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James Comey's testimony : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 13/6/2017Life may be a stage, but Trumpland is a flickering pantomime, destroying any pretence of virtue in politics. There are only positions, opponents, and resolutions.
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Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 11:21:58 AM
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Trump and accountability, in the finest democracy money can buy? hahahahahahahahhhahahahhahaaaaahhhaqhahahahaqhahhaa choke, gasp!
More revealing "Sessions" to come? Hahahahahahahahahahehehehehehohohohoho choke, gasp, ROF, what are we trying to save? Representative, by the people, for the people, of the people, democracy? LOL Stop it, oh my aching ribs! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 June 2017 11:56:40 AM
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This from a former CIA Intelligence Officer-
"James Comey admits to taking official government documents home and then giving them to the NY Times; he directly contradicts his 3 May 2017, under-oath testimony; he publicly conspires with that stooge of a Special Counsel Robert Mueller to stage-manage his testimony; he refused to tell Americans that their president was not colluding with the Russians; he coordinated his public language with Attorney General Lynch to please Clinton, protect that criminal, and fix the 2016 election; and, just after the hearing, is reported to have been offered a $10 million advance/payoff from a New York publisher for a book on Trump. The Senate committee, almost to a man and woman, tried to aid Comey’s lie-filled, anti-republic testimony against Trump. Only Senators Risch, Cornyn, and Rubio did the enormously easy job of demonstrating that Comey is nothing but a lying, two-bit Clinton-whore. A good high-school debater would have had no problem doing the same." It's going to get interesting me thinks As to the mythical Russian election hacking, well it's interesting the 17 US intelligence agencies have yet to provide one iota of evidence of this supposed activity. Got to make you wonder! Posted by Geoff of Perth, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 12:22:14 PM
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Hi Geoff,
Yeah ! The President is the President, he can do whatever he likes, that's what he got elected to do. He can shag as many Russian prostitutes as he likes, and get pissed on by them to his heart's content. Whatever he says is, by definition, true, nobody can say otherwise. Wait and see, Trumpf is playing a very long, very cunning game, he'll surprise everybody yet. That brilliant act of being a bully, buffoon and total incompetent, is meant to draw out who are his genuine supporters, and who isn't. Sucking up to China, after insulting them up hill and down dale ? That's just to keep them guessing. Deviously brilliant ! Anyway the world needed a good shake-up. Watch, he'll come out on top. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 2:23:47 PM
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I trying to guard against jealousy. I mean we have Turnbull or Shorten. Americans have shown themselves to be far smarter than Aussies. Just look at last nights Q&A panel.
btw have all those dummy spitting actors/actress's moved to Canada now that Trump is President? I thought not! Posted by runner, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 3:17:39 PM
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Binoy it really is time, if you wish to have any credibility left, for you shut your mouth, & stop proving you are a hate filled fool.
Do you really think all these "trumped" up claims against Trump are convincing anyone. We all now realise just how hate filled you lefties really are, & know that we can not believe a single thing of your claims. If you have even half a brain, this will be your last bit of stupidity, as you will realise this rubbish is all counter productive. This garbage is convincing Trump supporters that they were right in voting as they did. From what I hear, they are gathering friends along the way. Perhaps you should go read the old one about the boy crying wolf, & realise you, & your mates, fit the profile perfectly. Wake up to yourself, do some serious evaluation of the anti Trump rhetoric, & only repeat that which is provable, otherwise you are proving yourself a fool. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 3:42:24 PM
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The first thing anyone appointed to an office of authority should do is fire anyone who calls him a liar. I certainly would prefer the Oval Office to be used by the President to fire people who hate the President than to have it used by a President to do funny things with cigars to a young girl's private parts and then address a nation to say :- "I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman" Posted by Old Man, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 5:15:48 PM
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Hi Old Man,
Yeah ! And a President should bde allowed to grab any woman by the pussy - they love it anyway - and fvvuhttcnhk them any time he wants to. After all, he's President. Presidents should have absolute power, like sultans or kings. I wonder what Trump does with a cigar, since he doesn't smoke them ? Maybe that's why Melania is so grumpy with him, she's sick and tired of those bloody cigars ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 5:27:19 PM
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She's annoyed he made her pay a fair share for cigars , put a wall around them and hacked her tweets.
