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The Forum > Article Comments > Stupidology: the study of stupidity > Comments

Stupidology: the study of stupidity : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 13/2/2018

There is a lot of attention to 'best practices' in business studies educational courses. Perhaps we need more attention to stupidity.

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If attention is to be given to 'stupidology' it would need to start right at the top, because that is where the truly stupid people lurk in Australia. They are politicians and bureaucrats. Unfortunately, they are stupid enough to think that we, the people, are the stupid ones.

“ ... the tendency is simply to repeat the policy but with more gusto.” e.g. pushing and subsidising renewable energy and increased power prices is obviously a total failure because emissions are rising, and prices are still rising; so, what do our stupid politicians do: they increase the failed programs causing more price pain and handing even more of our money over to the United Nations crime organisation.

That's just one example. Everything else they do works on the same lines.

The problem is, the only people with the power to do anything are the most stupid people of all. So, nothing will change.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 13 February 2018 9:23:03 AM
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Thank God for free speech...
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 13 February 2018 9:34:03 AM
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Excellent article, that unfortunately, is lost on the stupid! And the morons who resolutely vote for them on endless non core promises.

From the Labor spokesman, who told us the reason they wouldn't look at the nuclear energy option, because it wasn't Labor policy. And when asked to explain why not, simply repeated time after time, the first and only answer.

Or to the economically illiterate (quote unquote) former PM, squandering mining boom 1 and 2 in pork barreling and welfare entitlements for the rich.

And in so doing, creating a structural deficit that can only grow worse, all while the current government want to reduce revenue via tax cuts for corporations posting record profit after record profit! And where the top tax paid by any corporation last year was just 17%, with one third paying no company tax at all!

As Forest Gump would venture, stupid is as stupid does. And no more glaring example of stupidity is our mired in moronic obsolescence and chaos, resolute refusal to look at genuine tax reform and rational options/energy policy/crisis.

And compounded by a refusal to accept irrefutable evidence and by simply refusing to even look at it through the eyes of rational logical thinkers.

But rather through those of intellectually crippled troglodytes refusing to change tack even though the hugely compromised economy is heading for the rocks.


Well two reasons spring to mind, one of them is rank stupidity, the other willful blindness coupled to corruption and cronyism?

Surely it can't be the latter which would make our alleged leaders no better than quisling Benedict Arnolds?

You don't have to be intellectually crippled to be a hard right conservative/pious hypocrite, espousing family values and similar crap, shovelled by the shipload, but it has to help, surely?

Hello mushies, had enough yet?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 February 2018 10:39:28 AM
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Well I dunno what to make of it.

You see I figured out long ago, that for all the time we spend educating people in life skills, profession, how to make good decisions and succeed in life - for all that - if we instead put aside 10% of the time we spend teaching people how to succeed - and implicitly instead spent that time teaching the HOW and WHY NOT TO FAIL, we'd get much better results.

But the real truth is our societies couldn't function if we taught everyone how to succeed and do well.
Why? Because our society needs slaves. Class Slaves.
It needs lower class people to clean toilets and take away the refuse.

And well, if we taught everyone how to have good non-toxic relationships and not make poor decisions with money, then everyone would be doing well, no-one would be left to do the crap jobs.

And we all know the rich and privileged people don't do menial work.

So then you have these globalist organisations who want to retain their power and influence and entitlement and socially engineer the planet for the rest of us.

People like Mr Keith Suter, and the Club Of Rome.
Eugenics based organisations focused on population reduction and global environmental governance.

And that's why I don't know what to make of it.

So yeah go on, tell me I'm stupid Keith.
- Like you alone figured out something us lowly minions weren't capable of concluding on our own.

I probably am stupid, but I ain't as dumb as some.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 13 February 2018 5:48:49 PM
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A.C. I'm amazed that you actually believe that rubbish and or that some folk are entitled to have other folk, class slaves, clean up their crap after them?

Folks like the neighborhood drug dealer because he has a few dollars or those members of the white shoe brigade who've like Mr Trump left a trail of ruined families behind as he/they waxed fat on the endeavor, enterprise and expenditure of others?

Nothing illegal? Just using chapter 22 and tax loopholes, to successfully amass a fortune? Or relying on the fact that the small claims court cost thousands with no guarantee the deceived could recoup what was owed!

The key to success and incredible wealth? Lie, cheat steal? Just make sure you stay inside the law? Right?

Just last night Four Corners reported class slavery right here in Australia. And occurring inside Canberra embassies where foreign workers were lured here with bogus contracts, then worked for 18 plus hours a day for $2-350.00 a month. Their passports confiscated along with the original contracts, that only promised a modest and fair wage, for forty hours a week! And not worth the paper they were written on!

Does that fit with your Idea of class slavey? Perhaps you'd like to be on the receiving end of such treatment and if not why not?

Think you're better than hard working Filipinos? Or that your sh!te doesn't stink?

Or maybe you have no normal human empathy, no morals and no ethics? Or perhaps you're right, too stupid to know better?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 February 2018 7:19:05 PM
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It's called "satire", AlanB.

Loosen up.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 13 February 2018 9:29:30 PM
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