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Nuclear power's deepening crisis : Comments
By Jim Green, published 16/10/2017There are clear signs of a nuclear slow-down in China, the only country with a large nuclear new-build program.
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 17 October 2017 12:14:02 PM
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"the article neglected India and other countries where reactor approvals have not slowed."
The article includes India "India's nuclear industry keeps promising the world and delivering very little - nuclear capacity is 6.2 GW and nuclear power accounted for 3.4% of the country's electricity generation last year." Then approvals in past major users Germany, France, UK, US, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine and Canada are obviously slowing. Maybe North Korea, Israel and Iran are the only nuclear "success stories" - for nuclear bomb uses. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 17 October 2017 2:33:30 PM
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India presently has 22 smaller reactors running at roughly 6GWe with 6 reactors under construction. It's true that its original stated goals of 63GWe by 2032 have been pared back to 27GWe by 2032, but at a 500% increase over 15 years, this is hardly a slump. The kick in the pants will come towards 2030 when CO2 emissions are continuing to rise and renewables can't make up the difference. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 17 October 2017 3:02:48 PM
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Like many others I depend on OLO for factual news with no fakes . So of course it was disappointing to see Alan's $1.98 and Shadow Minister's "50 new reactors" without reference sources. Facebook and Playschool are respected but wider authority is needed in this situation . Alan has been in a Thorium trance for many days , typing robotically , but $ 2.035 Kwh is the latest price from Shanghai Ice and Barbiturate Salts .
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 17 October 2017 8:20:33 PM
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Don't be so childish. This is a discussion forum, not a dissertation. Entering "reactors under construction" into google instantly gave me this link: If you have a brain, use it. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 18 October 2017 5:03:48 AM
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Alan wrote :
"Fifty new Chinese reactors possibly built at cost?" Shadow Minister wrote "50 reactors are presently under construction and within a decade global nuclear power generation will be at an all-time high. 2 Chinese reactor approvals are dropping more because the growth of energy consumption has slowed faster than anticipated, and the growth of coal and renewables has also slowed. 3 Though approvals in China have slowed, China will still be building 3-5 new reactors per year after 2022." So 50 is not meaning China. Shadow Minister is correct . Alan's $1.98 is the problem. Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 18 October 2017 6:17:07 AM
1 50 reactors are presently under construction and within a decade global nuclear power generation will be at an all-time high.
2 Chinese reactor approvals are dropping more because the growth of energy consumption has slowed faster than anticipated, and the growth of coal and renewables has also slowed.
3 Though approvals in China have slowed, China will still be building 3-5 new reactors per year after 2022.
4 The article neglected India and other countries where reactor approvals have not slowed.
5 Finally, countries where reactors are not being built and reactors are closing, the bulk of the new power is coming from coal and not renewables, mainly due to the unreliability of renewable supplies.