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 5:34:07 PM
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In the meantime, not a skerrick of evidence that Trump or any of his team colluded with the Russian to interfere with the election. Not a skerrick of evidence that Trump or his team did or is doing anything to help the Russians.
But the press, the advertising arm of the left, will continue in their futile efforts to overturn the election results. Meanwhile in the real world: the stock market up, ISIS all but defeated in Iraq, an Arab alliance being formed to oppose Iran, US jobs up, US energy exports up, illegal latino immigration more than halved, US coal production ramping up, China forced to try to bring its Korean lapdog into line, Paris agreement gutted, SCOTUS now firmly in the hands of the literalists, free-loading nations now agreeing to increase military spending, pipelines approved, regulatory burdens reduced, sanctuary cities retreating, and much more in the pipeline. Those buying the MSM spin about Trump will look back in a year or three and wonder what happened and why things didn't turn out the way they thought. The same people who bought the spin before the election about how Hillary was a certainty continue to buy the spin. You'd think they'd learn, but alas not. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 5:45:05 PM
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"Those buying the MSM spin about Trump will look back in a year or three and wonder what happened and why things didn't turn out the way they thought."
hmm, might put that on the frig door and get back to you 3 years.. Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 6:02:30 PM
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Hi Mhaze,
That's right, so any time he likes he'll release his tax returns, showing not a skerrick of involvement with any Russian money laundering scheme. Just because Sessions and Flynn have links, doesn't mean that trump has. Just because he kept asking Comey if he was in the clear, doesn't mean that he's got anything to hide. Nothing at all. Let's wait and see. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 6:03:43 PM
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Trump's screwed now.
It looks like he's committed an impeachable offence by attempting to pervert the course of justice, and by accusing Comey of perjury, he may have finally uttered a lie he cannot escape, given that he must now either prove it or surrender his credibility. This is beautiful to watch. Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 6:21:10 PM
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Dear mhaze,
Lol. Fox news is now the advertising arm of the left? You have got to be joking. Look, you are supporting a foreign leader who is a sexist, misogynistic, lying, corrupting buffoon of a man because somehow he speaks to your ideology? What does that say about it? And the idea that there is not a 'shred of evidence about Russian collusion. My goodness, did you even watch the testimony? Comey repeatedly said he could not speak directly to the allegations in an open session because they may impact current investigations. Time you pull your head out of your proverbial and realise you need to cut this guy loose right now. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 7:42:27 PM
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"Fox news is now the advertising arm of the left?...You have got to be joking."
Well if I said such a thing I would have been joking. ".. you are supporting a foreign leader who is a sexist, misogynistic, lying, corrupting buffoon.." Actually I'm supporting a man whose policies are better, vastly better, than the alternative. You remember policies? They are considered to be rather important in some circles. So SR, your 'evidence' that there was collusion is that someone said there is indeterminate evidence that they can't talk about. Oh well, if you want to be convinced then anything will do. Based upon this level of proof I could probably prove to you that little green men inhabit the dark side of the moon. There have been unprecedented leaks against Trump from the deep state since 10 November last. Not a single one has shown anything untoward against Trump. If there was other data that was conclusive, do you really think it wouldn't have already been leaked? After all, Comey, who was supposed to be in charge of tracking down the leakers has admitted to being one himself. If there was a there there, it would have already been given to the Democrats or the MSM (but I repeat myself). Try this thought process for a moment. Let's say Trump is in Putin's pocket. What has Trump done in the past 6 months that would indicate that he is trying to repay this purported Putin debt? Nothing. In fact, the opposite. Obama and Iran on the other hand.... Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 2:15:59 PM
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AJ 16/10/16...
"It has indeed been a beautiful thing to see Trump’s campaign implode and his polling take an irreversible dive." Either the irreversible reversed or the dive wasn't really. Either way the " beautiful thing" turned out very differently to AJ's fantasies. AJ yesterday: " "This [Trump's supposed impeachment] is beautiful to watch." AJ sees lots of beautiful things that actually don't exist. But he's not alone in this little group. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 3:50:26 PM
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I didn't say Trump's impeachment was in the process. You need to be a bit more careful with your quoting. I think he'll end up resigning before he's impeached. But you keep supporting an immature narcissist who needs to be managed like a child while playing president, won't you? It says a lot about your credibility. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 4:03:59 PM
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"I didn't say Trump's impeachment was in the process. "
"Trump's screwed now.It looks like he's committed an impeachable offence..." A distinction without a difference. But you should keep looking for those non-existent "beautiful things" because fantasy-land is much more pleasant than the real world. And you're never wrong in fantasy-land. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 5:28:28 PM
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If Trump does nothing else he has certainly brought to light the obvious fact that the tantrum throwing left just can't accept democracy. Of course his two fingers to Paris was so sweet.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 5:31:57 PM
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Just because I say that Trump is screwed and note that he has committed an impeachable offence, that in no way implies that I am under the illusion that an impeachment process is already underway. That was an assumption you inserted into what I had said to make it look like I see things that aren’t there. That’s dishonest, and as we've established once before (, you are dishonest. Posted by AJ Philips, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 6:23:49 PM
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Oh Dear...
