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So who’s singing Australia’s song? : Comments

By Gary Johns, published 9/3/2017

How about one of the 500 or so Australians of Muslim background who have left Australia, or attempted to leave, to fight with Islamic State?

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In other words, the author wants to force people to:

* Touch (shake hands) each other against their will.
* Participate in brain-wash programs that demean their religion (or in any other program for that matter).
* Sing and be joyous when they don't want to sing and be joyous.
* Speak and sing words that they do not agree with.

The author wants to restrict entry to this continent only to those who share the values and IDENTITY of his own tribe.

Once Muslims become near-majority here and want to impose their Shariah laws here, then I'll start to worry about them - till then I shall worry more about the author's own Shariah-equivalent predatory behaviour.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 9 March 2017 12:48:04 PM
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WTH was that.
An incoherent, bigoted rant about the evils of muslims. I think.

I want to know what these so called "Australian values" you lowlifes subscribe to? I bet they are not my values. Does that mean I have to leave.
Or are you just an irrelevant, neanderthal, racist who we all should shun and ignore?
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 9 March 2017 1:56:21 PM
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The Afghan camel drivers – it has been speculated that they were really from Northern India – were a far different bunch from any johnny-come-lately Muslims in Australia. Yassmin Abdel-Magied , for instance, the loud-mouth Carmen Miranda look alike 25 year old who knows nothing about everything, including Islam. I doubt that many 'real Australians' actually welcome 21st Century Muslims to Australia. 23% (Lefty boofheads) sounds about right.

Is Pauline Hanson's call for a ban on all Muslim immigration “ too illiberal for a liberal democracy”, as the author maintains? I do not think so – if we intend on keeping our liberal democracy, that is. As then Senator John Stone said when all this rubbish started, Muslim immigration was a big mistake;and, he has been proved correct. There is no way known that immigrants can be screened for 'values'.

Perhaps not those of us living now, but our descendants, will rue the day that we allowed stupid politicians to sanction Muslim immigration.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 March 2017 2:05:39 PM
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Well there is a basket of cherry picked negatives. And no doubt true in their own context. But one thing I'll guarantee, Muslims will not support running up the rainbow flag in the school playground. That's a positive!

Neither will they be supporting safe schools programs promoting the homosexual rampage through our society, which is contributing to confused children and an alarming increase in youth suicide!

Na, I think Muslims are the salt this society is over due for!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 9 March 2017 2:40:42 PM
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How about the hundreds of thousands who are just like us and behave just like us, shake hands cordially, show civility and fight/die beside us when we are at war with ours and their common enemy!

While some of what you say Gary, could be true? It cannot be made to apply to every Muslim, (your goal?) the overwhelming majority simply have to qualify as model citizens.

And likely more Australian in the truest sense, than the, I believe, highly divisive unhelpful, self centred, self serving Author?

Turn the same spotlight on some errant Jews and all this is little more than extreme right wing psychobabble, no longer appropriate in a non Nazi world, Gary! Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 9 March 2017 2:41:13 PM
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Re the schools, some of you may be in an area or watch the censored
news, but the new headmaster of Punchbowl was threatened by two men
that they will "Get him !".
He did not report it to the police. Big mistake.
Now that the Police liaison has access to the school perhaps they can take it up.

To those who think "we" are right wing bigots etc about moslems I ask
just this question; I wonder why ?

If you do not know the answer then you are either a moslem or stupid.
Or perhaps your parents are cousins.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 9 March 2017 2:50:38 PM
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Yutsie: The author wants to restrict entry to this continent only to those who share the values and IDENTITY of his own tribe.

Why is that a problem Yutsie? Would you invite a pedophile to come & live & take care of your children in you home?

mikk: Or are you just an irrelevant, neanderthal, racist who we all should shun and ignore?

Islam is not a race, you silly Neanderthal.

mikk: I bet they are not my values. Does that mean I have to leave.

We all know where your loyalty lies mikk so it sounds like you have have answered your own question.

Alan B: the overwhelming majority simply have to qualify as model citizens.

For the time being, until they get to where the UK is at the moment, then turn on us.

Bazz: If you do not know the answer then you are either a moslem or stupid. Or perhaps your parents are cousins.

Posted by Jayb, Friday, 10 March 2017 12:48:41 AM
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Dear Jay,

«Yutsie: The author wants to restrict entry to this continent only to those who share the values and IDENTITY of his own tribe.

Why is that a problem Yutsie? Would you invite a pedophile to come & live & take care of your children in you home?»

1. Paedophilia is neither a value nor an identity, it's a disease.
2. You have a right to protect yourself from those who wish you and your family harm, but not from those who hold different values or have a different identity. Myself for example, I hold different values and no national identity, but I do not wish you and your family any harm.
3. I have not mentioned, nor recommend invitations, but some come anyway.
4. Whence this assumption that if someone does not share your tribe's values than their values must be inferior? They could simply be different or perhaps even superior than your tribe's values!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 10 March 2017 5:15:24 AM
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Yutsie: Myself for example, I hold different values and no national identity, but I do not wish you and your family any harm.

No, of course you don't. Your Religion is reasonably non-violent. Others aren't.

What happens when Islam takes over.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 10 March 2017 8:00:58 AM
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I like Gary Johns, he writes some good stuff. But he has written some absolute balderdash statements in this article.

If you think that national allegiance beats cultural, racial and religious allegiance, every time, John, you need your head examined. What holds every nation together as a unit are the shared values held in common by each member of that nation, which direct the population on what is right and wrong, and how to behave. Multicultural countries where riven by racial, cultural and religious divisions are unstable countries. Multicultural countries will always become more unstable when minority groups with totally different cultural values from the mainstream increase their numbers through birth rate differentials or immigration. Either the dominant group suppresses the rebel ethic, religious and cultural group, and enforces their majority cultural view as the law, or the country separates into two or more monocultural states.

