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The Forum > Article Comments > Labor’s version of equality is punish talent > Comments

Labor’s version of equality is punish talent : Comments

By Gary Johns, published 7/8/2017

As to the alternative government, Shorten Labor is moving unerringly left. More cringe-worthy government decisions await.

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Punish talent, the politics of envy!? And typical of blinkered partisan commentary!

As for Bill Shorten? He is plainly playing populist politics all round, with only one single goal in sight? To occupy the treasury benches!

That said, there is a case for vast tax reform and everyone paying tax according to their means, as a 15% unavoidable flat PAYG/PAYE flat tax. And offset by the repeal of the GST, fuel excise, payroll tax, stamp duties and several other regressive tax measures.

Which in the first instance, will quite massively increase revenue as well as, severely curtail avoidance and make such avoidance cost much more than it saves! Pensions and benefits can be adjusted to take care of the genuinely needy!

Couple that to massively increased regional autonomy and direct funding models that completely circumvent fee charging centralising collating middle management bureaucracies. Thus considerably reducing costs while improving outcomes!

Given every western style economy is supported solely by energy and capital! These two must be decoupled from mindless corporative privatization to #1/ reduce costs and #2/ resuscitate robust and competitive manufacture #3/ all while massively reducing the cost of living and or doing business.

Decoupling might not be a return to public ownership, but rather the (government funded and facilitated) cooperative capitalism model, to ensure maximised competition, the lowest possible prices and that the income earned stays here in our economy working in it until completely exhausted!

The economy must be made to serve us all rather than a progressively shrinking cohort of self serving privilege!

The politics of envy indeed! Bah humbug!

The only politics on display here Sir are the politics of diabolically dumb divisive, divide and rule division and or, worse!?

The only way forward is to grow the economy and quite massively! And none of it inherent in this highly contentious, patently partisan comment!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 7 August 2017 10:34:20 AM
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the thing that makes me puke is the way many in the Labour party and overpaid abc journalist have got rich themselves and then bang on about the poor. You would think it shameful for them to bring up class warfare. They are equivalent to Gore banging on about high emissions.
Posted by runner, Monday, 7 August 2017 11:08:45 AM
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Gary Johns is really deluded if he thinks Australia will survive at the hands of "young adults". These people are already wrecking the country with their contempt for our history and values. It is these types that the government is 'cringing' to.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 7 August 2017 11:11:29 AM
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Abbott is still pushing his religious agenda. He was the rat that said religion would not sway his politics. Did he ever speak a word of truth. Why can they not make a decision with out religion coming into it.
Turnbull should cut the rot and call an election now.
Posted by doog, Monday, 7 August 2017 11:25:06 AM
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The three, Labor, Greens and LNP, seem to be doing their level best to encourage pensioners and others on fixed incomes, including most self-funded retirees, to revolt against the political classes as represented by those political parties. They are arrogantly, stupidly, denying the possibility of older people becoming swinging voters. There are big numbers. They don't have to be organised and most prefer not to sign up to a party, but they can still vote as blocs and it will happen.

While other countries are valuing their older citizens and seeking to keep them involved in life and extending their interests, Australian politicians earn notoriety by driving political wedges between the 'old' and the rest.

Incredible but true, ill-directed, ignorant 'think tanks' start with the presumption that 'seniors'(sic) are 'GREEDY' to expect to continue living in the home that they worked so hard for, where they raised their family and have their precious memories and is familiar along with the local environment, familiar to them. All so some Asian billionaire can make a killing out of retirement villages and high rise apartments for the very well off.

Here is the rhetoric. What about Australian politicians live up to it?

"Positive ageing has been defined by the Office of an Ageing Australia as ‘an individual, community, public and private sector approach to ageing that aims to maintain and improve the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of older people. It extends beyond the health and community service sectors, as the wellbeing of older people is affected by many different factors including socio-economic status, family and broader social interactions, employment, housing and transport. Social attitudes and perceptions of ageing can also strongly influence the wellbeing of older people, whether through direct discrimination or through negative attitudes and images.’"
Posted by leoj, Monday, 7 August 2017 11:54:51 AM
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Birthday parties and weddings are great places to alter your mind with free booze to the extent that everything and everyone seems wonderful. Reality kicks back in the next day, though.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 7 August 2017 12:40:50 PM
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