Why exactly do we post on this forum? Why do we do it if nobody listens anyway? Why are people so trapped in their belief systems that you could line up a queue of people to slap sense into them and still it would not make any difference? A few here think the truth is irrelevant and they just would just continue to believe whatever it is they believe safe in their comfort zone no matter what evidence was presented. 'Are people proud to post when all they are doing is advertising to the world their close minded belief systems and that they are uninformed ninnies?' Lets ask some basic questions. Can anyone explain why everyone was so against Trump and non accepting of democracy for so long? The real reasons, do any of you even know the real reasons? You all act like you know 'something' but what exactly do any of you know? I'm betting next to nothing. Now here's my problem, I could tell you the answers but still no one would listen. So I'll make this fun. I'll give you a link to the answers, and those who don't want to be informed and would rather be mindless jellyfish are going to be reminded everytime I have to read their uninformed crap. That's fair isn't it? You want to know who the 'Deep State' are? You want to know what's really going on? Well you'll have to watch to find out. If you'd rather be stupid muppets that think you know something when you don't know squat then don't bother watching it. Obviously you're one of the people who already thinks they know everything, and you should continue with the 'useful idiot' approach. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 10:18:37 PM
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Binoy displays his pathetic, customary antipathy for Trump, but has toned down his nonsense and even shown a loose connection to the truth, in this article.
Slightly less abysmal than your previous efforts on this topic, Binoy. The nonsense is still there, as demonstrated by this extract from the article: “but Trumpland is a flickering pantomime, destroying any pretence of virtue in politics. There are only positions, opponents, and resolutions through bullying force” Who does Binoy think would be fooled by such a baseless utterance? He does not mention Comey”s temerity in his laughable assertion that he prepared notes of the conversation about which he expected Trump to lie. It is obvious that he prepared notes to support the lies he will tell. I laugh when I think of the cross examination that Comey has invited, and Binoy’s disappointment when it is carried out.. Others disappointed, I am pleased to say, will be the Rectophobe (A.J.Phillips), and the delusional Rusty Reflux. Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 15 June 2017 12:58:10 AM
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Bjelke-Petersen had problems with separation of powers and sacked a teacher for having wrong opinions. Judges from the swamp are helping Donald with migration law.
In the election , voters were promised that Mexico will pay for a wall and now US pays fora fence. He would fit in with Oz pollies. Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 15 June 2017 6:37:14 AM
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AJ wrote:
"Just because I say that Trump is screwed and note that he has committed an impeachable offence, that in no way implies that I am under the illusion that an impeachment process is already underway." And I didn't say that you'd said that. Asserting that I'd said or implied that was just something you made up in order to assert that I made it up.So to be clear, when you said that I said that you said impeachment was in process, you made it up because I never said what you said I said. :) But this is all by the way of you trying to deflect from my original observation that you tend to be easily led down the garden path, seeing "beautiful things" that you hope are there rather than see what's actually there. Specifically here, when you hope that "It looks like he's committed an impeachable offence " that is indeed one of those false "things" since no impeachable offence has occurred, even if you totally accept Comey's version, which you seem to as part of the search for "beautiful things". As to our previous discussions on traditional marriage, it shows impressive chutzpah to assert that your mere assertions are the equivalent of having established as fact my claimed dishonesty. The problem for you in that instance was that you based your refutation of my position upon data which you later had to admit to be wrong but didn't seem to understand that that then made the initial refutation invalid. A similar thing happened in regards to education and what you claimed to Finland's preeminence in that field. As a matter of logic, if the data you use to make a claim or refute a claim is shown to be invalid then those claims or refutations are equally invalid. The problem many people seem to have is that they reach a conclusion and then seek supporting data. In such cases the accuracy or otherwise of the data is immaterial to the conclusion. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 15 June 2017 2:09:22 PM
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So what was it that I was seeing which wasn’t really there, mhaze?
