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Stupidology: the study of stupidity : Comments
By Keith Suter, published 13/2/2018There is a lot of attention to 'best practices' in business studies educational courses. Perhaps we need more attention to stupidity.
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I do however support liberty and freedom for all and I support capitalism.
What that means is that you get to choose your own path, but you must live with your choices and the consequences of your actions.
But tell me why is it MANDATED that ALL KIDS go to school to get an education;
But it's NOT MANDATED that ALL KIDS go to University and become white-collar citizens?
Answer - Because society needs the blue collar citizens, it couldn't survive without them.
Why do people pay the money for University Education for their kids?
Answer: Because they don't want their kids to have to do the crap jobs.
Cleaning OTHER peoples toilets and taking out THEIR rubbish.
That's for other LOWLY people, right?
That's why people send their kids to University?
You all know I support Trump, but really if you go back to the start you might remember it was because I ALWAYS OPPOSED HILLARY.
I wanted HILLARY AND CO and all the establishment criminals gone.
I hate the anti-nationalist - pro-globalist gang mentality and wanted a return to some kind of integrity and Trump seemed to be the only one who had a chance at doing that, if he has.
As well as that there was the added bonus of putting all the progressive pro-immigration open-borders Soros nutjobs and all the other weak minded soy-sipping victims of the leftist mind control back in their box.
In truth I don't support Trump on many issues certainly not his neocon foreign policy, but I will have my 2 cents, stand up for my country (whats left of it) and call out 'stupid' when I see it.