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What it means to vote 'No' : Comments
By Mitchell Barrington, published 31/10/2017Yet manyof us simultaneously hold beliefs about how others’ private lives ought to conform to our standards.
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Leo, I am a NO voter but after seeing some of the most disgusting and arrogant behaviour emanate from the YES scum camp I am starting to think they have intimidated and put on such an assault of the general public that it's not looking good. What's more these animals don't actually have to do anything because the gutless govt will cave in to their threats because they don't want to lose power. Well it's too late for the Libs I believe they will lose the next election and the Labour scum will get in and so will pass the 'poofter bill'. I just wish I could convince enough people, especially politicians, to follow up on my suggestion on what has/is happening to Massachusetts. It would turn the whole movement around and against the YES camp, with such aggression, they would not know what hit them. Everyone really needs to see these media reports.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 November 2017 5:19:32 PM
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can you provide a link or a title to the Massachusetts story Posted by Banjo, Friday, 3 November 2017 7:37:06 PM
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Banjo, I am frustrated that due to my lack of technical or computer savy, I don't know how to send what is in email form to a forum. I think I can print it and maybe someone can instruct me how to pass it on. I am very excited at the prospect of broadcasting this email. The NO camp will love it and probably have it framed. The YES camp will implode and get back in their closets. (with any luck).
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 November 2017 10:08:06 PM
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• This is an extract from an article on Massacheusetts, and the link which may help:
• “Because of the purported necessity to cater to “LGBT health” issues, nearly every major Boston hospital has become an active supporter of the radical homosexual movement. This includes marching in the “Gay Pride” parades, holding homosexual events, and putting on numerous “gay health”-related seminars. This is one of the most disturbing things that’s happened since “gay marriage” became “legal.” • A major Boston hospital threatened to fire a physician when he objected to its promotion of homosexual behaviour. In 2011 a prominent physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston — a large Harvard-affiliated hospital — objected to the hospital being involved with “Gay Pride” activities. He also pointed out to his superiors the medical health risks of homosexuality, and said that he and others at the hospital considered homosexual acts to be unnatural and immoral. The hospital then threatened to fire him, telling him that same-sex marriage is “legal” and that his comments constituted “harassment and discrimination.” After a “hearing” he was allowed to keep his job, but was told to apologize and to keep his opinions on these matters to himself. Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 3 November 2017 10:58:17 PM
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Leo, Thank you. Yes your comment is in fact one of the articles extracted from the many that form the email I speak of. To read them all is pure gold. It is so enlightening. I still can't think of a way to get them out there. Other than emailing it to some central mailbox. Not advisable as it would expose me to all manner of threats and abuse and more from the YES garbage. Hopefully someone will advise me of a safe way to get this information out there.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 4 November 2017 12:18:14 AM
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Leo, I think you've done it. I do believe your attachment is the very article I speak of. The choice of fonts seems a little different but it could be that someone has transferred it maybe? I didn't look at it till after I wrote my response. C'mon everyone check it out read it then let's sit back and listen to the YES camp cringing back into their closets. I have sent this same email to a few senators. Let's hope some of them have a modicum of common sense and reason, and we might yet turn this God awful tragedy around.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 4 November 2017 12:30:56 AM