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The Forum > Article Comments > Syria: a testament to international moral bankruptcy > Comments

Syria: a testament to international moral bankruptcy : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 18/8/2017

What happened to the sentiment of 'never again' that was universally embraced in the wake of World War II to prevent calamities such as this from occurring?

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Alon Ben-Meir here basically is pushing blatant lies regarding what is behind the current war in Syria which the Zionist State of Occupied Palestine and the US military industrial complex especially would like believed. However, many who have kept an eye on developments from news sources other than those originating from the strongly Zionist influenced Western Mainstream media think the Russians, Iranians and Hezbellah have been doing a good job helping the legitimate government of Syria, led By Bashar Al-Assad who is obviously very popular with his own people get rid of terrorists sponsored by foreign powers, particularly the US.

The real testament to international moral bankruptcy is western interests covertly supporting terrorists to try and install puppets and stooges in power in Syria and/or make it a failed state so their banksters and corporations can largely take control. Note Syria is one of the few countries whose central bank is not controlled by Rothschilds. However, the main agenda is that western interests want to construct a gas pipeline south-north across Syria so Qatari gas can be sent to Europe, taking market share from Russia. Syrians favour an east-west pipeline to facilitate gas from the Northern end of the same field in Iran to capture this market instead. Note there are very powerful corporations and billionaires who are morally bankrupt and do not care about causing major destruction in Syria and killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people to try and fulfil their own selfish wants. Fortunately their efforts are failing and agenda has become widely exposed.
Posted by mox, Friday, 18 August 2017 12:35:25 PM
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Let Syria stand as a testament to what happens when the US decides against being the policeman. Bad things happen when the US (and its allies) get involved. Worse things happen when it decides to remain uninvolved.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 18 August 2017 5:02:08 PM
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Why should the blame fall on a divided international community, when in fact it has been Russian and Chinese vetoes alone, that have effectively kept the diabolically dastardly Damascus Dictator in power and free to mass murder at will, all who stand in his way!

And on a scale not seen since the Holocaust!

Perhaps it's time for a principled stand/a flagged red line that can't be crossed! And not without forewarning?

And send a tactical nuclear weapon gift wrapped and delivered by a cruise missile right onto his lap, with the remonstrating Dictators offered similar gifts as deserved reward for their obstructionist tactics!?

If we are going to have a no other choice, WW111? Because that's is what it might take to end this conflict!?

Let it at least be at a time and place of our choosing rather than later, with us the (would you like fries with that?) sacrificial roast lamb on the menu?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 18 August 2017 5:17:47 PM
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Most who experienced ww2 and what really brought it about are gone now. So yes it's forgotten.

As for Syria. Yes it's dreadful. Troubles me that we're involved in what's going on there.
Although I did read something that sounded positive some days back. Something about the CIA ending salary payments to Syrian rebel groups after Trump and Putin met.
Posted by jamo, Saturday, 19 August 2017 2:41:18 AM
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Yes, Trump also overruled a Republican party platform endorsing the continuation of arms shipments to the Ukraine forces that overthrew its democratically elected government.

Anyone see a pattern here? Or should I say a chicken and an egg?
Posted by Killarney, Saturday, 19 August 2017 5:29:18 PM
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No one goes to war unless there's a buck in it.
Australians are sent into a theatre of war by its politicians, at the behest of a major power, so as to be inclusive and united in policy.
But the politicians aren't those getting shot and maimed.

The last time Australia was seemingly being threatened was by the Japanese while Australian forces were off fighting in Africa and Europe

The 'never again' turned into 'more frequently' in Korea and Vietnam, with Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, being the latest excursions.

What ever happened to be neutral, or do we actually believe that our involvement and presence is more than token flag waving.
Are we that desperate to be noticed that we contribute mindlessly to failed ventures and be seen to be nothing more than US lackeys by the world at large.
If Australia is so desperate to be seen as warriors then we should make our own weapons at least, and not be in such a hurry to buy someone elses and, pay through the nose for the privilege.
Posted by ilmessaggio, Saturday, 19 August 2017 7:20:34 PM
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