<<… when you said that I said that you said impeachment was in process, you made it up because I never said what you said I said.>> You said (trying to quote me): “"This [Trump's supposed impeachment] is beautiful to watch."” Immediately following it up with: “AJ sees lots of beautiful things that actually don't exist.” Again, you inserted the belief that Trump’s impeachment had begun, into what I had said, to make it look like I’m delusional. You lied, and you need to take ownership of that. Apparently, I think a lot of things are “beautiful”, too. You exaggerate slander others. <<But this is all by the way of you trying to deflect from my original observation that you tend to be easily led down the garden path …>> No, there is nothing I need to deflect from. You are yet to provide an example of me being “led down the garden path”. You tried that one on before and we all know how that turned out, don’t we? <<"It looks like he's committed an impeachable offence " that is indeed one of those false "things" since no impeachable offence has occurred, even if you totally accept Comey's version, which you seem to as part of the search for "beautiful things".>> Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offence. Not even Nixon attempted that one during the Watergate investigation. <<As to our previous discussions on traditional marriage, it shows impressive chutzpah to assert that your mere assertions are the equivalent of having established as fact my claimed dishonesty.>> Oh, you were dishonest alright. Remember? You deliberately added things, which weren’t even said, into a past discussion of ours to make me appear foolish: You were dishonest. <<The problem for you in that instance was that you based your refutation of my position upon data which you later had to admit to be wrong ....>> One relatively minor detail was incorrect. The point was otherwise still valid. You have a real difficulty with the truth, don’t you? Posted by AJ Philips, Thursday, 15 June 2017 3:40:36 PM
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While not a fan of Trump, I do love the wild hysteria that he generates in the left whingers and the resulting fantastical hyperbole. Trump may be unethical, and even guilty of some of what he is accused, but the gap between perceived and proven guilt is a yawning chasm here.
The problem with this wild enthusiasm to get Trump is that it is indeed trumped up. For example, the main requirement for the charge of "obstruction of justice" is that the prosecution would have to actually show that justice was obstructed. Considering that after Trump's conversation with Comey, (which Comey toono change occurred to any investigation would mean that the validity of the accusation crumbles at the first hurdle. The same argument applies to his firing of Comey, as not only did nothing change, but a prosecutor would have to show that the intent behind Comey's firing was primarily to stop the investigation, which presently is pure conjecture in the absence of actual evidence. Of course the final hurdles would be the requirements to get both a majority in Congress and super majority in the senate (>60%) to agree to impeach, and with republican majority in both houses this is a fantasy. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 15 June 2017 6:26:46 PM
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"the wild hysteria that he generates in the left whingers"
Yes agree . Also a bit of mild anxiety in our Malcolm , NATO leaders, White House staffers , his wife , Hillary , Mexico , Beijing , Congress , polar bears , Amerindians , Muslims and stock markets. Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 15 June 2017 7:02:10 PM
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The delusional Reflux says:” you are supporting a foreign leader who is a sexist, misogynistic, lying, corrupting buffoon of a man because somehow he speaks to your ideology
How about he is supporting a U S President who is not a racist, anti-American, climate fraud supporting black dunce, and is the reason the black dunce was not followed into office by the criminal Clinton. Reflux suffers a delusional state which precludes any perception of the truth, or reason. He is not alone. One State leader in the U S says she is drafting articles of impeachment The old evidence of an attitude to women in a different era is not evidence of Trump's current attitude,. Comey has only shown himself to be a liar, not Trump, but Reflux would not notice that. Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 15 June 2017 11:25:55 PM
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Dear Leo Lane,
How are we you old reprobate? Still flogging your deceased nag? You wrote; “Reflux suffers a delusional state which precludes any perception of the truth, or reason.” This from a climate denier? Lol. Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 16 June 2017 12:13:11 AM
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Malcolm's testimony is in his secret video clip now exposed as a crude cyber send-up of Australia's great ally in the war on everybody.
