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The Forum > Article Comments > Coalition caught out misleading the nation over infrastructure investment > Comments

Coalition caught out misleading the nation over infrastructure investment : Comments

By Anthony Albanese, published 2/2/2017

It is an article of faith for propagandists that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

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A bit like Labor's 'Mediscare' propaganda, eh Albo? I have no more interest in in Turnbull's blah than I have in yours. I - probably we - are not listening to any of you any longer. You have all had the richard. You are no longer relevant. You are a gang of tired old hacks running out of our money to spend. Turnbull and your own peculiar little head of nonsense, Shorten, are yesterday's men, both interested only being PM. On ya bike, the lot of you!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 February 2017 8:21:46 AM
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TTFN - nailed it. Realise Mr Albanese that your smarmy photo and fake concern for the rest of Australia whilst paying yourself well over the odds, claiming disgusting amounts of expenses and pensions that are even more disgusting. Your day is done, go and do something useful ask millionair's Hawke or Keating if need a PA.What about Ms Gillard? What is she up to? We know she is sucking up millions making herself out as another humanitarium.
Here is an idea make all commonwealth and state pensions taxable. This would get a few bob in and would not affect the lower end because they do not get enough to tax. Whilst you are about it apply the assett provisions to said pensions AND make yourselves wait until you reach the pensionable age you have set for the rest of us.
I bet you are sorry you wrote this junk now?
Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 2 February 2017 8:52:58 AM
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Dear Mr Albanese,

Welcome to the Forum Sir.

Thank You for the information. You as a Minister
for Infrastructure know what you're talking about
and of course what you say makes sense. Roads,
transport, et cetera are vital as are jobs. It
would be great if this government would tell us
the truth be it regarding asylum seekers, pensions,
or what cuts are coming up next.

Thank You for the article.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 February 2017 9:03:18 AM
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Anthony Albanese talking down to people about honesty - pffffffffftt!

What a joke.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 2 February 2017 10:16:09 AM
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Very sorry to you, and for you Foxy....
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 2 February 2017 10:59:29 AM
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Gasp! Shock! Horror!

You mean pollies tell porkies just to get elected?

I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am with that earth shattering, groundbreaking, beyond belief news!

My world and my simple expectations now lie in ruins around my feet!

[About here your holier than thou halo sits now?]

One supposes it might have a little something to do with vastly reduced revenue?

And one supposes your lot have plans to remedy that with new taxes? A wealth tax or death duties perhaps?

I can assure you all us oldies are "just dying" to contribute our utmost to the latter! With Hasbeen bouncing along at the helm and leading the charge!? Eh Has?

And while on the subject, three blokes have arrived simultaneously at the pearly gates, only to find bored out of his brain, Peter having a very slow bad hair day!

While Nick down below is being rushed off his feet!

Anyhow, Peter decides to loosen up the rules just a little for probationists.

Accordingly he reduces the entry requirements and tells the three fellas, an Englishman, an Aussie and an Irishman, if they can answer a simple question, he'll let them in at the basement level.

So he enquired of the Englishman, where's Piccadilly? To which he replied, ah, let me see, the last time I looked, it was in London Good, replied Peter, in you go.

Turning to the Aussie he asked, where's Bondi? Coastal NSW? replied the head scratching Aussie. In you go, replied Peter, and good enough.

Turning to the Irishman he wondered, You're Irish aren't you Paddy? OK, I'll make easy peasy, how many L's are there in can, can?

Paddy furrowed his brow counted all his fingers and toes twice, thrice and ten times more as a thoroughly bemused Peter stood tapping a foot. Finally he finished his counting and replied, 144.

Now how in heaven's name did you figure that? asked a thoroughly bewildered Peter.

Easy, replied Paddy, proceeding to sing, La,la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la etc/etc to the music of Can, can.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 2 February 2017 11:28:58 AM
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