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Learning from the past and understanding the present : Comments

By Sven Trenholm, published 26/9/2017

The balance of evidence from the strongest research, with large representative sampling, does not support same-sex parenting.

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“ Yet today, social scientists recognise the harm these changes cause to many children and society as a whole.”

Bugger the socials scientists; what about ordinary, free thinking citizens who are capable of making up their own minds – those who haven't allowed themselves to be put into a coma so that social scientists/engineers and politicians can think for them. Only the manipulators and idiots believe that fake marriage and same-sex parenting is acceptable.

The same mind control that kept a large part of the world under the yoke of Communism for so long is now occurring in the West. No wonder a refugee from Soviet-controlled Poland writes that the current mind-games now being played in Australia by “the Left in general and same-sex marriage bullies in particular have inspired a deeply unsettling sense of deja vu.”

We are currently experiencing the worst excesses of liberal-democracy. The individual has been overrun by pressure groups clamouring for more 'freedom', for more 'equality', for more 'tolerance'. And, all are supposedly 'different' politicians are singing the same song, eager to ingratiate themselves with the noisiest mob.

At least China is honest with its 'one party system'.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 26 September 2017 7:19:23 AM
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Hmmm, I guess its sort of fun to complain about the latest progressive experiments and list the damage previous ones have done to a people. But at the same time churches could also focus on the root cause of the problem and its amendment, ie. 'The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth'
Posted by progressive pat, Tuesday, 26 September 2017 7:54:50 AM
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SSM And parenting? What are you suggesting?

Cloned kids using extremely expensive science to in effect, combine two sets of similar gender specific genetic material, to produce (a) child(ren)?

And could even be incubated in a male gender tummy, via a grafted vein(s)? Either example is actually within the bounds of possibility! Even if extremely unlikely and enormously expensive!

That said, many same sex couplings are also parents, from previous couplings/marriage. And no better nor worse as representative parenting examples as opposite sex couplings!

Opinions vary and expert, if apparently biased opinion, can be extracted to say, whatever the interviewer, wants it to say?

In any event, if a childless SS couple wanted to adopt? Or arrange a surrogacy, they still need to go through the myriad (proper parents) checks, balances! And possibly biased organizations/religious institutions, as applicable to ALL other applications!

And if for any verifiable and provable, or economic reason, found unsuitable? Simply denied!

If there going to be no end to this conflation or confection and fear mongering BS, around SSM, by the NO case?

If 90% of the survey is over and done!? What can you achieve now? Other than to stir up ignorant hatred and fear!? Is that the real, [gay bashing,] goal?

Bring on the next election!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 26 September 2017 8:49:23 AM
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Progressive Pat

I take it from your quip your suggesting Governments in the past promoted Christianity, and then regretted the fact.

The reason Governments stepped back from promoting the Christian Church in Australia, is the competition between differing segments for Government support. It was not a decision based on ideology.

The first colonial church was funded by the Government. During this process it found difficulty funding one group and not funding another.
To solve the problem (initially), it established that the Church of England would be the official religion of the new Colony.

This move also became problematic, and by the time of writing the constitution, the result was to step back altogether by issuing this document in support of all religion generally.

Unfortunately for all religions in Australia, this edict is virtually useless.
With only one Australian state, Tasmania, with a protective clause in its constitution, aimed at protecting religious belief and giving their followers the right to perform their religious beliefs unhindered by persecution, (from the gay lobby, most notably at present). There is little any religion can do to ward off this attack. Gays will be given what they wish, by additional overriding State laws, which will ignore the Commonwealth constitution!

Becoming increasingly obvious is, to escape the Marxist attack on this country, like Napoleon, white Christian Australians will be forced to exile themselves on an island; Tasmania.

That should make you happy Pat!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 26 September 2017 8:58:07 AM
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The group of over 300 Australian doctors who opposed the AMA support of SSM had exactly the same argument about the lack of scientific data supporting gay parenting. The truth is that only the few large, random selected studies with measurable outcomes have given a scientifically based outcome for these kids, and show they do not do as well as children from biologically intact families.
However, for anyone who wishes to disregard those few studies, there is a wealth of evidence about the outcomes of children raised without fathers, with appalling results.
Fatnerless kids account for the majority of teen suicides, juvenile offenders, teen mothers, school drop outs, drug and alcohol abusers, people with mental health problems, chronically unemployed. Etc.
And no, that does not mean all kids with single mothers turn out badly, but their chances of having good outcomes are much reduced compared to kids from biologically intact families.
And this is nothing to do with love, or support or good parenting. It's all about the lack of one biological parent and the essential contribution that parent makes to its child's future.
Posted by Big Nana, Tuesday, 26 September 2017 10:15:10 AM
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Sorry diver dan, i didnt know all that. I guess it makes you think if a constitution can prohibit christianity there's no reason why a constitution couldn't promote christianity, on the other hand. Its kind of surprising why most Christians are happy to live under a secular framework but not a Christian framework...but again thanks for helping me to learn these stuffs.
Posted by progressive pat, Tuesday, 26 September 2017 10:37:20 AM
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