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 16 June 2017 8:41:25 AM
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" added things, make me appear foolish"
Anyone who'll brazenly assert that they accept (after some time) that the nuclear family has been the bedrock of western society for over a millennium but only came to the fore in Australia in the 1940s doesn't need my help to make them look foolish. As I said on this issue earlier, I really do try to allow people to back out their errors with a modicum of self-respect and therefore won't tease you on this debacle any longer. Now about Trump's irreversible decline in polls.... :) Posted by mhaze, Friday, 16 June 2017 9:07:39 AM
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Trump's polls are through the roof and money is pouring in.
Foreign Exchange Reserves in Mexico 176749 USD Million in April 2017 The super-max Mex millions are in the post . China's foreign exchange reserves USD 3.054 trillion in May 2017 Chinese billions of tariff take-aways are great , Great , GREAT . Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 16 June 2017 9:28:41 AM
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At no point did I assert either of those, mhaze.
<<Anyone who'll brazenly assert that they accept (after some time) that the nuclear family has been the bedrock of western society for over a millennium but only came to the fore in Australia in the 1940s doesn't need my help to make them look foolish. >> Nor did anything I did take “some time”. You tried that one last time too. Remember? You’re being dishonest again, mhaze. <<As I said on this issue earlier, I really do try to allow people to back out their errors with a modicum of self-respect and therefore won't tease you on this debacle any longer.>> By all means, keep “teasing”. You’re only digging yourself in deeper. You think people can’t click on links? I think it’s high time you started providing some links and quotes. Fat chance of that happening, eh? <<Now about Trump's irreversible decline in polls....>> Yes, let’s talk about that, shall we? Trump suffered a decline in polling because of his bragging about committing sexual assault. The prediction was reasonable at the time. I don’t know of any presidential candidate or politician who could recover from being caught out bragging about committing sexual assault. I will never be embarrassed for giving people too much credit. Obviously it was misplaced, in that instance. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 16 June 2017 4:23:01 PM
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The delusional Reflux has raised his head in a failed meretricious attempt to present himself as a normal human being instead of the lying climate fraud promoter that he has clearly shown himself to be.
He is yet to answer my query about the lie which he posted, because he had no science to back his baseless assertions. He has no science to deny, but has the gall to refer to me by the scurrilous and baseless term, “denier” This is the post after my question caused the delusional one to disappear: . This is a copy of my comment after which he disappeared last time, about a year ago: :”Reflux made the baseless assertion that Robert Carter’s science, which nullified the science put forward by Reflux, consisted of “proven falsehoods”. Reflux has been asked how and by whom these alleged falsehoods were “proven” . Reflux has not replied, which is typical of his mode of handling a situation, where he has cornered himself with his dishonesty. Rodent-like, he will disappear into the crevices.. Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 4 May 2016 6:02:47 PM” How about an answer to my simple question, Reflux? How and by whom was Robert Carter’s impeccable science shown to consist of” falsehoods”. Pretend you are a reasonable human being, and give response, before heading for your rat-hole again. Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 16 June 2017 11:56:50 PM
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Those posting about an anticipated impeachment of Trump have baseless anticipations.
Comey not only didn’t prove Trump lied about anything but Comey lied himself under oath. “Comey testified that he had a friend leak his personal notes to the New York Times that implied that Trump had pressured him to drop an investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Leaking this information was almost certainly a crime, but the reason Comey gave is a flat out lie.” Posted by Leo Lane, Sunday, 18 June 2017 9:41:04 AM
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Maybe everybody has got Trump all wrong. He may be easily the most uneducated President in US history, and at the same time the richest; he may want to sack Mueller and Rosenstein on a whim, that doesn't mean he's got anything to hide. That's his right as President.
Give him a break: sure, he comes across as the sort of bloke you try to avoid in the front bar, he perves on his own daughter ("Nice piece of arse ? If she wasn't my daughter, I'd do her.") But that's all in fun, he's a blokey sort of bloke. Just wait until he settles down and really starts surprising everybody. Sure he keeps people guessing: he sells huge amounts of arms to the Saudis, then sells quite a bit to Qatar as well - that just shows he's even-handed, no favourites. Let's just wait and see. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 19 June 2017 6:08:11 PM
What isn't irrelevant is the traitorous behaviour of the losing team of Democrats.
If I were Trump, I'd start locking them away for a year and a day, (and not under the bong tree), obviously Hillary and her sad sack band of losers, have OD'd on bongs for too long!
Democrats need to accustom themselves to being the member of the "big bad losers" team.
I enjoy this author, except for his support of slipping moments of lost reality, like this subject matter!