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Sowing noxious seeds : Comments
By Beverly Holmes-Brown, published 30/11/2017When the British government transported criminals and political enemies to this far-off land their plan was kinder than ours.
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First we are lambasted for putting them behind wire. Now no longer the case, suddenly we are Nazis?
There's a solution, space age lie detection not even compulsive liars can cheat and able to be deployed covertly!
Without question, these folk's constructed/dubious claims need to be tested against, space age, unbeatable lie detection? And may highlight the very reason why these folk, felt the need to, #1/ Destroy their documentation and #2/ Choose an illegal entry that most genuine refugees cannot afford!
I believe these folk ought only be processed if they are shown to be cooperative law abiding citizens rather than a non-compliant renegades tying moral blackmail to force a result.
If they front up for space age technically assisted assessment and have their identity and status confirmed by something they cannot beat!
Then they might be offered resettlement elsewhere? Just not here!
Maybe they have already been tested and failed?
Regardless, if we accept just these few hundred then then organised criminal people smuggling business is back in business along with all that that includes, hundreds drowned, women and girls forced into prostitution and worse, to obtain sufficient funds to pay the organised criminal element that prey on these folk!
And that's never ever going to happen ever again!
As others have pointed out we elect a government to represent our wishes not that of subhuman gangsters!
We have put these folk and their illegal business model out of business and will never ever do anything whatsoever, to start it up again!
Let these folk opt for a UN sanctioned refugee camp if they must? If only to understand, there are far, far worse places and situations than Manus Island. And where genuine refugees may have been waiting for generations!
Alan B.