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Marriage as a 'social institution' : Comments

By Eric Porter, published 5/9/2017

Indeed, if marriage were simply about love, it would render all the legal infrastructure redundant.

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mememe+ - you wrote -

Seems to be a lot of people pretending they were a yes vote and now they are voting no... It's all bulldust: you were all voting no to begin with and just want to complain about lefties because if the capital "L" iberal party voters who want to vote no couldn't complain about lefties they would cry!

My response -

No you are soooo wrong - I am - and many others - are "swinging" voters who have no alliance to any party as you assert.

We - as voters - look at when we vote, who (which party) will protect Australians en masse from terrorism .... full stop.

The same sex marriage issue is "open" to public debate, via any party, as you are quite entitled to state.

People - via any persuasion - can change their vote - however in this debate one only has to look at the campaign for "yes" who totally wish to destroy peoples career if they support a "no" vote.... are you and others really serious?

I ask a simple question - Why would "Get Up" and others wish to destroy any persons career and standing within their community and workplace with having a differing view - are we really serious as an adult society??
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 7 September 2017 6:32:29 PM
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I am yet to be convinced that there isn't a serious mental health issue going on when a man can get turned on by another mans stinking ar$e.
Posted by OutbackJack, Thursday, 7 September 2017 10:14:14 PM
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Wow, that was a painful wait with OLO deciding to switch to Greenwich mean time for some reason. As if phanto’s post-wasters weren’t annoying enough as it was.



Yes, you read me right: cost effective. To obtain a similar level of legal protections, lawyer's fees could run into the thousands (and even then, you still wouldn’t have the prompt identification of legal rights and access in the case of an emergency).

Comparing the cost of anything beyond what the registry office costs is silly, too, because that's voluntary. I don't care if the average is $1,000,000. It makes no difference to my argument.

But, hey, just for you, I'm happy to remove that as a listed benefit, if it so offends you. That still leaves equitable access to legal predictably, legal certainty, legal rights, and uniformity.



Yes, that's my response. If you are willing to vote against treating an entire demographic equally just to punish a bunch of ratbags, simply because they share an interest, then nothing else needs to be said.

Unless, of course, you can somehow explain how that is a rational response? Why am I not surprised that you didn’t opt to just do that in the first place, instead of asking me if that was really my response?

<<... I am - and many others - are "swinging" voters who have no alliance to any party as you assert.>>

This issue has nothing to do with multiple parties offering different deals, this vote is about whether one believes that gay people should be allowed to marry. So, to cite your status as a swinging voter in this instance makes no sense.
Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 8 September 2017 11:50:53 AM
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Phillips says:” achieving nothing more in the process than being an idiot.”
Does this mean that when your lies and nonsense don’t work, and they never do, you resort to ad hominem, as you falsely accuse others of doing?
Nice to see that the perverts’ attempt to deprive citizens of their say on the attack on the institution of marriage, was dismissed by the High Court, with costs against the perverts.
We will now all have the opportunity to vote NO
Posted by Leo Lane, Saturday, 9 September 2017 11:36:44 AM
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Dear Toni,

«Ever heard of Alan Turing (1912-1954), Yuyutsu? He was gay.»

I am well aware of Turing's tragic story and how shamefully and ungratefully he was persecuted. Yet this was because he was homosexual. While nothing can justify the terrible treatment he received - he was not gay and had you called him so, he would most likely be offended (and so probably would any other homosexual prior to the 1960's)!

«I believe gayness has been around since before we were homo sapiens. Bonobos, our closest genetic relatives along with chimpanzees, are very gay indeed.»

Bonobos display homosexuality openly - and good on them, but I'm yet to see a bonobo attending a gay parade or otherwise participate in provocative political petitions and demonstrations. Bonobos are not boastful of their sexual orientation - they simply behave accordingly without any complications, they do not wantonly rejoice or sing about it ('gay' probably originates from the Sanskrit root 'gay'="to sing", from which also comes 'gita'="sung").

P.S. While not immediately related, I must correct this postulate as if we were at any time homo sapiens: only the bodies that we wear are homo-sapiens bodies, not we who wear them.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 9 September 2017 11:40:05 AM
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//Yet this was because he was homosexual. While nothing can justify the terrible treatment he received - he was not gay//


Both gay and not gay? How's that supposed to work then, Yuyutsu?

Would this be like your God who both exists and does not exist? Still haven't got the hang of reductio ad absurdums, have you mate?

//Bonobos display homosexuality openly - and good on them, but I'm yet to see a bonobo attending a gay parade//

You don't have to go to pride rallies to be gay, Yuyutsu. People have been gay since long before there were pride rallies. Remember the Spartans?

//I must correct this postulate as if we were at any time homo sapiens: only the bodies that we wear are homo-sapiens bodies, not we who wear them.//

Get off the crack.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 9 September 2017 12:52:37 PM
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