That is as obvious as the nose on your face and is as immutable as the law of gravity.

Gary's next furphy is that it is not "liberal" for a liberal democracy to ban the importation of Muslims, even though the Muslims clearly written value system states it's intent to destroy liberal democracy through violence and install an authoritarian theocracy. Are you crazy John? I think you are taking Liberalism a bit too far when you want to import people who's written religious culture instructs it's followers to kill, maim, or convert you, and take your wife and daughters for sex slaves.

Gary said that only 23% of 48% of people in Australia have a positive attitude to Muslims. Gee willackers, Margaret. That means that only around 11% of the entire Australian population likes Muslims. If 89% of Australians think that Muslims are a problem, why the hell is our stupid government still importing them? Then they wonder why we are abandoning the Lib/Lab collusive position on immigration and are voting for Pauline.

And Yassmin Abdel-Magied is a Carman Miranda lookalike, ttbn? Hahahaha. Stop it, you are killing me.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 10 March 2017 11:15:07 AM
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So Who's singing Australia's song?

I don't think Mr Gary Johns is after reading his
article. Australian society values as far as I
know values respect for the freedom and dignity
of the individual regardless of race, religion or
ethnic background. There's a spirit of a "fair go"
that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play
and compassion - these are just some of the values
we are supposed to hold dear. Unfortunately Mr Jones
does not display any knowledge of these values in
his article.

Still I guess he'll find plenty kindred spirits who'll
share his point of view on this forum.

Onya mate!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 12 March 2017 5:43:08 PM
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Foxy: Australian society values as far as I know values respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual regardless of race, religion or ethnic background.

Yes it does & rightly so.

Foxy: There's a spirit of a "fair go" that embraces mutual respect,

Do the moslems population give Australians that mutual respect. Some may for the time being. A lot don't, as seen by the recent lot of marches & demonstrations, Crime waves by moslems in Sydney, Melbourne & Young.

The idea of Australians resistance of Islam is causing the problem is very Green/Lefty, Politically Correct Propaganda. Strange that the very people that support them will be the first to have their heads removed by them.

Australian Values don't get any deep respect from moslims.
Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 12 March 2017 7:17:17 PM
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Dear Jayb,

I am amazed that you're still speaking on behalf of all
Muslims. I wouldn't have the confidence to speak on
behalf of anyone I didn't really know. But then I'm not

Onya mate!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 13 March 2017 9:28:10 AM
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I am amazed that you're still speaking on behalf of all Muslims.

The 10 differences between all the moslims.

1. The ultra jihadi.
2. The Jihadi.
3. The Potential Jihadi.
4. The Wantabe Jihadi.
5. The would be if could be jihadi.
6. The "I'd like to be Jihadi.
7. The Provider for the Jihadi.
8. The Supporter for the Jihadi.
9. The silent Supporter for the Jihadi.
10.The I see nothing Jihadi.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 13 March 2017 10:52:02 AM
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Dear Jayb,

You funny.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 13 March 2017 11:57:58 AM
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Dear Jayb,

Nice: melons can be split along various dimensions and what you described is one.

Here is another orthogonal dimension to split the Muslims along:

1. Internal Jihadi.
2. External Jihadi.

Internal Jihadis understand the enemy to be their mind's own daemons and flaws of character. External Jihadis consider other people who do not share their beliefs as their enemies.

Which of these do you fear more, I wonder: the external Jihadists who shoot and plant bombs; or the internal Jihadists who by their personal example challenge the aimless and decadent lifestyle of the West?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 13 March 2017 12:59:40 PM
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Foxy: You funny.

I know, but it would be if it wasn’t so true unfortunately.

Yutsie: 1. Internal Jihadi. 2. External Jihadi.

1. Internal Jihadi. Waiting for the opportunity to go Jihad
2. External Jihad. Using the opportunity to go Jihad.
Thanks for that Yutsie. Good one mate.

Here’s something I found on Facebook. It’s on being offended. So true.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 13 March 2017 3:59:05 PM
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Foxy claims that Australia n values are a fair go, respect, tolerance, and fair play and compassion. She then projects that this must apply to every race, ethnicity and religion.

Well, Foxy, we have given Muslims a fair go, and all we have got in return is an incarceration rate three times higher than the general population. We have terrorism in Australia now which does not apply to any other religion. Punchbowl High is Australia's most Muslim public high school, and it is also the most "troublesome", with even the new principle being threatened by death threats. Yesterdays newspaper even published the shocking news that even Punchbowl Primary School is considered a dangerous post for teachers, some of whom have either resigned or are on stress leave.

If a religion has holy scriptures that demand it's adherents kill, maim, and humiliate you, take female non Muslims as sex slaves, and authorises the idea that little girls should reach puberty "in their husband's house instead of their father's house", then you would have to be completely stupid to extend "compassion, respect and tolerance" to them.

Don't drive through the Muslim suburb of Auburn in Sydney, Foxy, especially if you have blond hair. The local Muslim boys idling on welfare on the street will display their tolerance of you by screaming "whore!" at you.

Of course you can judge individuals by their group associations, Foxy. You can do it to Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen, Muslims, and any other group of people who's ideology and behaviour you find offensive. You can make exceptions to individuals that you know and trust from all of these groups, but in general you must consider them all of them hostile. If any of these groups ask for your tolerance and respect, they and their leaders renounce those aspects of their ideology that you find dangerous offensive. In addition they must unreservedly denounce those members within their own group who act in a threatening way to you and your group.

The last time the Grand Mufti explained why young Muslims were being radicalised, he blamed us, the victims.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 17 March 2017 3:29:15 AM
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