure. This should not be pushed in schools to confuse kids who are trying to figure out their identity and often "try out" different stereotypes to see if they can identify themselves by it. 3). In spite of what it claims all the other letters on the LGB abrivation (not sexual attraction identifiers) are all about identifying stereotypes and encouraging them. Even making up new identifiers to expand their view of tolerance. (More divisive then tolerant.) Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Thursday, 26 April 2018 6:28:12 PM
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Wow. So many nutters so triggered over what essentially amounts to a crap pun.
Oh well, whatever floats your boats, lads. //OLO needs to up date it's program when it tells me to "remove profanity" when I use the word ni-gger.// You'd be amazed at what OLO's filter deems profanity. It seems quite random; it'll kick up a fuss about the most innocuous words and then turn a blind eye to complete filth. I reckon it's broken. Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 26 April 2018 7:32:06 PM
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The denialists can make anything they like true if they own their own facts and decide evidence-based science is ideology! As for medical evidence that gender reassignment is dangerous? No more so than say a hysterectomy to remediate life threating bleeding.Yesterday I decided that I would consciously manipulate my genes so as to become taller and stronger. And as I strove with all my might and main. All I managed was soiled underwear. Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 26 April 2018 11:19:56 PM
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To Alan B. I would not advocate a hysterectomy to a child unless there was an emergency or a medical condition like the bleeding you mentioned. To do so would take away their ability to have children long before they are in a place to make such decisions. It would be a horrible abuse in my opinion to do a hysterectomy to a child.
Gender reassignment on the other hand is becoming a decision children make at younger and younger ages. Before they know what is at risk, what they would be losing, or have a decent idea of who they are they are and identify themselves as; before knowing any of that they are being pushed with the idea of gender reassignment. How it's ok, normal, and something if they feel like choosing it's ok. But because the irreversible effects, the ongoing health concerns to go through both surgery and hormone treatment at a young age, and the lack of knowledge for what they are really getting into. Because of these things gender reassignment should not be something a child chooses. But only as an adult after their body is done trying to change and there is no more fighting your own biology to fit your "identity." Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Friday, 27 April 2018 3:04:46 AM
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72 "recognised" gender identities (and counting). WTF ?
9 year olds in public schools forced to attend compulsory gender awareness classes. WTAF ? Does that mean there are 72 lessons to be taught ? Culminating in the Plebiscite that overwhelmingly supported the push from the Emily's Listers, and not to forget the 3rd & 4th Wave Radical Feminazis to emasculate men and further destroy the family unit. What a sorry state we have gotten to in human history. Equality it is not. Sad to relate, but one can only hope that the Muslims get their way, world wide. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Friday, 27 April 2018 8:32:36 AM
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//Culminating in the Plebiscite that overwhelmingly supported the push from the Emily's Listers, and not to forget the 3rd & 4th Wave Radical Feminazis to emasculate men//
How does letting gays get hitched emasculate men? I don't feel emasculated by other people choosing to get married. You must be quite insecure about your masculinity. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 27 April 2018 9:09:08 AM
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My favorite part of this debate is watching the more conservative folk get their knickers in a knot because they don’t understand the difference between gender and biological sex.
I might just sit back and enjoy the show for this one. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 27 April 2018 9:50:23 AM
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we know AJ little boys in a dress is real funny to those with perverted dogmas.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 April 2018 9:58:58 AM
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//we know AJ little boys in a dress is real funny to those with perverted dogmas.//
Strange, nobody seems to kick up a fuss when it's fancy English private schools doing it: Possibly something to do with them being called 'Christ's Hospital'. It's alright when Christians do it. Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 27 April 2018 10:17:41 AM
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The problem is our tendency to identify with a gender:
Who cares what gender it is or whether it is solid or fluid, etc. - these are just traits of the body we happen to have, having nothing to do with us, the owners of our bodies. So sad to see so many people waste their life on such petty issues, so sad to see that schools encourage young people to dwell on all this insignificant nonsense (including both schools that teach the solid version and schools that teach the fluid version): obtaining a human body is a rare event, it is practically the only type of body that allows us to reach God and the gender(s) of that body was never a barrier - both males and females, eunuchs and whatever in between, were able to transcend those primitive genetic urges and utilise their human body to become sages, seers and prophets, fulfilling what life is really all about. Teach the youth about God and stop wasting their precious time on earth by filling their heads with gender-role rubbish of any kind! Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 29 April 2018 9:44:35 PM