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Ten ideas mean the Maroon state can be a winner always : Comments
By Graham Young, published 21/7/2017We don’t seem to have noticed that when it comes to the state of the nation, the Blues (and Victoria) are all over us.
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Posted by Alan B., Friday, 21 July 2017 11:50:27 AM
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What went wrong with Queensland..... easy... 12 years of Labor, followed by Ann2.
Labor Governments who must bend over backwards for The Greens , whose support they need in every Election. Trump is right.Our swamp is living space for The Greens , Labor AND the LNP ! Posted by Aspley, Friday, 21 July 2017 3:10:37 PM
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Great article with some clear ideas.
I particularly support new coal fired power stations for Queensland, that is, at least two of them: - one in northern inland Queensland - one in south central. These new power stations could sell power to: - expanding Queensland rural, manufacturing and city uses, and - at high prices to southern state peak users. Its telling that it took the thick skin of Joh's regime to kick off a large number of successful infrastructure projects, projects that would be enviro-stuffed (coined here first) today. Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 23 July 2017 3:06:24 PM
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Coal fired power stations need to be located near reliable water/decent body of thermal coal! Limiting the available sites.
A coal fired power station can take around five years to build and somewhere north of 2.5 billion. Kirk Sorensen, claims he could build a thorium power power plant for one billion. Walk away safe thorium, doesn't need to be located near water, given the cooling medium is also salt. Thorium still needs to be dug up and processed to remove and put back unwanted topsoil. I've read one writer who claims that a handful of Mumbai beach sand contains enough, on average, thorium to power India for a year!? Understandable, given thorium is the most energy dense material on the planet. If we can't mine and process coal? We can still mine and process thorium, lithium, cobalt and graphine. Moreover, mass produced, factory built thorium reactors, could be built here and shipped wherever, with enough processed pure thorium to power them for 100 years. I'd build the factory in Townsville! Even though it will support a nuclear reaction, thorium is inherently safe, given it in its native state is less radioactive than a banana. Simply put, for the capital requirement of a grid dependent coal fired power station. We could roll out 2.5-3 thorium powered power stations anywhere!? Type in, the case for thorium, into your search engine, then scroll down the page to a free downloadable PDF, which includes a colour coded schematic for a 230 MW molten salt reactor. And use a couple to rekindle rural industries, with affordable power! The only missing element! And just not doable with now foreign owned coal and or privatized power! Doing what you've always done, while expecting a different result, is a recipe for madness! And given the ever rising price of coal fired power in this state, promising more of them, is almost certain to cost the party advocating this new madness, the next election? Farmers are through being treated as cash cows for indolent pollies or their well heeled (foreign) mates! Even a worm will turn! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 23 July 2017 8:00:23 PM
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The Townsville nickle refinery could be refurbished and reopened if only we were smart enough to provide cheap enough power!
Currently many of Australia's energy dependent manufacturing, is being forced offshore by prohibitive COAL FIRED power prices! And because they're the unvarnished facts, more of the same not part of the remedy, just a recipe for madness. Furthermore, we could have a flourishing new age electric auto industry, if industrial power was still affordable, like say, cheaper than coal thorium. Couple 3 cents KPH to a cooperative manufacturing model and we can outperform anyone! ANYONE! Cooperative capitalism serves us, not debt laden foreign speculators wanting our resources and government loans etc/etc to get them started, maybe. Proof of the pudding, in this private enterprise, free market model, is as close as Maleny! And we all but own that nickle refinery or would if we called in the money loaned to keep it running! Co-ops were almost alone as the only private enterprise, free market model, that survived the Great Depression, largely intact. Moreover, they almost alone allow our money to stay almost entirely in our local economy, with every dollar doing the work of 10 or more. So why not set up an employee co-op to own and run a government walk away safe thorium power station? And their are areas where fully informed Australians would likely want to chance their arms as co-investors and share holding employees. It'd be very wise very strategic long term government facilitated and guaranteed investment that repaid handsomely, every which way! Yes I know, the union movement will go into meltdown at the prospect of a metals and mining industry that doesn't involve them, or their piece of unearned pie! And sure to get short shrift if trying on the usual socialist sabotage! Moreover, energy that cheap coupled to space age desalination will virtually drought proof the state and potentially turn very marginal land into the most productive! J. B. Petersen would just do it! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 24 July 2017 10:40:34 AM
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Queensland being an intellectual Utopia second to none
Certainly groundbreaking high-tech, initially high development cost, ventures like throrium nuclear reactors should be staffed by happy go lucky co-op volunteers or kids after school, maybe with crack units of LGBTQIAs on crack or even by talented native animals Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 24 July 2017 11:57:01 AM
And earn considerable revenue very safely, reprocessing other nations problematic waste and over and over, until the half life is just round 300 years.
The last time I looked we were still a sovereign state and able to decide what we took from our ground and what use we put it to!
And allow any prospect of mining the reef for it's possible energy products, to be put on permanent hold!
Thorium is abundant and everywhere. With its use for energy provision only prevented by downright dumb coal advocates with their heads buried somewhere warm and comfortable!?
Even so, if thorium is not doable along with the massive economic boost it would give the pioneering economies! Then we should at least go for very large scale solar thermal, with base load capability!
Base load capability being bestowed by the same fluoride/lithium/thorium salt used in, walk away safe, molten salt, thorium reactors?
See thorium in four minutes and or, Super Fuel, subtitled, green energy.
Selling cheap electrical energy to the southern states so they can outperform/compete with us for manufacturing precincts, may deliver some nebulous short term benefit?
But retaining it here and using it and taxation relief, to create Queensland as the premier manufacturing state of Australia! And nearer to most of our international market than the referred to southern states. Has more incomparable and growing benefits.
We are better than them and we can demonstrate that in the commercial energy dependent fields as well!
Energy that retails with significant profit, at just 3 KPH or less, all we need to get it started, then stand aside as the rush to join gets going!
Along with a massive improvement in revenue and snow balling entrepreneurial opportunities!
Social democrat at heart, [his words not mine,] J B Petersen would just do it!
Alan B.